

From 2023 on only Love, Light and Liberty
Who we are and where we came from
The consciousness trap
The New Age Movement
Our origins to ancient times
The true prophets of this world

Who we are and where we came from


Several episodes of human history on Earth have come about through succession of extraterrestrial 新的开始|最后的警钟and extra-terrestrial colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on planet Earth.

地球上人类历史的几个片段是通过外星人的接连出现而产生的 和外星殖民地对地球施加领土和文化影响。

In historical archives lie many answers to questions often asked ‘who we are’, ‘where we came from’ and ‘how we evolved’ to become the beings we are today.


Millions of years ago, the Galactic Federation worked closely with the High Sirius Council to serve as a Guardian race that helped keep the reproductive and evolutionary process on planet Earth at the lowest density, which today is called the first Harmonic Universe on the three-dimensional timeline.


The origin of life goes back much further in time, than is commonly known – and still less known as episodes of human history. Acts of heroism begin beyond the boundaries of this planet and originate in star kingdoms, galactic federations, and Extraterrestrial Civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and several others that are only now being discovered.


For decades, scientists proclaimed wild theories about the fabled lost continent of Lemuria in the Indian Ocean. Until, in 2013, scientists actually found evidence. Geologists discovered evidence of a lost continent exactly where Lemuria is said to have existed and the old theories began to resurface.

几十年来,科学家们一直在宣扬关于印度洋上的 Lemuria 大陆的荒诞理论。直到2013年,科学家们发现了证据。地质学家发现了一块失落大陆的证据,而这块大陆正是 Lemuria 据说曾经存在过的地方,旧的理论开始重新浮出水面。

新的开始|最后的警钟The system we live in today is corrupt and dangerously dysfunctional. Why doesn’t anyone say so? – Central bankers rejected the gold standard in 1971 to replace it with today’s credit money; they are the founders of today’s credit bubbles. During the last 12 years, central bankers have even become active and aggressive in defending the past, giving the future no chance. For, their easy money has corrupted the entire economic system. A real recovery in this economy cannot happen anymore.

我们今天所生活的体制是腐败的,并且功能失调到了危险的地步。为什么没人这么说?1971年,央行行长们拒绝了金本位,用今天的信贷货币取而代之; 他们是今天信贷泡沫的创始人。在过去12年里,央行行长们甚至变得积极主动地捍卫过去,让未来毫无机会。因为,他们的宽松货币已经腐蚀了整个经济体系。这种经济的真正复苏不可能再发生了。

Changes in the tax base, tracks all transactions in the economy. Especially the illegal activities in the underground economy. People are forced to convert their savings into consumption and/or investment, which would give a boost to GDP and employment! Which, has failed partly because of the fake Covid pandemic.

税基的变化,跟踪经济中的所有交易。特别是地下经济的非法活动。人们被迫将储蓄转化为消费和/或投资,这将推动 GDP 和就业!这个计划失败了部分原因是假的冠状病毒疾病流行病。

The consciousness trap


In this manner, step by step, the world is becoming more of a police state, they now kill people to keep them ‘safe’, but essentially no one is safe, at least not in an emergency or stress situation 新的开始|最后的警钟where one would expect the police to come to your rescue.


It is high time, to advise everyone on taking some important steps to get themselves and their family through this chaotic period. The first step is learning. Study Agenda 2030, to see for yourself how far we have progressed in this humane crisis with the realisation of Agenda 2030 measures, which perceptibly supports their purpose in every aspect, so that you know exactly what is yet to come. There are many nuances to this situation which can cause great impact.

现在正是时候,建议大家采取一些重要措施,让自己和家人度过这个混乱的时期。第一步是学习。研究《2030年议程》 ,亲眼看看我们在这场人道主义危机中取得了多大进展,实现了《2030年议程》的各项措施,这些措施明显支持其各个方面的目标,以便你们确切地知道未来会发生什么。这种情况有许多细微差别,可能造成巨大的影响。

Most people are still in the current third “dimensional reality”, which is not real. In fact, this means that the current reality is a consciousness trap. Who and what we really are has been hidden from us. Our spiritual nature is our only true form. And that is mainly the power of the secret societies to make us forget everything and thereby keep us imprisoned.


When people don’t know the past, they are trapped, seeing only the illusion that doesn’t exist. That has nothing to do with the reality or truth of today, it is a manipulated lying hunch, an untrue deceptive illusion. Once you are aware of this fact, your Great Awakening has begun.


The New Age Movement


Strategic Alliances under the popular misleading name Galactic Federation, made contact with 新的开始|最后的警钟selected members of the cabal, governments and Illuminati bloodlines, and began infiltrating secret societies; known as Masons, Templars, and other spiritual communities. The propaganda of the Galactic Federation, as a pro-human ET group, is used to derail man’s spiritual awakening, to lead them into the ‘new age movement’ of Mind Control-based belief systems that prepare them for oppression.

战略联盟以流行的误导性银河联邦命名,与选定的阴谋集团成员、政府和光照派血统接触,并开始渗透秘密社团,即共济会、圣殿骑士团和其他精神团体。银河联邦(消歧义)的宣传,作为一个亲人类的 ET 团体,被用来破坏人类的精神觉醒,引导他们进入基于精神控制的信仰系统的“新时代运动”,为他们的压迫做好准备。

This ‘new age movement’ includes channelling a variety of alleged Ascended Masters, but is mainly dominated by Luciferians, a grouping that uses its association with the Galactic Federation.


These groups were responsible for the use of scalar weapons in the planetary field of Stonehenge 11th Stargate after consulting with the Nibirians to erase humanity’s collective memory and eliminate any historical trace from our common and recorded history originating in Atlantis civilisations.


The Luciferian Covenant was the initiator of the tragic events that led to the Catastrophe of Atlantis. This tragedy sent Earth’s inhabitants back into the Stone Age centuries of yore.


As a continuation, the Anunnaki organised a major battle group against Atlantis with the plan to explode the protective force field around planet Earth in order to gain control of the Giza Stargate and achieve their goal for planetary confiscation. For this, they sought the support of sympathisers in the Galactic Federation. Because, many of them are originally Anunnaki descendants, who felt they had been unfairly discriminated against.


Our lineage to ancient times


A whistle-blower, generational member of a ruling bloodline family, proclaimed under his 新的开始|最后的警钟pseudonym ‘Hidden Hand’ that “Our lineage can be traced back to ancient times”.


He continued; From the very first record in history and beyond, our family has somehow run the game from behind the scenes. Our origins predate even the rise and fall of Atlantis.


We were born to lead. We are part of the current paradigm. There are 13 basic or original core bloodlines. And continues: “We are definitely not Reptiles.” There is; “Nothing remotely reptilian within the true power of our Bloodlines.”

我们生来就是领袖。我们是当前模式的一部分。有13种基本或原始的核心血统。接着说: “我们绝对不是爬行动物。”是的,“在我们血统的真正力量之内,没有任何爬行动物。”

Hidden Hand explains that the current state of humanity on our polarised planet is ‘Mind control’, that consists of directed creative energy. You get exactly what you put into it. Why do you think the media is so important to us?


You (as a society), in your hypnotised comatose state have given away your ‘free will’ to the state, to get the situation the planet is in now. Saturate body and mind with unhealthy food and info served by television, get them addicted to it, including through presentations of violence, materialism, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness, continuous bad news, fear and terror.

你们(作为一个社会) ,在你们被催眠的昏迷状态下,已经把你们的“自由意志”给了这个国家,去得到这个星球现在的处境。用不健康的食物和电视提供的信息来饱和身心,让他们沉迷其中,包括通过暴力、物质主义、色情、贪婪、仇恨、自私、持续不断的坏消息、恐惧和恐怖。

Be assured that this is not fabrication or disinformation. Look around to find that 80 per cent of the population are addicted TV viewers.

请放心,这不是捏造或虚假信息。环顾四周,你会发现80% 的人口都是电视观众。

The true prophets of this world


The true prophets of this world include Jesus and Buddha they discovered the truth and broke the 新的开始|最后的警钟illusion known as consciousness trap. They tried to deliver a simple message explaining how all the 13 Chakra energy points of our body could be unlocked by regularly applying positive healthy living patterns, of pure thoughts and pure food combined with meditation and prayer, which ultimately leads to complete self-mastery. Afterwards, this message was seriously distorted by the addition of endless rubbish and nonsense.


The light body is our etheric corpus in its perfected, superconscious state, enabling interdimensional communication and teleportation to other dimensional realities and spaces in time.


Intentionally, most of humanity is unable to stimulate the higher heartbeat to connect the 4th DNA strand during adolescence to adulthood. For a long time, chemicals have distorted DNA patterns and created Miasmic (toxic air) connections linked to the spread of diseases, as well as core emotional problems and physical imbalances, which are unnatural.

有意识地,大多数人类在青春期到成年期间不能刺激更高的心跳来连接第四条 DNA 链。在很长一段时间里,化学物质扭曲了 DNA 模式,创造了与疾病传播有关的 Miasmic (有毒空气)连接,以及非自然的核心情感问题和身体失衡。

If human beings cannot stimulate their heartbeat and access the 4th strand of DNA, they are unable to activate their Soul identity. As a result, they do not know why they incarnated on Earth, what their higher purpose is, and cannot connect with or listen to their Higher Self, because they have not activated their Higher Sense Perception abilities.

如果人类不能刺激他们的心跳和进入第四条 DNA 链,他们就不能激活他们的灵魂身份。因此,他们不知道为什么他们投生在地球上,他们的更高目标是什么,不能连接或听取他们的更高自我,因为他们没有激活他们的更高感知能力。

In fact, this has to do with the trauma of our Wings being cut off from our Light Body, associated with the Curse of Yahweh, and being part of the negative grouping already known as the Archon Families.


新的开始|最后的警钟The emerging Great Awakening will be the full realisation of awareness, and of all this, to discover who we really are. All wars through the ages have been negatively initiated wars; motivated from greed, power and jealousy. To gain wealth, power and control over others through chemtrails, food and medicine.


People do not need wars, all peoples can live together in harmony, once all negative forces are transformed into positive energies.



  • 本文由 发表于 2023年1月2日16:50:17
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