
2019年9月2日15:13:47新闻“只有我们”部门使用数以千计的秘密法律来嘲弄美国人民已关闭评论6446字数 12964阅读43分12秒阅读模式

特别是因为这里充斥着自私自利的奥巴马-克林顿政权的社会主义者,他们组成了一支”秘密抵抗力量”来反对和试图摧毁唐纳德·特朗普总统,不过,他们受过的教育足以让他们记住20世纪最伟大的实业家亨利•福特(Henry ford)发出的警告。福特告诉他那一代年轻人,他们被政府社会主义照顾他们一辈子的错觉所迷惑

A stunning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA)report circulating in the Kremlin today says it's no surprise that the results of a just released Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey shows patriotism in the United States is sinking at the same time the American people remain at war with themselves—a justifiable abolition of faith in a country whose Department of Justice(DoJ),on 29 August,released a document titled"Report of Investigation of Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey's Disclosure of Sensitive Investigative Information and Handling of Certain Memoranda,Oversight and Review Division"that"witheringly"blasted former FBI Director James Comey for his crimes and misdeeds—but are crimes he'll go unpunished for because of the thousands of secret laws the Department of Justice has been creating for decades that no one is allowed to see,and that protect him—thus making it understandable why this once admired premier law enforcement agency was mockingly labeled as"The United States Department of Just-Us"—most particularly because it's filled with self serving Obama-Clinton Regime socialists who have formed a"secret resistance force"to oppose and try to destroy President Donald Trump—none of whom,though,are educated enough to remember the warning issued by their greatest 20th Century industrialist Henry Ford—and whom,in telling his generation of youth being beguiled by delusions of government socialism taking care of them for life,told them a truth even a child could understand:"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the Government take care of him,better take a closer look at the American Indian."[Note:Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

克里姆林宫今天发布了一份令人震惊的外交部新报告。报告称,刚刚公布的《华尔街日报》/nbc 新闻的调查结果显示,美国的爱国主义正在消亡,而与此同时,美国人民仍在与自己作战——这是对美国信仰的正当废除 829日,美国联邦调查局发布了一份题为《前联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米披露敏感调查信息的调查报告和处理某些备忘录、监督和审查部门》的文件,这也保护了他——因此可以理解为什么这个一度备受推崇的首要执法机构被戏称为"只有我们的美国部"——特别是因为这里充斥着自私自利的奥巴马-克林顿政权的社会主义者,他们组成了一支"秘密抵抗力量"来反对和试图摧毁唐纳德·特朗普总统,不过,他们受过的教育足以让他们记住20世纪最伟大的实业家亨利福特(Henry ford)发出的警告。福特告诉他那一代年轻人,他们被政府社会主义照顾他们一辈子的错觉所迷惑,他告诉他们一个连小孩子都能理解的事实:"任何认为让政府照顾他们就能让他们幸福和繁荣的人,最好仔细看看美国印第安人。":本报告引号中的一些单词和/或短语是英语中俄语单词/短语的近似形式,没有准确的对应词


American Indians and Alaska Natives are the only peoples in United States living full socialist-communist cradle-to-grave existence wholly dependant on government…



…and caused Henry Ford to ask if this is really what the rest of the American people wanted for themselves.


According to this report,as Henry Ford warned his generation's youth about the truth of socialism,one of the 21st Century's clarions taking up this call is the American writer Mark Rich—who,in his searing book titled"The Hidden Evil:The Financial Elite's Covert War Against the Civilian Population",warned the socialist-deluded youth of today in his country:

根据这份报告,正如亨利福特(Henry Ford)警告他那一代年轻人社会主义的真理一样,美国作家马克里奇(Mark rich)也响应了这一号召。里奇在其名为《隐藏的邪恶:金融精英对平民人口的秘密战争》(The Hidden Evil:The Financial Elite's Covert War Against The Civilian Population)的犀利著作中,警告了他的国家今天那些被社会主义迷惑的年轻人:

If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program,but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth,then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all.


Instead it becomes the logical,even the perfect tool of the power-seeking megalomaniacs.


Socialism is not a movement of the downtrodden masses,but of the economic elite.



By one's knowing that socialism has absolutely nothing to do with helping ordinary peoples,as it's a political ideology and economic system designed solely for the benefit of elites,this report continues,one can understand why,in 2016,immediately after President Trump was elected,reports began emerging that these elites were rapidly building survival bunkers for themselves—reports that continue to this day,best exampled by the 7 August 2019 of just weeks ago headline"Billionaire Bunkers:How The 1%Are Preparing For The Apocalypse"—and who count among themselves former FBI Director James Comey—who had built for himself a secret bunker in the basement of his home,too.

人们知道社会主义绝对与帮助普通民众毫无关系,因为它是一种政治意识形态和经济制度,完全是为精英阶层的利益而设计的,本报告继续写道,人们可以理解为什么在2016年,特朗普总统当选后不久,就有报告显示,这些精英阶层正在迅速为自己建造生存掩体ーー这些报告一直延续到今天,最好的例子是几周前201987日的标题《亿万富翁掩体:1%的人是如何为天启做准备的》ーー前联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯·科米(James comey)也是其中之一ーー他还在家里的地下室为自己建造了一个秘密地堡。。

The"apocalypse"that these socialist elites now live in daily fear and dread of,this report notes,Henry Ford further explained by his stating:"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking system,for if they did,…I believe there would be a REVOLUTION before tomorrow morning"—a revolution President Trump has begun by his having just called the Chairman of the Federal Reserve"an enemy of the United States"—with his exactly asking the American people:"Who is our bigger enemy,Fed Chairman Powell or Chinese President Xi?"—and before this revolution is done,will have seen Trump revealing to the American people the crimes these socialist elites have committed as he returns their nation to the gold standard and wipes out all of their hidden wealth—and whose latest move to do so saw Trump,just weeks ago,appointing to the Federal Reserve gold standard advocate Judy Shelton.

这份报告指出,这些社会主义精英现在每天生活在对"末日"的恐惧之中,亨利·福特(Henry Ford)进一步解释道:"全国人民不了解我们的银行体系是好事,因为如果他们了解,......我相信明天早上之前就会发生一场革命"——一场革命——特朗普总统已经开始了,他刚刚称美联储(Federal Reserve)主席为"美国的敌人"——他正是在问美国人民:"谁是我们更大的敌人,美联储主席鲍威尔还是中国主席习?"在这场革命结束之前,特朗普将向美国人民揭露这些社会主义精英们犯下的罪行,因为他让他们的国家回到了金本位,并抹去了他们所有的隐藏财富。就在几周前,特朗普的最新举措是任命朱迪·谢尔顿(Judy Shelton)为美联储(Federal Reserve)的金本位倡导者。


Henry Ford warned the American people would ignite a revolution if they ever discovered what their socialist bankers and elites were really doing…



…and is a revolution President Donald Trump


has already begun as he returns the United States to the gold standard that will wipe out the hidden wealth of these socialists.


With both Russia and China"furiously buying up gold"ahead of President Trump igniting a full revolution among his citizens in order to return the United States to the gold standard,this report continues,the formidable socialist forces arrayed against him are fighting back against him with everything they can—best exampled by their putting on a full and mocking display proving that they have on their side a"three-tired system of justice"—one for these rich and powerful elite socialistsone for social justice-protected classesand one that will crush and destroy anyone standing in the way of these socialists.


A few examples of the system of justice for rich and powerful socialist elites in America,this report details,include:


Hillary Clinton being exonerated of her crimes before any investigation was begun—and when begun saw its FBI investigators being told they couldn't even examine the evidence against her.

在任何调查开始之前,希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的罪行就已经被证明无罪。当调查开始时,FBI 调查人员被告知,他们甚至不能审查针对她的证据。

Former FBI Director James Comey committing crimes so vile,his closest advisors described them using the words"surprised"-"stunned"-"shocked"in their reactions to learning what he had done—Inspector General Michael Horowitz directly declaring that"Comey set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees—and the many thousands more former FBI employees—who similarly have access to or knowledge of non-public information"—and whose evidence against was provided by a still unnamed whistleblower who sided with the American people against Comey—but all for naught as the"Department of Just-Us"declined to prosecute him.

前联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米犯下如此卑鄙的罪行,他最亲近的顾问用"惊讶"——"震撼"——"震惊"来形容他们在得知科米的所作所为后的反应。监察长迈克尔·霍洛维茨(Michael Horowitz)直接宣称,"科米为超过35000名现在的联邦调查局雇员——以及数以千计的前联邦调查局雇员树立了危险的榜样,这些雇员同样有机会接触或了解非公开信息"——他们的不利证据是由一名尚未指名的告密者提供的,这名告密者与美国人民一起反对科米,但这一切都是徒劳,

On the same day Inspector General Horowitz released his damning document detailing Comey's crimes,his releasing another shocking document titled"Investigative Summary:Findings of Misconduct by a Then Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Misuse of DOJ-Issued Computers and for False Statements"—wherein it detailed how an unnamed socialist Deputy Assistant Attorney General was discovered using his government computer to view pornography all day—when questioned then lied to FBI investigators—but when presented with the evidence,admitted he had lied—but that the"Department of Just-Us"declined to prosecute.

同一天,霍洛维茨总监公布了他那份详细描述科米罪行的该死的文件,他还公布了另一份令人震惊的文件,题为《调查摘要:时任司法部副助理部长滥用 doj 发布的计算机和虚假陈述的不当行为调查结果》,其中详细说明了一位不知名的社会主义副助理总检察长是如何被发现整天使用他的政府计算机查看色情作品的,然后被讯问,然后对联邦调查局调查人员撒谎,但在出示证据时,他承认说谎。

While just a few of the hundreds of examples of the system of justice designed to crush anyone standing in the way of these socialists includes:


Minor Trump aide George Papadopoulos being charged,prosecuted,convicted and imprisoned for telling a single lie that new and damning evidence shows never occurred at all.

特朗普的未成年助手乔治·帕帕佐普洛斯(George Papadopoulos)因为说了一个谎言而受到指控、起诉、定罪和监禁。新的确凿证据显示,这个谎言从未发生过。

Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn,likewise,being prosecuted for a lie he never told—the evidence of proving this fact the"Department of Just-US"is refusing to turn over to Flynn's attorney Sidney Powell because she doesn't have the security clearance which they refuse to give her.

同样,特朗普的国家安全顾问迈克尔·弗林也因为一个他从未说过的谎言而被起诉ーー证明这一事实的证据"公正美国部"拒绝将其移交给弗林的律师 Sidney Powell,因为她没有他们拒绝给她的安全许可。

And,of course,the"scorched earth"witch hunt persecution of President Trump to find any crime they could—but ended when these socialists couldn't find a single thing he had done wrong.



To anyone attempting to comprehend how President Trump is preparing to annihilate these elite socialists,this report notes,one has to go back to the early morning hours of 31 May 2017—the 132nd day of his Presidency,and was when he Tweeted out the six words"Despite the constant negative press covfefe"—from which a leftist mainstream media firestorm erupted best typified by The New York Times writing in their article"What's a'Covfefe'?Trump Tweet Unites a Bewildered Nation"wherein they wrote:

对于那些试图理解特朗普总统准备如何消灭这些社会主义精英的人来说,这份报告指出,我们不得不回到2017531日凌晨,也就是特朗普总统任期的第132天,当他在推特上发出六个字"尽管媒体持续负面报道 Covfefe"时,一场左翼主流媒体的风暴爆发了,《纽约时报》在文章中写道:"'Covfefe'是什么?"?特朗普的推文让一个困惑的国家团结起来",他们在推文中写道:

"Despite the constant negative press covfefe,"the Twitter post began,at 12:06 a.m.,from@realDonaldTrump,the irrepressible internal monologue of his presidency.


And that was that...A minute passed…Then another…Then five...Surely he would delete the message...Ten...Twenty...Forty minutes...An hour...The questions mounted...Had the president's lawyers,so eager to curb his stream-of-consciousness missives,tackled the commander in chief under the cover of night?...It was nearly 12:30 a.m....But by 1 a.m.,the debate had effectively consumed Twitter...Eventually,the jokes lurched into delirium.



Within five-minutes of President Trump sending out the word"covfefe",however,this report concludes,Foreign Ministry intelligence analysts not only knew exactly what this word meant—they further knew exactly why Trump had sent it out—a determination made by their first noting that Trump had sent this specific word out into the world just a fortnight after Special Council Robert Mueller was authorized to begin his witch hunt investigation on 17 May 2017—a word whose counterpart in the Slovenian language is"kafafa"—but with Slovenian being the most diverse Slavic language because of its multitudes of dialects,sees the word"kafafa"being spelled in its Russian Slavic language Cyrillic alphabet form"covfefe"in the Novo Mesto region of Slovenia—which,in fact,is the birthplace of First Lady Melania Trump—and who would,beyond all doubt,know exactly what this word means because of her husband President Trump's long association with the WWE—which is America's most popular professional wrestling organization,whose most important word is the Novo Mesto-Slovenian dialect written"covfefe"—which in ordinary Slovenian is"kafafa"—and in English is"kayfabe"--the word used to describe the portrayal of staged events within the industry as"real"or"true"—specifically the portrayal of competition,rivalries,and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind—with the term"kayfabe"having further evolved to also become a code word for maintaining this"reality"within the direct or indirect presence of the general public—thus meaning that Trump was sending out the unmistakable coded message that:

在斯洛文尼亚的新梅斯托地区,第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普的出生地以斯拉夫语的西里尔字母"covfefe"拼写出"kafafa"这个词,毫无疑问,由于她的丈夫特朗普总统长期与美国最受欢迎的职业摔角组织 wwe 保持联系,她会准确地知道这个词的意思
其中最重要的一个词是 Novo Mesto-Slovenian 方言写的"covfefe"ーー在普通斯洛文尼亚语中是"kafafa"ーー在英语中是"kayfabe"ーー这个词用来描述业内舞台表演事件的描述为"real""true"ーー特别是对竞争的描述,竞争,以及参与者之间的关系是真实的,而不是任何形式的阶段性或预定性质的——"kayfabe"一词进一步发展成为一个代号,用来在公众直接或间接存在的情况下维持这种"现实"——因此意味着特朗普正在发出一个明确无误的密码信息:

Nothing you will see from here on out is real or true—what you think may be a conflict isn't—I have to keep the American people out of this for now—but I assure everyone that the outcome of this fight was already determined long before I was even elected.




  • 本文由 发表于 2019年9月2日15:13:47
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