
2020年5月28日09:36:25新闻特朗普承诺修复“激进左翼”的社交媒体审查制度已关闭评论3273字数 1860阅读6分12秒阅读模式


(Natural News)Online free speech is under attack like never before,and President Donald Trump has vowed to take action in its preservation.


In a recent tweet,Trump called out the culprits by name and indicated that his administration is working to address a problem that has been escalating for years.


"The Radical Left is in total command&control of Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,and Google,"the president tweeted."The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation."

奥巴马在推特上写道:"左翼激进分子完全控制着 FacebookInstagramTwitter 和谷歌。"。「政府当局正致力纠正这种违法情况。」

Along with this tweet,Trump shared a video clip of a speech given by conservative blogger Michelle Malkin,who likewise has been taking a stand in defense of free speech online.

除了这条推文,特朗普还分享了保守派博客作者米歇尔·马尔金(Michelle Malkin)发表演讲的视频片段,米歇尔也一直在捍卫网络言论自由。

"Thank you Michelle!"Trump further wrote.


For a while now,Trump has been vocal about social media censorship,calling it out and saying it needs to stop.However,very little has actually been done to address it,which is why Natural News has not only been removed from social media,but also blocked from having any of its content shared,along with all Brighteon content.

一段时间以来,特朗普一直对社交媒体审查制度直言不讳,呼吁它停止。然而,实际上几乎没有做什么来解决这个问题,这就是为什么自然新闻不仅从社交媒体上被删除,而且还被禁止分享任何内容,包括 Brighteon 的所有内容。

If something does not happen,and soon,there will eventually be no more right-leaning content online at all.The internet will quickly become an echo chamber for leftist ideologies with no room for alternative voices.


"Stay tuned,and send names&events,"Trump further added in a tweet about how his administration is supposedly on the verge of making some headway with holding the tech giants accountable for their crimes.


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