突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

2019年11月22日09:52:42新闻突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者已关闭评论4147字数 4790阅读15分58秒阅读模式

美国司法部检察长发布的一份报告显示,联邦调查局腐败、管理不善、病态。在过去的三位 FBI 局长(穆勒、科米和雷伊)任职期间,FBI 管理不善的程度非常严重。联邦调查局平均每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人,其中至少有一人是儿童性侵犯者

突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

A report released yesterday by the DOJ IG shows that the FBI is corrupt,mismanaged and sick.The level of FBI mismanagement under the past three FBI Directors(Mueller,Comey and Wray)is atrocious.The FBI spends on average$42 million a year on secret informants with at least one being a child sex offender.

昨天美国司法部检察长发布的一份报告显示,联邦调查局腐败、管理不善、病态。在过去的三位 FBI 局长(穆勒、科米和雷伊)任职期间,FBI 管理不善的程度非常严重。联邦调查局平均每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人,其中至少有一人是儿童性侵犯者

The Department of Justice Inspector General released a report yesterday that covered FBI activities with special informants.The report entitled,"Audit of Federal Bureau of Investigation's Management of It's Confidential Human Source Validation Processes".


IG Horowitz released a video of the report in a tweet yesterday–

IG Horowitz 昨天在 twitter 上发布了这份报告的视频

The results of the report are simply shocking!


The FBI was led by crooked cops Robert Mueller and James Comey.Andrew McCabe was the interim FBI Director before the current FBI Director,Chris Wray,took the helm.It is no wonder with such corrupt leadership that the FBI is in such a mess.


The IG report states that the FBI has spent nearly$300 million between 2012 and 2018 on payments to Confidential Human Sources(CHSs).We don't know the actual spend each year we only know that it averages$42 million a year.It could be that the FBI spent$250 million in 2016 and little the other years.We really don't know how much was annually spent or to whom,we only know that the amount is extreme–

检察长的报告指出,从2012年到2018年,联邦调查局已经花费了近3亿美元用于支付机密人力资源(CHSs)。我们不知道每年的实际支出,我们只知道平均每年4200万美元。这可能是因为 FBI 2016年花了2.5亿美元,而在其他年份花的很少。我们真的不知道每年花了多少钱,或者给了谁,我们只知道这个数字是极端的-

突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

We also know that the FBI was not properly validating its CHSs.The FBI didn't comply with its own policies and procedures for managing long-term CHSs.There wasn't enough people to manage the validation process and so some long-term CHSs may have been assigned to one FBI individuals for years.

我们也知道,联邦调查局没有正确地确认其犯罪纪录。美国联邦调查局没有遵守自己的政策和程序来管理长期的社会保障。由于没有足够的人员来管理验证过程,因此一些长期的 CHSs 可能已经被分配给一个联邦调查局人员多年。

突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

A committee consisting of DOJ and FBI individuals did not comply with guidelines regarding CHSs and put pressure on a few HSRC members to keep up.As a result of not reviewing FBI CHSs on a timely basis some CHSs remained active when they should have been closed.The IG states that one individual was a child sex offender and the FBI didn't believe the individual's benefits"outweighed the associated risks"–


突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

One has to wonder if the child sex offender was the'star witness'from the Mueller investigation that we pointed out in July,by the name of George Nader?We reported–


According to a 3-count indictment unsealed Friday,Nader was charged earlier in July for possessing child pornography and for traveling with a minor to engage in illegal sexual acts.


Nader is accused of transporting a 14-year-old European boy to the United States for sex in the year 2000….


If the individual referred to in the report was George Nader one has to wonder if the IG reported this because he was already a known informant and child sex offender?


The next item in the Executive Summary in the report related to the CHS validation process.The controls were so bad that there is a risk that the CHSs are not adequately scrutinized or prioritized–


突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

A final highlight from the IG report related to phones provided by the FBI to informants.The practices varied amongst field offices on whether these phones were an acceptable method for communicating with CHSs–

检察长报告的最后一个亮点是由联邦调查局提供给线人的电话。各外地办事处在这些电话是否是与 CHSs-通信的可接受方法方面的做法各不相同

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突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

This point makes you wonder about the recent phones that were reportedly recovered that were used by Joseph Mifsud,the Maltese professor.Two phones were recently reported as in the possession of the DOJ that were used by Joseph Mifsud.Mifsud is connected to General Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos set ups in the UK in 2015 and 2016.

这一点让你想知道,据报道,马耳他教授约瑟夫·米夫苏德(Joseph Mifsud)最近使用过的手机。据报告,Joseph Mifsud 使用的两部电话最近由司法部拥有。麦克·弗林将军和乔治·帕帕佐普洛斯于2015年和2016年在英国建立了联系。

Finally,the FBI was scolded after its debacle with gangster Whitey Bulger who the Boston FBI used as an informant.Young Robert Mueller is related to this incident.The IG noted this in the report–

最后,联邦调查局在与歹徒怀特·巴尔杰(波士顿联邦调查局利用其作为线人)的失败后受到了责骂。年轻的罗伯特·米勒与这起事件有关。检察长在报告中指出了这一点突发新闻:司法部检察长发布报告显示 FBI 每年花费4200万美元用于秘密线人——至少有一个是儿童性侵犯者

The FBI needs a total overhaul.Some rightfully suggest shutting it down and starting over.This may be the best thing to do.Certainly current Director Wray isn't doing anything to address the massive corruption that exists in the FBI today.

联邦调查局需要彻底改革。有些人正确地建议关闭它,重新开始。这可能是最好的选择。当然,现任雷伊局长并没有采取任何措施来解决 FBI 目前存在的大规模腐败问题



  • 本文由 发表于 2019年11月22日09:52:42
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