Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3
We have been living in dark dark ages
but it is coming to an end! Praise God & Q Team
我们一直生活在黑暗的时代,但它即将结束! 赞美上帝和 q 团队
Gene Decode
“The cabal have been living high & mighty
on technology a million years ahead of us.
They went to Mars in 1903 & 1947 with Tesla’s anti-gravitics.
They used it in a TR-3B..
We’re using fossil fuel, solar energy, windmills,
all this ridiculous stuff.
We didn’t have to rape our planet.
Don’t have to have wires, strip-mining, all of this running wires.
In the 1890’s Tesla said it was a travesty
to rig power lines all over Earth..
The cabal are traveling 100 light years away in 1/2 an hour
& we’re traveling in an aluminum can at 600 mph
with wings full of explosive fuel,
stuff that was archaic 100 years ago.
We’re driving around using an internal combustion
that we had in the 1800’s..
I’m wanting to see all of this come down
& bring healing & abundance to the people.”
“这些阴谋集团已经在科技上趾高气扬地生活了一百万年。他们在1903年和1947年带着特斯拉的反重力学去了火星。他们在一辆 TR-3B 上使用了它。.我们使用化石燃料,太阳能,风车,所有这些荒谬的东西。我们没必要强奸我们的星球。不需要有电线,露天采矿,所有这些电线。在19世纪90年代,特斯拉曾说过,在地球上铺设电线是一种模仿。.阴谋集团以每小时1/2光年的速度行进在100光年之外,我们乘坐的是一个时速600英里的铝罐,机翼装满了爆炸性燃料,这种东西在100年前就已经过时了。我们使用的是19世纪的内燃机。.我希望看到所有这一切降临,给人们带来治愈和富足。”
Romana Didulo graphics re Advanced Tech in Ancient civilizations