Watch The Economy,Orchestrated,Executed&Planned,Watch The People-Episode 2259a
观看经济,精心策划,执行和计划,观看人-第2259a 集
[DS]Projecting The Use Of Military,No War,No Civil Unrest,Clean&Swift-Episode 2259b
The MSM is trying everything to convince the public that the economy is in a recession and it is only going to get worse,actually the opposite is happening.People are starting to notice that they will be able to keep more of their hard earn money,it has already begun.Trump is helping the businesses of the US,while the[CB]/[DS]are trying to destroy businesses.
The MSM/[DS]believe by pushing riots and pushing other events this will put pressure on the people to give into their demands.This is having the opposite effect,when people see this they are doing the opposite.The MSM/[DS]do not understand the American people,this is why their plan will fail.The[DS]believes that they are going to have to use the military to remove Trump after the election,the opposite is about to happen,they just fell right into the next trap.
[OpDis Editor Note:X22 Report reviews current geopolitical and economical events as well as Q-related news,Trump,and the fall of the Deep State.X22 Report is another YouTube channel I recommend to listen if you want to be kept up-to-date on what's currently happening.
[OpDis 编者按:X22报告回顾了当前的地缘政治和经济事件,以及Q相关的新闻,特朗普和深层国家的陷落。X22报告是另一个 YouTube 频道,我推荐你收听,如果你想了解最新发生的事情]