
2019年7月26日13:54:50新闻外星人目击:罗马上空出现奇怪的外星飞船,视频清晰可见已关闭评论80310字数 2602阅读8分40秒阅读模式

A UFO was has been seen over Rome in a clear video which shows a bright orb rising into the sky,conspiracy theorists believe.


An unknowing family was looking out of their window from their home in Rome when they spotted a bright light in the horizon.Suddenly,the light,which is yellowish and perfectly circular,shoots up towards the sky.The family is left baffled by the incident,with people in the background saying in Italian:"What are they?"



The video was picked up by several media outlets in Italy before conspiracy theorists got hold of it.


Several UFO hunters are convinced this is a sign of alien activity in Italy.

一些 UFO 猎人确信这是外星人在意大利活动的迹象。


Popular YouTube channel UFOMania said:"A luminous sphere was spotted and recorded with a mobile phone by a family living in the area ofVilla Chigi in Rome."

Youtube 热门频道 UFOMania :"一个住在 Villa Chigi 地区的家庭发现了一个发光的球体,并用手机记录下来。"


A UFO was seen over Rome 有人在罗马上空看到一个不明飞行物(Image:GETTY•YOUTUBE)(图片来源:GETTY•YOUTUBE)

Many people who commented on UFOMania's video were absolutely convinced that the sighting is extraterrestrial.

许多评论 UFOMania 视频的人都绝对相信这次目击是外星人。

YouTuber EVA UFO commented:"It is a plasma drone.It's got to be alien technology or something else,just understand that they are taking pictures of our landscape and maybe compared them to the old times."

Youtube 用户 EVA UFO 评论道:"这是一架等离子无人机。这肯定是外星技术或其他什么东西,只要明白他们在拍摄我们的风景,或许还会把它们与过去进行比较。"

One person,COVER UFO MAGAZINE,believes the sighting could have been an alien abduction.

一个人,封面 UFO 杂志,认为目击可能是一个外星人绑架。

They commented:"Did we just witness an alien abduction?This is exactly how the several spheres we saw over a busy interstate outside Albany NY took off.This looks real to me."



The UFO shot up towards the sky 不明飞行物冲向天空(Image:YOUTUBE)(图片:YOUTUBE)

However,others were not so convinced by the video's authenticity,and believe the sighting could have been of something which has a more logical explanation.


Michael Bryant wrote:"Obviously a kite."


YouTuber Stuart Walker questioned whether the video was a complete fake.

Youtube 用户斯图尔特·沃克质疑这段视频是否完全是假的。

He wrote:"They find something so interesting they need to film it and zoom in but then they just get a little fed up and stop.Anybody who has been to Rome or checked on maps will know how heavily populated it is and everybody would have seen it."




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