
2020年2月11日13:38:30新闻比文德曼还大:特朗普清洗70名国家安全委员会奥巴马遗留人员已关闭评论9577字数 2160阅读7分12秒阅读模式



President Trump is making good on his promises to"drain the swamp"and cut Obama-era holdovers from his staffs,especially the critical and recently controversial National Security Council.

特朗普总统正在兑现"抽干沼泽"的承诺,并将奥巴马时代遗留下来的工作人员剔除出去,尤其是最近颇具争议的关键性国家安全委员会(National Security Council)

Officials confirmed that Trump and national security adviser Robert O'Brien have cut 70 positions inherited from former President Barack Obama,who had fattened the staff to 200.

官员们证实,特朗普和国家安全顾问罗伯特·奥布莱恩(Robert O'Brien)已经削减了前总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)留下的70个职位。

Many were loaners from other agencies and have been sent back.Others left government work.


The NSC,which is the president's personal staff,was rocked when a"whistleblower" leveled charges that led to Trump's impeachment.



Last week,one key official who testified against Trump at a House hearing on the Ukraine affair that led to impeachment was sent packing.Lt.Col.Alexander Vindman was returned to the Pentagon.His twin brother,Lt.Col.Yevgeny Vindman,was also given the boot.Trump had expressed displeasure that Alexander Vindman had testified against him when the Ukraine specialist said he did not like the phone conversation between the president and a newly elected president of Ukraine.

上周,一名在众议院就导致弹劾的乌克兰事件举行的听证会上作证反对特朗普的关键官员被赶了出去。亚历山大·文德曼中校被送回五角大楼。他的双胞胎兄弟,Yevgeny Vindman 中校,也被开除了。当这位乌克兰问题专家说,他不喜欢总统与新当选的乌克兰总统之间的电话交谈时,特朗普对亚历山大·文德曼(Alexander Vindman)作证指控他表示不满。

Since entering the White House,Trump has relied on staffs smaller than previous administrations and has noted how prior presidents had a much smaller NSC team.


O'Brien recently said that former President George W.Bush handled the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with 100 NSC aides,a model he is instituting.

奥布莱恩最近说,前总统乔治·w·布什(George w.Bush)100名国家安全委员会助手一起处理了伊拉克和阿富汗战争,这是他正在建立的模式。

"This month,we will complete the right-sizing goal Ambassador O'Brien outlined in October,and in fact,may exceed that target by drawing down even more positions,"John Ullyot,the NSC's senior director for strategic communications,told Secrets.

美国国家安全委员会战略通信高级主管约翰·乌利奥特(John Ullyot)对《机密》(Secrets)表示:
"这个月,我们将完成大使O 'Brien10月提出的调整规模的目标,事实上,可能通过削减更多的职位来超过这个目标,"


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年2月11日13:38:30
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