(Natural News)The video platform Vimeo has banned Project Veritas and Natural News on the same day,taking part in the criminal collusion among tech giants who are systematically silencing independent journalism that keeps exposing the criminality of the tech giants themselves.
(自然新闻)视频平台 Vimeo 在同一天禁止了真理项目和自然新闻,参与了科技巨头之间的犯罪勾结,这些科技巨头有系统地压制不断曝光科技巨头自身犯罪行为的独立新闻报道。
Two days ago,Project Veritas released a bombshell video showing a Google executive named Gen Jennai who admitted on camera that Google is engaged in a massive criminal scheme to alter election outcomes and silence conservative speech.Google's video platform YouTube,to the surprise of no one,banned that video in a desperate effort to silence the explosive revelations.(Yes,Google censored a video that exposed Google's censorship,thus proving the video's merits yet again.)
两天前,真理计划公布了一段爆炸性的视频,视频显示一位名叫珍奈的谷歌高管在镜头前承认谷歌参与了一场大规模的犯罪计划,目的是改变选举结果,压制保守派的言论。谷歌的视频平台 YouTube,出乎所有人的意料,为了压制爆炸性的揭露,禁止了这个视频。(是的,谷歌审查了一段揭露谷歌审查制度的视频,从而再次证明了这段视频的价值。)
Despite being banned by YouTube,the video remained available on Vimeo,Bitchute and Brighteon.com,where it continued to gain huge viewership.
尽管被 YouTube 封杀,这段视频仍然可以在 Vimeo,Bitchute 和 brighteon 网站上看到,在那里它继续获得巨大的收视率。
Yesterday,in an act of obvious criminal collusion with Google,Vimeo disabled the Project Veritas account,shutting off all its videos and taking down the particular video that revealed Google's"massive criminal enterprise"which is now openly admitted to by one of its own executives.
昨日,Vimeo 明显与谷歌进行了犯罪勾结,关闭了"真理项目"(Project Veritas)的账户,关闭了所有视频,并删除了显示谷歌"大规模犯罪企业"的特定视频。
You can watch the full video here,via Brighteon.com,the free speech alternative to YouTube:
你可以在这里观看完整的视频,通过 brighteon.com,YouTube 的言论自由替代品:
Vimeo bans Natural News on the same day,proving Vimeo is engaged in a criminal conspiracy to commit fraud and racketeering
Vimeo 在同一天禁止自然新闻,证明 Vimeo 参与了诈骗和敲诈勒索的犯罪阴谋
Also yesterday,Vimeo banned Natural News for no reason whatsoever,other than to continue silencing independent journalists who are exposing the massive criminal fraud and racketeering of the tech giants.
同样在昨天,Vimeo 毫无理由地禁止了《自然新闻》,除了继续压制那些揭露科技巨头的大规模犯罪欺诈和诈骗的独立记者。
It is now abundantly obvious that these tech giants are conspiring and colluding to carry out acts of extreme criminality and fraud against the world.
1.@YouTube bans @Pinterest investigation
2.@Twitter suspends Veritas for Pinterest story
3.@reddit bans Project Veritas
4.@YouTube bans @Google investigation
5.@Vimeo removes Project Veritas account
1.@youtube bans@Pinterest investigation
2.@twitter 暂停了 Veritas 的 Pinterest 故事
3.@reddit 禁止项目 Veritas
4.@youtube 禁止@google 调查
5.@vimeo 删除 Project Veritas 帐户
—Project Veritas(@Project_Veritas)June 26,2019
ーProject Veritas(@Project Veritas)2019年6月26日
Here's what Natural News admins now see when logging in to Vimeo:
以下是自然新闻管理员登录 Vimeo 时看到的内容:
And here's a report of Project Veritas being banned by Vimeo on the same day:
下面是同一天被 Vimeo 封杀的真理项目的报道:
??? BREAKING @Vimeo has REMOVED Project Veritas saying:"You cannot upload videos that are hateful,defamatory,or discriminatory."Perhaps we embarrassed @Google but NOTHING we said was hateful,defamatory,or discriminatory.They're trying to erase us from the internet.pic.twitter.com/mBfmeHo4i0
Breaking@Vimeo 删除了真理计划,称:"你不能上传充满仇恨、诽谤或歧视的视频。也许我们让谷歌感到尴尬,但是我们说的任何话都不是仇恨的、诽谤的或歧视性的,他们想把我们从互联网上抹去 Pic.twitter.com/mbfmeho4i
—Project Veritas(@Project_Veritas)June 26,2019
ーProject Veritas(@Project Veritas)2019年6月26日
The tech giants are engaged in a coordinated criminal conspiracy to silence all independent speech
"This action shows that Big Tech corporations are enforcing an agenda of social control,where dissent is to be stomped out by any means necessary,"reports Big League Politics."The Big Tech censorship apparatus seems to be in panic mode,as Project Veritas is urging more whistle-blowers to come forward.The flood gates may be opened on these monolithic corporations who have apparently been lying to the public about what they are plotting behind the scenes."
"这一行动表明,大科技公司正在执行一项社会控制议程,在这项议程中,不同意见将被以任何必要的手段压制,"大联盟政治报告说。"大科技审查机构似乎陷入恐慌,因为真理计划(Project Veritas)正敦促更多举报者站出来。这些铁板一块的公司可能会被打开闸门,这些公司显然一直在向公众隐瞒他们在幕后策划的阴谋。"
What has become clear to us at Natural News is that Vimeo,Google,Apple,Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,Pinterest,MailChimp and a long list of other tech companies are engaged in coordinated criminal racketeering and fraud to silence all independent voices and shore up their monopolies.
我们在自然新闻上清楚的是 Vimeo、Google、苹果、Facebook、Twitter、YouTube、Pinterest、MailChimp 和一长串其他科技公司都参与了协调的犯罪勒索和欺诈,以压制所有独立的声音并支撑他们的垄断。
Humanity will never be free as long as these tech tyrants are allowed to run roughshod over basic human rights and civil liberties.It's time for the CEOs of these tech giants to be arrested and criminal prosecuted for their coordinated,criminal collusion and fraud.
2019年7月7日 下午2:29 1F