Ep. 2962a – The Biden Economy Is Failing, GND Agenda Fake, [CB]s Preparing For Something
拜登经济正在衰退,GND 议程是假的,[ CB ]正在为某些事情做准备
Ep. 2962b – Public Is Learning The Truth, Trump Was Right About Everything, Castle Cleaning In Progress
The 2022 year was a complete disaster. [JB] is trying to convince the people that inflation is down, fuel prices are down, but they are down from [JB] highs. The GND is falling apart, Elon Musk all EV does not qualify for 7500 credit, this tells you that the GND is political and not going to benefit the people. The [CB] are accumulating gold.
2022年是一场彻头彻尾的灾难。[ JB ]正试图说服人们通货膨胀在下降,燃料价格在下降,但是他们从[ JB ]的高点下降。GND 正在分崩离析,埃隆 · 马斯克所有的电动汽车都没有资格获得7500学分,这告诉你 GND 是政治性的,不会造福于人民。[CB]正在积累黄金。
The [DS] is feeling pain every single day. The pain is going to get worse as time goes on. The public is learning the truth and the Fauci files are about to come out. Everything that is happening shows the fake news, other government agencies lied to the American people and Trump told the truth. The swamp is now being drained, optics are good. The drip of information is about to turn into a flood of information.
[ DS ]每天都感到疼痛。随着时间的推移,疼痛会越来越严重。公众正在了解真相 Fauci 的档案马上就要公之于众了。现在发生的一切都是假新闻,其他政府机构欺骗了美国人民,而特朗普说的是实话。沼泽现在正在排水,情况良好。信息的滴水即将变成信息的洪流。