通过 GCR 恢复共和国|2022年5月5日星期四更新

2022年5月5日17:54:37大揭露通过 GCR 恢复共和国|2022年5月5日星期四更新已关闭评论515阅读模式

通过 GCR 恢复共和国|2022年5月5日星期四更新


"May the Fourth Be With You"


President Donald Trump

唐纳德 · 特朗普总统

On Wed. 4 May 2022 at 12:55 pm EST, the new Quantum Financial System
began syncing every bank and country's currency in the World to revalue into a Gold/Asset-backed System.


What Would Demons Do to Stay in Power? Well, anything.

魔鬼会怎么做才能继续掌权? 好吧,任何事情。

"Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work."


…George Soros

乔治 · 索罗斯

"Slow Down, Be Still"


April 24, 2022- #4832 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

2022424-# 4832 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

God could easily amaze us with loud, imposing demonstrations of His power, though most of the time He doesn't. Instead, He whispers – gently, quietly, softly.


Perhaps this is because He knows that in our chaotic World, what we need most from Him is peace and He doesn't want to force it upon us. He speaks to those who sincerely want to hear, who make the effort to hear.


And, it does take effort. It means striving to mute the noise in our lives, to clear the clutter from our minds and the pride from our hearts. It means seeking sacred moments alone with the Lord.


Simply stated, if we slow down and be still, we will know that He is God.


Judy Note: It was the final hours. The Global Currency Reset was unfolding across the Globe, and Military assets have been positioned around the world awaiting a go signal.


De-NaZification Special Forces from more than 17 countries have been cleaning up the tunnel systems. These brave Super Soldiers were the Pedo Nazi Hunters and the Ukrainian Nazis had been planning murders of Russians living in Germany and working with certain German Nazis to do it.

来自超过17个国家的反纳粹特种部队正在清理隧道系统。这些勇敢的超级战士是 Pedo 纳粹猎人和乌克兰纳粹一直在计划谋杀生活在德国的俄罗斯人并与某些德国纳粹合作。

Now in the final hours of the Ukraine/Russian war, the Ukrainian Nazis forces were holding their own Ukrainian citizens as hostages and human shields in the Azov Steel Factory. The Special Forces storming of Ukraine's Azov Steel Factory has begun.


With implementation of the GCR and Quantum Financial System, we have:

随着 GCR 和量子金融系统的实施,我们有:

  • Freedom from Criminal Cartels, a small number of evildoers directing harm on billions ends.


  • Freedom from the Communist threat presently underway becomes impossible.


  • Violence no longer will be funded.


  • Ends the ability of all criminal enterprises to operate outside of the law.


  • All digital currency, Bitcoin, all of the currency of this world, regulated, under a common law, with no possibility of perverse acts.


  • Massive arrests immediately begin once the final codes are in. This is happening and can't be stopped.


A. The Global Currency Reset:


  • The Global Currency Reset officially rolled out on Sun. 1 May.


  • As of 12:55 pm EST on Wed. 4 May 2022 and in a Shotgun Start, the new Quantum Financial System began syncing every bank and country's currency in the World to revalue into a Gold/Asset-backed System.


  • We expected Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments by Wed. 4 May, Thurs. 5 May or Fri. 6 May – with appointments beginning that, or the next day, according to Bruce.

    我们预计4b (我们,互联网集团)会在54(星期三)55日或56(星期五)之前接到通知,安排赎回/交换预约。

  • Wed. 4 May MarkZ: "Weeks ago I was told to watch for a new rate between Thurs. 5 May and Sat. 7 May. Now it looks like it's between Sat. 7 May and Tues. 10 May. Military contacts were squarely looking at mid –May. They are expecting huge changes over the next week and a half."

    54日星期三马克兹: "几周前,我被告知要在55日星期四和星期六之间留意一个新的利率。57日。现在看起来好像是在 Sat 之间。57日到510日星期二。军事接触正在密切关注5月中旬。他们希望在接下来的一周半时间里发生巨大的变化。"

  • On Tues. 3 May some bond holders received codes for their accounts, but their accounts weren't activated and likely wouldn't be until Tier 4B received their appointments, according to Bruce.

    据布鲁斯说,53日星期二,一些债券持有人收到了他们账户的密码,但是他们的账户并没有被激活,而且可能要等到4b 层收到他们的预约后才会激活。

  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 have already been paid out, according to Bruce.


  • Tier 2 (the Whales who have already received 15% of their monies) have already paid off our national debt, plus were paying for NESARA out of the remaining 85%.

    第二层(鲸鱼谁已经收到了他们的钱的15%)已经偿还了我们的国家债务,加上支付了 NESARA 剩余的85%

  • Tues. evening 3 May MarkZ: "We have had two very solid confirmations from Tier 3 that they received small bank wires (compared to what they are owed). They were Test Wires, and that tells us (imo) that real money has started moving in Tier 3. This is exciting. I think this is fantastic news."

    53日星期二晚上 MarkZ: "我们从第三层得到了两个非常可靠的确认,他们收到了小额银行汇款(与他们所欠的相比)。它们是测试电线,这告诉我们(imo)真正的钱已经开始在第三层转移。这是令人兴奋的。我觉得这是个好消息。"

B. Restored Republic Apparent Schedule:


  • We Are Inside the War of the Century. Buckle up, Butter Cups. Nothing Can Stop What's Coming. WWG1WGA! …White Hats


  • Last week: Poultry and turkey farms in Iowa and 28 other states from Maine to Utah were destroyed due to "Bird Flu" – therefore contributing to the food shortages.

    上周: 爱荷华州和从缅因州到犹他州的其他28个州的家禽和火鸡养殖场由于"禽流感"而被毁,因此造成了食品短缺。

  • Sun. 1 May Global Currency Reset rolled out. Declass: Fox News release info on 2020 Election Fraud.

    星期日51日全球货币重置推出。声明: 福克斯新闻发布2020年选举舞弊信息。

  • Mon. 2 May Declass: Roe vs. Wade overturned leaked out,
    Disney Secrets exposed: Underground Tunnels & Cages/CIA Drug & Human Smuggling and connections to Occult Pedo Epstein Island.

    五月二日: 罗伊诉韦德案被推翻泄露,迪士尼秘密曝光: 地下隧道和笼子/中央情报局毒品和人口走私以及与神秘的 Pedo Epstein 岛的联系。

  • Tues. 3 May Declass: Big Pharma fraud – birth abnormalities experienced by pregnant female soldiers following the Pfizer vaccine. Doctors that concluded the vaccine to be safe were employed by Pfizer or owned shares in BioNTech. Not reported in MSM, though alternative media released that banks reported that a recession was coming, the US largest bank, the Bank of America,
    was in a collapse as was Europe's largest bank, Deutsche Bank, while thousands of banks across the Globe were being closed or bought out.

    53日星期二: 大型制药公司欺诈——怀孕的女性士兵在接种了辉瑞公司的疫苗后出现了生育异常。得出疫苗安全结论的医生受雇于辉瑞公司或拥有生物技术公司的股份。MSM 没有报道,尽管另类媒体发布的消息称,银行报道经济衰退即将来临,美国最大的银行美国银行(Bank of America)和欧洲最大的银行德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)也已经破产,而全球数千家银行正在关闭或被收购。

  • Tens of thousands of small banks close across the world


  • Wed. 4 May Orange Man (President Trump): Russia wanted (the Russia/Ukraine War) to finish by May 6.Well 2 days ahead. May the Fourth (Force be with you). Same Day Nazi's in WW2 Surrendered. We are on a Loop. White Hats are in control.

    54日星期三橙男(特朗普总统) : 俄罗斯希望(俄罗斯/乌克兰战争)56日前结束。提前两天。愿第四天(原力与你同在)。第二次世界大战纳粹投降的同一天。我们在循环往复。白帽子们控制了局面。

  • Wed. 4 May to June 3rd is 30 days. June 3rd was lizards Platinum Jubilee (The People's Jubilee instead maybe). Done in 30. This would also align with Protocol 19 at beginning of June (perhaps after the 3 day blackout for flip. 3-6 June). …Whiplash347

    54日到63日是30天。63日是蜥蜴的白金禧年(也许是人民的禧年)30年后完成。这也符合6月初的19号协议(也许在3天的翻转停电之后)63日至6)... Whiplash347

  • Thurs. 5 May Canada scheduled Emergency Broadcast System test.


  • Thurs. 5 May GCR funds available to all tiers.

    星期四55 GCR 资金可用于所有级别。

  • Sat. 7 May Dinesh D'Sousa's 2000 Mules about 2020 Election Fraud documentary release.

    57日星期六 Dinesh d'sousa 2000骡子关于2020年选举舞弊的纪录片发布 https://2000mules.com/https://www.truethevote.org/

  • Wed. 11 May (5.11) 2 Year Delta coming up Q4211: We are ready to unleash hell. Memes ready? Q https://qposts.online/post/4211

    星期三511(5.11)2年三角洲即将到来 Q4211: 我们准备好释放地狱。 meme 准备好了吗

  • By Fri. 13 May Biden would be out, Trump would be in as US President.


  • Sometime from Wed. 4 May to Wed. 18 May NESARA would kick in.


  • Former U.S. President Donald Trump's
    Truth Social App will launch on a web browser at the end of May, Chief Executive Devin Nunes said on Monday.

    美国前总统唐纳德 · 特朗普的真相社交应用程序将于5月底在一个网络浏览器上发布,首席执行官德文 · 努内斯周一说。

C. Wed. 4 May 12:55 pm EST Fleming:

美国东部时间54日星期三12:55 pm 弗莱明:

  • As of 12:55 pm EST on Wed. 4 May 2022 and in a Shotgun Start, the new Quantum Financial System began syncing every bank and country's currency in the World to revalue into a Gold/Asset-backed System.


  • This was the Shotgun Start
    that brings NESARA GESARA to the world.

    这就是将 NESARA GESARA 带到世界的"霰弹枪开始"

  • The US Treasury becomes obsolete. The QFS can't be stopped.

    美国财政部已经过时,QFS 无法阻止。

  • Any second, any minute, once the QFS was synced, every bank in the world would be online and every country has to revalue their currency.

    随时随地,一旦 QFS 同步,世界上所有的银行都会上线,每个国家都不得不重新估值他们的货币。

  • Once each Central Bank was informed by the QFS what their specific code was, they had to respond.

    一旦 QFS 告知每家中央银行他们的具体代码是什么,他们就必须做出回应。

  • If the Central Bank did not comply, within hours they would be visited by a Security Team and codes would be entered.


  • The System knows who the criminals are. Mass arrests would immediately follow once the QFS was synced and the last code was entered.

    系统知道谁是罪犯。一旦 QFS 同步并输入最后一个代码,大规模逮捕就会立即发生。

  • The QFS tells the Nation States exactly what their rate was.

    QFS 准确地告诉国家他们的比率是多少。

  • This would happen fast.


D. Global Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:


  • France claims a record 16 million birds (chickens) have been destroyed during an outbreak of Avian Flu.


  • US: Last Saturday 30 April another food processing plant caught fire in Chesapeake, Virginia, amid a series of mysterious accidents at food processing plants occurring across America in the last week. The latest incident occurred at the grain processing plant Perdue Farms, where employees of the company found a burning tank with soybeans. Preparations for the global food crisis are in full swing and in a variety of ways. https://www.newswars.com/another-food-plant-catches-fire-in-virginia-amid-wave-of-destroyed-food-facilities/

    美国: 上周六430日另一家食品加工厂在弗吉尼亚州切萨皮克发生火灾,上周美国各地的食品加工厂发生了一系列神秘事故。最近的一起事故发生在谷物加工厂珀杜农场,该公司的员工在那里发现了一个装有大豆的燃烧罐。全球粮食危机的准备工作正以各种方式全面展开。

  • Mon. 2 May Fire Damages Food Processing Plant in Northwest Fresno: https://t.me/SpecialQForcesQmmunity/106167


  • Switzerland Setting Up Crisis Centers After Russian Natural Gas Embargo: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/switzerland-setting-up-crisis-centers-anticipating-no-electricity-after-russian-natural-gas-embargo


  • Amazon to close six Whole Foods Markets after stunning first quarter loss.


  • Jones County chicken farm destroyed in Sunday night fire. A chicken farm was destroyed during a fire that happened Sunday night in Jones County. https://www.wlox.com/2022/05/02/jones-county-chicken-farm-destroyed-sunday-night-fire/


E. Covid/Vax Hoax:


  • 沃尔格林公司发布的数据证明,打针并不能预防冠状病毒疾病

  • Those Vaccinated against Covid-19 have been advised to refrain from flying due to the risk of blood clots.


  • They're going after our children: https://resistthemainstream.org/10-more-states-report-mysterious-hepatitis-outbreaks-in-children/

    他们正在攻击我们的孩子: https://resistthemainstream. org/10-more-states-report-mysterious-hepatitis-outbreak-in-children/

  • Vaccine Study Of 23 Million Shows Risk Of 'Heart Problems' From Moderna Or Pfizer Jab. Epidemiologist Professor Rickard Ljung of the Swedish Medical Products Agency studied health data on a total of some 23.1 million people from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden from late December 2020 to early October 2021. The team identified 1,077 cases of myocarditis and 1,149 of pericarditis. Examining those subjects who had been jabbed, the team found that the likelihood of developing myocarditis was higher following a second dose of the mRNA vaccine. Specifically, the risk increased by 75 percent with BioNTech/Pfizer and 557 percent with Moderna. Moreover, the team found that myocarditis risk following two jabs was highest for young men between 16-24 years of age.

    针对2300万人的疫苗研究显示,现代化或辉瑞公司的疫苗有"心脏问题"的风险。瑞典医疗产品机构的流行病学教授 Rickard Ljung 研究了202012月下旬至202110月上旬来自丹麦、芬兰、挪威和瑞典的2310万人的健康数据。研究小组确定了1077例心肌炎和1149例心包炎。通过检查那些被注射过的受试者,研究小组发现,第二次注射 mRNA 疫苗后,患心肌炎的可能性更高。具体来说,BioNTech/Pfizer 的风险增加了75% Moderna 的风险增加了557% 。此外,研究小组发现,16-24岁的年轻男性接种两次疫苗后患心肌炎的风险最高。

  • Trump put Fauci center stage to expose the truth.


  • [FAUCI] covered up of HIV being a Bioweapon in the 80s [FAUCI] covered up the real treatments for the HIV [FAUCI] covered up for the fake HIV treatments that killed people [FAUCI] covered up cancer virus that infect vaccine stock piles across the World [FAUCI] created the Gain of Function in Covid-19 and proceeding strains.


  • [FAUCI] created the Vaccines

    [ FAUCI ]创造了疫苗

  • This isn't the first time Fauci is involved in Pandemics and is directly connected to the world Elites who all help fund him.


  • Exposing Fauci is exposing the people behind the scenes: NIH, CDC, WHO, Gates, GPMB, CIA, Clintons, Obama, World Leaders who covered for Big Pharma Companies and are directly involved in investments.

    揭露福奇是揭露幕后的人: 美国国立卫生研究院,疾控中心,世界卫生组织,盖茨,GPMB,中央情报局,克林顿,奥巴马,世界领导人谁掩护大型制药公司和直接参与投资。

  • The staggering effect of who is behind the Pandemic and banking system and world compromised leaders are all tied back to blackmail: Epstein, Mossad, Five Eyes

    大流行病和银行系统的幕后黑手以及世界上受损的领导人都与勒索有关: 爱泼斯坦,摩萨德,五只眼

F. Protests and Riots:


  • Last night in Los Angeles, ANTIFA smashed up Department of Homeland Security vehicles at a pro-abortion riot.


G. The Real News for Wed. 4 May 2022:


  • Military Assets Now Positioned Globally Awaiting Go: https://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2022/05/new-monkey-werx-overwatch-military-assets-now-positioned-globally-awaiting-go-brighteon-interview-2530264.html

    军事资产现在全球部署等待行动: https://beforeitsnews. com/prophecy/2022/05/new-monkey-werx-overwatch-Military-Assets-Now-Positioned-Globally-waiting-Go-brighteon-interview-2530264. html

  • De-NaZification Special Forces from more than 17 countries clean up the tunnel systems. These brave Super Soldiers are not seen on MSM. These are the Pedo Nazi Hunters. Storming of Azov steel factory has begun. No one who has participated in war crimes and crimes against humanity will survive. It is the final hours. https://t.me/SpecialQForces/21895?single

    来自17个国家的反纳粹特种部队清理隧道系统。这些勇敢的超级士兵没有出现在 MSM 上。这些是 Pedo 纳粹猎人。对亚速钢铁厂的突袭已经开始。任何参与过战争罪和反人类罪的人都不会活下来。这是最后的时刻。

  • Ukrainian Nazis are planning murders of Russians living in Germany and Germans who sympathize with Russia in Telegram groups. Organizers and participants of the pro-Russian motorcade in Berlin are at risk. Both car license plates and personal data are already being actively exchanged among Ukrainian Nazis. There are calls to seek out these people and execute them on camera. We recommend that those affected contact the relevant security authorities with reference to this article and, if necessary, request police protection.


  • Human DNA has been found in US food processing plants, thirteen of which were torched last week – believed happened in order to cover up evidence; Human DNA has also been discovered in various brands of hot dogs at the stores; McDonalds was under investigation for child body parts found in their meat processing plants; Cabal was thought to be adding mRNA Tech to our food supply and we were in a high priced food supply shortage that appeared created by our own government.

    在美国的食品加工厂中发现了人类 DNA,其中13家上周被纵火焚烧——相信是为了掩盖证据; 在商店里的各种牌子的热狗中也发现了人类 DNA; 麦当劳正在调查在其肉类加工厂中发现的儿童身体部位; Cabal 被认为正在向我们的食品供应中添加 mRNA Tech,而我们正处于高价食品供应短缺的状态,这似乎是我们自己的政府造成的。

  • Walgreens publishes data proving that COVID jabs don't prevent COVID,
    pregnant women in the Military have been aborting their babies right after being forced to be jabbed.


  • Ukraine doesn't want peace with Russia because the conflict has nothing at all to do with them, rather it's a full fledged war on Russia by US Inc. Ukraine was the center of their Deep State and contained in it's extensive underground tunnel system (that runs under Biden-owned property), the headquarters for child trafficking, gun and drug running including at least 13 bio-weapon labs that created Covid-19 and other viruses set to be un-leased on the general public. Biden needed to cover up his dealings in Ukraine.

    乌克兰不想与俄罗斯和平相处,因为这场冲突与他们毫无关系,而是美国公司对俄罗斯发动的一场全面战争。乌克兰是他们"深层国家"(Deep State)的中心,包括广泛的地下隧道系统(在拜登拥有的财产下运行)、儿童贩运、枪支和毒品走私的总部,其中包括至少13个生化武器实验室,这些实验室制造了2019冠状病毒毒疾病病毒和其他一些病毒,这些病毒将不会向公众出租。拜登需要掩盖他在乌克兰的交易。

  • The Russia/Ukraine War was in reality, Russia Patriots trying to free the Ukrainian People from the Deep State. The Russia Military has already destroyed 13 bio-weapon labs and rescued thousands of children from Underground Tunnels that run throughout the country including under a 20 acre Biden-owned property.


  • The Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade turned the Abortion Issue back to the individual states to decide.


  • Last week the Biden Administration announced creation of a so-called "Disinformation Steering Board" which was nothing more than a censorship board. The Mainstream Media already acts as a censorship board. They were impinging on our right to Free Speech.


  • Former U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat from Hawaii) believes that Biden is just a figurehead and Barack Obama is associated with the newly created Disinformation Management Council of the Department of Homeland Security, which they called the "Ministry of Truth" from George Orwell's dystopian novel "1984".

    前美国众议员 Tulsi Gabbard (来自夏威夷的民主党人)认为拜登只是一个名义上的领导人,而奥巴马与国土安全部新成立的虚假信息管理委员会有关联,他们称该委员会为乔治 · 奥威尔的反乌托邦小说《1984》中的"真相部"

  • They're going after our children: https://resistthemainstream.org/10-more-states-report-mysterious-hepatitis-outbreaks-in-children/


  • The global food shortage upped it's anti last week when in France 16 million birds (mainly chickens) were destroyed during an outbreak of "Avian Flu," accompanied by another outbreak in America where Poultry and Turkey Farms in Iowa and 28 other states from Maine to Utah were destroyed due to "Bird Flu" – therefore contributing to food shortages across the globe.


  • US: Last Saturday 30 April another food processing plant caught fire in Chesapeake, Virginia, amid a series of mysterious accidents at food processing plants occurring across America in the last week.

    美国: 上周六430日另一家食品加工厂在弗吉尼亚州切萨皮克发生火灾,上周美国各地的食品加工厂发生了一系列神秘事故。

  • 5.4 under Covid all the Militaries of the world forced their leaders to sign GESARA MILITARY LAW & that was taken to the Hauge International Court Of Justice to be Actioned. We are now going to transition to GESARA – to 1776 Law for everyone on Planet Earth.

    5.4全世界所有的军队都迫使他们的领导人在ANTIFA军事法上签字,这项法律被提交到国际法院起诉,其中包括冠状病毒疾病。我们现在要过渡到 GESARA ——1776年的法律,适用于地球上的每一个人。

H. What Should Be In, But Never Made the Headlines for Wed. 4 May 2022:


  • Trump Heads Rescue of Thousands of Tortured Children from Underground Tunnels | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    特朗普从地下隧道救出数千名饱受折磨的儿童 | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Clinton-Rothschild Child Sex Trafficking Camp Refused Investigation, Destroyed | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    克林顿-罗斯柴尔德儿童性交易集中营拒绝调查,被摧毁 | 政治 | 新闻之前

  • Thousands of Tortured Children Rescued and Found Dead by US Military | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    成千上万饱受折磨的儿童被美国军方救出并发现死亡 | 政治 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews. com)

  • Over 50,000 Traumatized Children Rescued by Military Out of Tunnels Beneath US Cities | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com) https://beforeitsnews.com/crime-all-stars/2020/04/over-35000-malnourished-caged-children-rescued-out-of-us-tunnels-by-military-2479402.html


I. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ Harvesting Ring:


  • The BBC has video evidence to suggest new-born babies in Ukraine may have been killed to feed the stem cell trade. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6171083.stm

    英国广播公司(BBC)有视频证据表明,乌克兰的新生儿可能是为了干细胞交易而被杀害的。译自: http://news.bbc. co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6171083.stm

  • While the left is currently coming unhinged at the incredible SCOTUS decision on abortion, let me remind you of their admittance under oath to Harvesting Body Parts From Babies Born Alive!! Larton says that she has seen aborted babies' hearts "beating independently" after they are born!!

    当左翼人士因为 SCOTUS 关于堕胎的令人难以置信的决定而变得精神错乱时,让我提醒你们,他们宣誓后承认从活生生的婴儿身上采集身体部位! Larton 说她见过流产婴儿的心脏在他们出生后"独立跳动"

  • To them, abortion isn't about protecting the rights of women! Look back at history and the founder of Planned Parenthood (Margaret Sanger, Admired by Hillary Clinton) and her beliefs in the importance of Eugenics and you'll realize that "women's rights" are just a front! These babies body parts are a huge money maker for them among other nefarious agendas!!

    对他们来说,堕胎不是为了保护妇女的权利!回顾历史和国际计划生育联合会的创始人(玛格丽特 · 桑格,希拉里 · 克林顿钦佩) ,以及她对优生学重要性的信念,你就会意识到"妇女权利"只是一个幌子!这些婴儿的身体部位对他们来说是一个巨大的赚钱机器,还有其他邪恶的议程!

J. 2020 Election Fraud, Donald Trump:

2020选举舞弊,唐纳德 · 特朗普:

  • Everyone knows the wisdom embodied in the saying "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." The WSJ's May 2, 2022 editorial argues that we should ignore the blatant fraud that took place in Wisconsin in the November 2020 election as detailed by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in his 136 page Preliminary Report issued on March 1, 2022. To ignore the fraud that Justice Gableman continues to uncover is to allow that fraud to be repeated. Justice Gableman's Report revealed many illegal and unethical acts including Zuckerberg funded election bribery, illegal ballot drop boxes, and obstruction of evidence gathering. Gableman also revealed that the Wisconsin Election Commission shared access to Wisconsin's registration system with Zuckerberg funded left-wing activists, disregarded Wisconsin law so that tens of thousands of nursing home residents could be exploited for their votes, and illegally encouraged Wisconsin voters declare themselves "indefinitely confined" under Wisconsin law, thereby avoiding Wisconsin's voter ID requirements.

    每个人都知道"不能记住过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙"这句话所蕴含的智慧《华尔街日报》202252日的社论认为,我们应该忽视威斯康星州在202011月选举中发生的公然欺诈行为,前威斯康星州最高法院大法官迈克尔盖博曼(Michael Gableman)202231日发布的136页初步报告中对此进行了详细描述。忽视盖博曼法官继续揭露的欺诈行为,就是允许欺诈行为再次发生。盖博曼法官的报告揭露了许多非法和不道德的行为,包括扎克伯格资助的选举贿赂,非法投票箱,以及妨碍证据收集。盖博曼还透露,威斯康星州选举委员会(Wisconsin Election Commission)与扎克伯格资助的左翼活动人士共享威斯康星州的登记系统,无视威斯康星州法律,以便成千上万的养老院居民可以被利用来获取他们的选票,并非法鼓励威斯康星州选民宣布自己"无限期限制"在威斯康星州法律之下,从而规避了威斯康星州的选民身份证要求。

  • These issues are far from "ghosts" as the editorial board claims. Here is a link to the Report (https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/22/brandtjen/media/1552/osc-second-interim-report.pdf) so that people can see it for themselves. I encourage everyone to read it.

    这些问题远不是编辑委员会所说的"幽灵"。以下是该报告的链接(https://legisl.wisconsin. gov/assembly/22/brandtjen/media/1552/osc-second-interim-Report.pdf) ,以便人们能够亲眼看到。我鼓励大家阅读它。

  • The fact that the WSJ editorial board came out with this hit piece the day after the nationwide premier of True the Vote's movie, 2000 Mules, which proves a massive illegal ballot harvesting operation took place in the 2020 election—especially in key battleground counties like Milwaukee County—is also curious. Voters know that unless we fix what happened in 2020, those who stole the 2020 election will try to do it again in 2022. Ignorance is not bliss. Sky high inflation, threats of World War III, and the invasion across our borders are a direct consequence of the stolen 2020 election. What happened in 2020 can never be allowed to happen again!

    事实上,《华尔街日报》编辑委员会在《真实的投票》(True The Vote)电影《2000骡子》(2000 Mules)在全国首映的第二天就发表了这篇热门文章。这部电影证明,2020年大选中发生了大规模非法收集选票的行动,特别是在密尔沃基县等关键的战场县。选民们知道,除非我们解决2020年发生的事情,否则那些偷走2020年选举的人将在2022年再次尝试这样做。无知并不是幸福。极高的通货膨胀率,第三次世界大战的威胁,以及跨越国界的入侵都是2020年选举失败的直接后果。2020年发生的事绝不能再发生!

K. Inside the War of the Century, White Hats:


  • Buckle up, Butter Cups. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming. WWG1WGA


  • The Biden Deep State wants a war to cover up Hunter/Joe Biden dealings in Ukraine. A war would insure that Russia takes Ukraine, the current president Volodymyr Zelensky would be removed and the investigations will be ceased.

    拜登深层政府希望通过一场战争来掩盖亨特/ · 拜登在乌克兰的交易。一场战争将确保俄罗斯接管乌克兰,现任总统沃拉迪米尔 · 泽伦斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)将被罢免,调查也将停止。

  • The War in Ukraine would cover up exposure of the Pandemic and vaccines.


  • The war would continue to be plastered throughout all Media, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Mainstream Media, Radio, Social Media and create panic.

    这场战争将继续在所有媒体、谷歌、 Facebook YouTube、主流媒体、广播、社交媒体上张贴,制造恐慌。

  • This saturation of the Media would cover up the Durham Investigation into the Clintons that would lead to Fauci and Obama.


  • The war would suppress coverage of the Freedom Convoys, cover up missing-laundered Deep State money across the world; create cover for corrupt European countries, presidents, Elites and Banks

    这场战争将压制对自由护卫队的报道,掩盖深层政府在世界各地洗钱的失踪; 为腐败的欧洲国家、总统、精英和银行创造掩护

  • Unfortunately the war will bring down exposure of the New World Order (UN, NATO).


  • Currently the 32 Nations Alliance White Hats have Military Generals in every major country getting ready to rebuff the UN and NATO and their own Deep State Military forces connected to their corrupted governments owned by the Central Banking System and Deep State Cabal.


  • A world lockdown could ensue after a World Nuclear and Military Standoff.


  • In this time would be great unrest, confusion, riots and protests which would lead to Martial Law.


  • White Hats Military in every Nation will arrest their own Deep State officials in government, Media, Elites, Deep State Military – all who colluded in the Pandemic, Vaccine Bio-weapons and betrayed their country by working with the Deep State (DAVOS, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Gates, World Banks, Vatican, Chinese Communist Party).


  • In the next months expect the World's largest earthquakes to happen. Don't be surprised if the Deep State sticks to their Alien Invasion, Project Blue Beam Plan, create a large earthquake, and pretend to uncover massive new archeological findings and ancient technology connected to Aliens.


  • This has been their plan all along. That's why the Deep State Pentagon, Mainstream Media, World Government and Vatican have been pushing the Alien Agenda.


  • Pay attention to the weather and tectonic weapons being used throughout the world, the volcano explosions, droughts, floods, fires, cyclones, and tsunamis.


  • The White Hat US Military was currently moving anti-ballistic missiles (ABM) through several states under the cover of night: New York, Iowa, Colorado, California, Florida, Virginia, Oregon, Utah, Texas, Arizona and Montana.

    白帽美国军方目前正在夜幕的掩护下通过几个州运送反弹道导弹: 纽约,爱荷华州,科罗拉多州,加利福尼亚州,佛罗里达州,弗吉尼亚州,俄勒冈州,犹他州,德克萨斯州,亚利桑那州和蒙大拿州。

  • The anti-ballistic missile (ABM) is a surface-to-air missile designed to counter ballistic missiles (missile defense). Ballistic missiles are used to deliver nuclear, chemical, biological, or conventional warheads in a ballistic flight trajectory. The term "anti-ballistic missile" is a term conveying a system designed to intercept and destroy any type of ballistic threat; however, it is commonly used for systems specifically designed to counter intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

    反弹道导弹(ABM)是一种面对空导弹设计反弹道导弹(导弹防御)。弹道导弹用于在弹道飞行轨道上运载核弹头、化学弹头、生物弹头或常规弹头。术语"反弹道导弹"是一个术语,表示旨在拦截和摧毁任何类型弹道威胁的系统; 然而,它通常用于专门设计用于对抗洲际弹道导弹的系统。

  • When the U.S, Russia, UK, China, or a large portion of the EU turn off their internet, or shut down their own grid, that means they are either making a Military Strike, or getting ready for Military attack.


  • Top war analysts predict the first strike will be a massive Cyber Attack and low yielding Nuclear Bomb (EMP) detonated 1-3 miles above the ground over major Electric/ electronic infrastructure and grids.


  • Turning off the electric grid will save the primary electronics.


  • Turning off the Internet will insure defense from ongoing Cyber Attacks crashing the systems.


  • These Events will protect White Hat communication equipment, electronic controlled grids, Military equipment and weapons.


  • Russia has not retreated from Ukraine as MSM posted two weeks ago.

    俄罗斯并没有像两周前 MSM 发布的那样从乌克兰撤军。

  • The Deep State Media was also not reporting that the Chinese Military was in a constant move to their borders.


  • In the past three months the U.S. Military has been searching vessels, shipping containers and shipping boxes that were off loaded throughout the US, for surface to air missiles concealed in shipping boxes. The East Coast was being heavily searched through major cities and shipping ports.


  • All last year the Deep State has warned of major Cyber-Attacks that would cause a breakdown of Electrical Grids and Internet. That's because they are planning this in order to cover up exposure of their virus release and vaccine deaths.


  • This was their play book, just like the Great Depression in the 1930s: You break the economy and then start a world war. Such covered up money laundering and taking over a country's gold and resources.

    这就是他们的策略,就像20世纪30年代的大萧条一样: 破坏经济,然后发动一场世界大战。这种掩盖洗钱的行为,夺取了一个国家的黄金和资源。

L. The White Hat Plan Behind the Scene – Private Citizen Elon Musk:

幕后的白帽计划——私人公民埃隆 · 马斯克:

  • Private citizen Elon Musk was placed by the Military, Trump and the White Hats for many reasons.

    普通公民埃隆 · 马斯克被军方、特朗普和白帽派遣的原因有很多。

  • The Military can't directly bring out Disclosure because doing so would bring too much chaos and infighting directly inside the military branches, plus it would go against the Department of Defense Laws.


  • Trump can't directly bring out Disclosure because doing so would bring too much chaos into the political arenas and cause major divisions inside the Republican Party, plus it would go against Department of Defense Laws connected to high level clearance.


  • Behind the scenes Musk was working on cures found in high level Military Technology.


  • That Military Technology was connected to a new formulation of independent governments across the world - governments that could never again be corrupted by a controlled Elite enslavement system.


  • That Military Technology consisted of future phones and banking, plus putting an end to the production of toxins and chemicals that used sugar.


  • That Military Technology also connected to GESARA, the goal of World Peace and a full implementation of Events.

    这项军事技术还与世界和平的目标 GESARA 和全面实施的"事件"相关联。

  • Musk on War Path:


  • Musk could easily reach 150 million a tweet just in the US alone because if you have 90 million followers and you talk shit about the Free Masons on a Tweet, or about the FBI'S involvement in Twitter cover up Biden's Laptop stories, or Ghislaine Maxwell pedo connections to Elites and ALL who were on the LIST in court, or calling out Bill Gates, or letting people post the 30,000 released Pfizer documents on Twitter, those 90 million followers could re-share that information to other platforms.

    单单在美国,马斯克的 Twitter 账号就能轻松达到1.5亿,因为如果你有9000万粉丝,而且你在 Twitter 上大谈特谈"自由共济会",或者谈论联邦调查局在 Twitter 上掩盖拜登的笔记本电脑故事,或者谈论吉斯莱恩麦克斯韦(Ghislaine Maxwell)与名单上的所有精英和所有人的关系,或者叫出比尔盖茨(Bill Gates) ,或者让人们在 Twitter 上发布3万份辉瑞(Pfizer)发布的文件,那么这9000万粉丝就可以把这些信息重新分享给其他平台。

  • Do you really think a person with that much power is unprotected?


  • The same goes for Durham.


  • They both are on the War Path.


  • But MUSK will make a lot of (PLANNED) mistakes that will piss of the Heard. That confusion will be needed in the CLOUD OF WAR


M. Russia/Ukraine War By Sorcha Faal:

俄乌战争作者: Sorcha Faal:

  • An informative new Security Council
    (SC) report noted that Pope Francis expressed readiness to go to Moscow in order to meet with President Putin in order to discuss a peaceful settlement of the "Special De-Nazification Operation" to liberate Ukraine.


  • Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev factually stating: "Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky does not need any peaceful settlement...For him, peace is the end...Zelensky in the future will keep begging the West for money and weapons, trying to prove he is still in the game, that he is the hope of the liberal world, that he is the last stronghold of European democracy which a bear in a cotton-padded jacket wants to tear apart".

    安理会副主席梅德韦杰夫实事求是地说: "乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔 · 泽伦斯基不需要任何和平解决办法... ... 对他来说,和平就是终点... ... 泽伦斯基在未来将继续向西方乞求金钱和武器,试图证明他仍然在这场游戏中,他是自由世界的希望,他是欧洲民主的最后堡垒,一个穿着棉袄的熊想要撕裂它。"

  • Director Alexey Danilov of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council confirmed as true the statement made by Deputy Chairman Medvedev when he said that, instead of a peace treaty, Kiev is only prepared to sign a document with Moscow that would finalize Russia's defeat, and declared: "With Russia we can only sign an act of its capitulation…The sooner they do it, the better it will be for their country."

    乌克兰国家安全和国防委员会主任阿列克谢 · 达尼洛夫证实了副主席梅德韦杰夫的声明,他说,基辅只准备与莫斯科签署一份文件,最终结束俄罗斯的失败,并宣布: "我们只能与俄罗斯签署一项投降行为... ... 他们越早这样做,对他们的国家就越好。"

  • A declaration of lunacy immediately joined by top President Zelensky adviser Alexey Arestovich proclaiming like a madman: "There will be no peace treaty with Russia…There will only be the capitulation of the Russian Federation".

    俄罗斯总统泽伦斯基的高级顾问阿列克谢 · 斯托维奇立即发表了一份疯狂的声明,他像个疯子一样宣称: "与俄罗斯不会有和平条约... ... 只有俄罗斯联邦的投降。"

  • As to why Ukraine doesn't want peace with Russia, this report continues, is because the conflict has nothing at all to do with them, rather it's a full fledged war on Russia by the United States—a factual reality best explained last evening by America's most watched newsman Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who truthfully revealed that "the Ukraine war is the inevitable end stage of Russiagate"

    至于为什么乌克兰不希望与俄罗斯和平,这份报告继续说,是因为冲突与他们毫无关系,而是美国对俄罗斯发动了一场全面的战争 states a fact reality 昨晚美国最受关注的新闻记者福克斯新闻主持人 Tucker Carlson 最好地解释了这一事实,他如实地揭露了"乌克兰战争是俄罗斯门不可避免的结束阶段"

N. Roe vs. Wade to be Overturned:


  • In the leaked draft opinion that runs 98-pages, including a 31-page appendix of historical State abortion laws, this report details, it is a document replete with citations to previous court decisions, books and other authorities, including 118-footnotes.


  • Author Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito writes in its final ruling: "Roe was egregiously wrong from the start...Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences...And far from bringing about a national settlement of the abortion issue, Roe and Casey have enflamed debate and deepened division...The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision...The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion...We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled...We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives".

    作者最高法院助理法官塞缪尔 · 阿利托在其最终裁决中写道: " Roe 从一开始就是极其错误的... ... 它的推理极其薄弱,这一裁决产生了破坏性的后果... ... Roe Casey 非但没有在全国范围内解决堕胎问题,反而引发了激烈的辩论,加深了分歧... ... 宪法没有提到堕胎,这种权利也没有受到任何宪法条款的隐含保护... ... 宪法没有禁止每个州的公民规范或禁止堕胎... ... 我们认为,Roe Casey 必须被推翻... ... 我们现在推翻这些决定,将这一权力交还给人民及其选出的代表"

  • Most critical to note about this draft opinion, this report explains, is Politico revealing: "How Chief Justice John Roberts will ultimately vote, and whether he will join an already written opinion or draft his own, is unclear"—a revelation giving substance to the belief that this draft opinion was leaked in order to put pressure on Chief Justice Roberts.

    这份报告解释说,关于这份意见草案,最值得注意的是《政治家》披露的信息: "首席大法官约翰罗伯茨(John Roberts)最终将如何投票,以及他是否会加入一份已经写好的意见书或起草自己的意见书,目前尚不清楚"——这一披露使人们相信,这份意见草案被泄露是为了向首席大法官罗伯茨施压。

  • This is a near unprecedented leak of a Supreme Court ruling matching the leak of its original 1973 ruling allowing abortion before it was officially published.


  • If confirmed as being truth, the leftist New York Times factually notes: "If Roe is overturned, would abortion become illegal everywhere?...No...Individual states would decide whether and when abortions would be legal"—and is a fact every American should already have been taught about as school children, specifically because each of the individual States that comprise America are their own separate entities allowed to make its own laws as its citizens see fit.

    如果被证实是真的,左翼的《纽约时报》事实上指出: "如果 Roe 被推翻,堕胎会在任何地方都成为非法吗?没有... ... 每个州将决定堕胎是否合法以及何时合法"——这是每个美国人在上学时就应该知道的一个事实,特别是因为组成美国的每个州都是自己的独立实体,可以按照其公民认为合适的方式制定自己的法律。

O. Trump spoke at I-80 in Greenwood between Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. Below are some excerpts from his speech:

 特朗普在内布拉斯加州奥马哈和林肯之间的格林伍德 i-80公路上发表讲话。以下是他讲话的一些节选:

  • The networks and the media are trying to censor us and exclude us — and what FOX is trying to do is have Trumpism without Trump. I do not know how it will play out, but they are working hard on it.


  • Never forget that the radical Democrats want to lock you in your house and deprive you of your freedom, while they release dangerous criminals without bail and release repeat offenders without charges.


  • The biggest threat to public health in our Democrat—run cities is not Covid, but the Democrats' anti-crime policies.


  • Our movement must continue to pursue a populist-nationalist economic agenda that puts working families above globalist politicians and corrupt multinational corporations.


  • No teacher should ever have the right to teach our children a transgender agenda without parental consent. We have to save our children!


  • Last week, the Biden administration announced the creation of a so-called "disinformation steering board" at the Department of Homeland Security, run by a fanatical leftist lunatic who tried to convince people that the Russian hoax was true, and Hunter Biden and the information about his laptop was published by Russia, which, as she knew, was false. The brazen and desperate attempts of the Democratic Party to impose censorship prove how cowardly they are. They are afraid of MAGA, and they should be terrified. When the Republicans take back Congress, the first thing we will do is stop funding this ridiculous propaganda council, fire the left—wing censors and stop their blatant violations of our First Amendment rights.

    上周,拜登政府宣布在国土安全部(Department of Homeland Security)成立一个所谓的"虚假信息指导委员会"(false information steering board) ,由一个狂热的左翼疯子掌管,他试图让人们相信俄罗斯的骗局是真的。而亨特拜登(Hunter Biden)及其笔记本电脑的信息是由俄罗斯公布的,正如她所知,这些信息是假的。民主党厚颜无耻、孤注一掷地试图实施审查制度,证明了他们有多么懦弱。他们害怕 MAGA,他们应该感到恐惧。当共和党夺回国会时,我们要做的第一件事就是停止资助这个荒谬的宣传委员会,解雇左翼审查员,停止他们公然侵犯我们的第一修正案权利。

P. Must See Videos:


  • Tues. 3 May Situation Update:
    Situation Update: Cabal Adding mRNA Tech To Our Food Supply! Govt Created Famine! Human Meat Found In Burned Down Food Processing Plants! Hepatitis In Vaxed Kids! Mass Arrests! Ukraine-Russia War Escalating! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    53日星期二情况更新: 情况更新: 秘社向我们的食品供应添加 mRNA 技术!政府制造饥荒!烧毁的食品加工厂发现人肉!小孩得了肝炎!大规模逮捕!乌克兰-俄罗斯战争升级!我们人民新闻 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews.com)

  • Wed. 4 May Situation Update:
    https://rumble.com/v13jo1o-situation-update-5422.html: Human Meat Recovered From Torched Processing Plants! | Conspiracy Theories | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    54日星期三情况更新: https://rumble.com/v13jo1o-Situation-Update-5422. html: 从被烧毁的加工厂回收的人肉!阴谋论 | Before It's News (beforeitsnews. com)

  • New ShariRaye: May Alert Intel! Human DNA in Hot Dog Brands! The Time Is At Hand! | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    可能提醒情报!热狗品牌中的人类 DNA!时间就在眼前!新闻之前(Before It's News)

  • X22Report: Deep State Deploys All Assets! Rule Of Law! Supreme Court Comes Into Focus! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

    X22Report: Deep State deploy All Assets x22报道: 深海部署所有资源!法治!最高法院成为焦点!必须播放的视频 | 观点 | 保守派 | 新闻之前(beforeitsnews.com)

Q. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities," by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

 "22张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔非凡的生活和她的22个多重人格的内幕",朱迪 · 宾顿,前言,科林 · a · 罗斯博士

Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube

詹妮 · 希尔见证了撒旦的儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到了人类的牺牲

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."

警告: 珍妮给出了一个生动的描述,关于她如何在5岁的幼小年龄,被强奸,折磨,被迫观看一个儿童牺牲和被神圣介入拯救,几乎自杀-不像其他数以千计的儿童受害者的肮脏经历撒旦崇拜者。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者似乎是由美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教组织起来的,一直到克林顿、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的青少年聚会。它们的资金来自同一个掌管我们全球货币体系的阴谋集团——正是这个组织正在被全球货币重置和恢复世界各共和国的活动所摧毁。难怪特朗普总统说"这些人病了"

R. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:


Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims, who were witnesses and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.

1990年以来,我一直在应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者受害者的要求,调查撒旦宗教仪式虐待儿童的事件,他们是撒旦领导人及其女巫团的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在这段时间里,我发现撒旦教徒被植入了律师事务所,当地警察局,县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后屠杀进入了国际组织的第九圈撒旦邪教,它逃出了梵蒂冈。

There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.


To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children on a regular basis.


S. The following have been set up to report Crimes Against Children and incidents of human trafficking, although I cannot verify as to the influence of Satanists within the organizations: https://wsbt.com/news/nation-world/crime-that-hides-in-plain-sight-fbi-releases-warning-signs-of-human-trafficking


FBI Memphis (available 24 hours a day) (901) 747-4300

联邦调查局孟菲斯分局(24小时开放)(901 -)747-4300

Submit an anonymous tip

提交匿名举报 fbi 政府。

National Human Trafficking Resources Center Hotline 1-(888)-373-7888.


U.S. Immigration/ Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form

美国移民/海关执法局: https://www.ICE. gov/webform/hsi-tip-form

Federal Human Trafficking Website:

联邦人口贩卖网站: https://www.state. gov/humantrafficking/

Called to Rescue 855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/

拨打855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue. org/

Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad:

蒂姆 · 巴拉德(Tim Ballard)地下铁路行动: https://ourrescue. org/

Saving Innocence:
https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end

拯救无辜: https://savinginnocence. org https://www.youtube. com/watch

US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453

美国: 国家儿童帮助虐待儿童热线1-800-422-4453

USNCMEC Urgent victim help 24-Hour Hotline: 1-800-843-5678

USNCMEC 紧急受害者帮助24小时热线: 1-800-843-5678

Contact Interpol:

联系国际刑警组织: http://www.Interpol.int/contacts/Contact-Interpol http://www.Interpol.int/what-you-can-do/if-you-need-help

Europol Tipline Tel.: +31 70 302 5000 https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime

欧洲刑警组织热线电话: + 31703025000 https://www.Europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime

EU Hotlines:

欧盟热线: https://ec.europa.EU/anti-trafficking/citizens-corner-national-hotline/national-hotline _ en

Global: Human Trafficking Hotline Numbers:

Global: human trafficking Hotline Numbers: https://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers://www.abolishion.org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers 全球: 人口贩卖热线号码: https://www.abolishion. org/human _ trafficking _ Hotline _ Numbers

Human Trafficking Help and Resources: https://trafficking.help/us/

人口贩卖帮助和资源: https://trafficking.Help/us/

UK: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
BBC Action Line

英国: 儿童帮助国家虐待儿童热线

T. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

全球货币重置,恢复共和国和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的

It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.


The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.


Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

让我们斋戒,为这数以百万计的小人们祈祷,他们现在正从世界各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被拯救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团所折磨和杀害。让我们也为那些在世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在这里解释了10:30:32马克: https://www.youtube. com/watch? v = 4mb9gu6dmks

U. Judy Note:
I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

朱迪: 我现在没有,以前也没有收到过写更新和文章的钱。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童献祭的真相来帮助拯救儿童。

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.


After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for at least 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking that time to get my humanitarian project organized and going.


This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些尽心尽力、勇敢的情报供应商,他们希望保持默默无闻; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她全天候工作,揭露真相; 感谢谦卑的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,她做了很好的研究; 感谢 Bonni b,她揭露了真相背后的原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖情报,帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 q,重置终于来临了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着在另一个世界看到你们,在那里,我们将一起让所有人的生活变得更好。

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy



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