Just as President Trump refused to attend the globalist elites'party in Davos,so newly-crowned UK PM Boris Johnson has reportedly banned any of his ministers from attending the Swiss World Economic Forum snowfest next year(including himself).
正如特朗普总统拒绝参加达沃斯的全球主义精英派对一样,据报道,新上任的英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)也禁止他的部长们参加明年的瑞士世界经济论坛(Swiss World Economic Forum)雪节。
As The Daily Mail's Jason Groves reports,
"Boris Johnson has banned ministers from attending next month's Davos summit-the annual gathering of the global elite.
"鲍里斯•约翰逊(Boris Johnson)已禁止部长们出席下月举行的达沃斯峰会——全球精英的年度聚会。
Govt source:'Our focus is on delivering for the people,not champagne with billionaires'"
Most notably,Johnson is now branding his administration as"the people's government,"an image that might be undermined by the sight of him or his team brushing shoulders with the global elite at a Swiss ski resort.