

普京在发表威胁对西方发动核战争的讲话时,被四架俄罗斯飞机发现的变色不明飞行物“嗡嗡作响”Era of Light: Perhaps a message… Which we at Era of Light have been saying for years. Nuclear war will not be permitted.

光的时代: 也许是一个信息... ... 我们在光的时代已经说了很多年了。核战争是不允许的。

Pilots in multiple Russian planes reported a UFO buzzing Volgograd when Vladimir Putin visited the city on Thursday.


The extraordinary accounts say the unidentified object ‘changed colour and height’ in the sky.


A report by Telegram channel Aviatorschina said the UFO was seen and reported to the aviation authorities by the crews of four separate passenger planes.

中国航空电报频道的一份报告称,四架不同的客机的机组人员看到了 UFO,并向航空当局报告。

Putin had flown to Volgograd under close security to attend ceremonies linked to the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War.


The incidents came as the dictator hinted that the conflict in Ukraine could turn nuclear following the West’s moves to supply Kyiv with major supplies of tanks.


He said: ‘We don’t send our tanks to their borders but we have the means to respond, and it won’t end with the use of armoured vehicles, everyone must understand that.

他说: “我们不会把坦克送到他们的边境,但我们有办法做出反应,而且不会因为使用装甲车而结束,每个人都必须明白这一点。”。

‘A modern war with Russia will be completely different.’



S7 airlines flight S72046 from Sochi to Moscow reported a sighting of ‘an unidentified flying object’ over Volgograd, Russia, on 2 February 2023

2023年2月2日,从索契飞往莫斯科的 s7航空公司的 s72046航班报告说,在伏尔加格勒上空看到了“不明飞行物”

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年2月7日14:11:30
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