An absolutely mind-blowing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs(MoFA)report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the telephonic conference held between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu a few hours ago,states that the gambit(a sacrificial action calculated to gain an advantage)now underway by President Donald Trump to remake the entire Islamic world begun with his ordering the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani,has rapidly accelerated into its second phase—a phase ignited less than 24-hours after Soleimani was killed when American"Deep State"supported and aligned Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar announced an all-out mobilization of his terrorist forces in Libya for what he declared is a JIHAD to confront and expel Turkish-NATO troops—troops the Turkish government approved in sending to protect the United Nations backed government of Libya—whose support is quickly needed as evidenced by Haftar's forces having just attacked the Tripoli military school killing at least 30 of its officers—the blood of whom stains the hands of Saudi Arabia who is financing Haftar and his terrorists—which sees the Saudis now being in direct opposition to the United States who supports Libya's UN-backed government—and though Trump can't openly attack the Saudis,this doesn't apply to an Iran able to destroy Saudi Arabia within a few days if it didn't have to fear Americanretaliation—the same Iran that exchanged letters with the United States through a Swiss emissary immediately after Soleimani was killed—and after this exchange of letters,saw Iran televising to the entire Islamic world the raising over its most holy and sacred mosque the blood-red Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn battle flag—a battle flag not raised since the early Middle Ages—and that signals war has begun between Iran's Shiite Muslims and the Sunni Muslims of Saudi Arabia.[Note:Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
克里姆林宫今天流传着一份绝对令人兴奋的外交部新报告,讨论几个小时前外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫和土耳其外交部长梅夫卢特·卡武索格鲁举行的电话会议,报告称,唐纳德·特朗普总统正在进行的策略(一种牺牲行动,目的是获取优势)是从下令暗杀索莱马尼将军开始,重塑整个伊斯兰世界,已经迅速进入第二阶段——在索莱马尼被杀后不到24小时,土耳其政府批准派遣军队保护联合国支持的利比亚政府——哈利法·哈夫塔元帅宣布全面动员其在利比亚的恐怖主义力量,以对抗并驱逐土耳其-北约部队。哈夫塔的军队证明,很快就需要索莱马尼的支持——他们刚刚袭击了的黎波里军事学校,杀死了至少30名军官,尽管特朗普不能公开攻击沙特,但他们的鲜血让沙特阿拉伯的手沾满了鲜血,沙特阿拉伯正在资助哈夫塔及其恐怖分子,如果伊朗不必担心美国的报复,它就不能在几天之内摧毁沙特阿拉伯ーー就是在索莱马尼被杀后立即通过瑞士特使与美国通信的那个伊朗ーー在这次通信之后,伊朗向整个伊斯兰世界播放了伊朗最神圣的清真寺升起的鲜血红色的亚拉-塔拉特-侯赛因(Ya la-Tharat al-Husayn)战旗的画面。这面战旗自中世纪早期以来就没有升起过。这标志着伊朗什叶派穆斯林和沙特阿拉伯逊尼派穆斯林之间的战争已经开始。注:本报告引号中的一些单词和/或短语是英语中俄语单词/短语的近似形式,没有准确的对应词
According to this report,yesterday the Ministry exhaustively explained that the over 1,300-year-old conflict existing between Muslim peoples and the West is based on the Islamic division of the entire world into two separate and distinct parts--Dar al-Islam,for the Muslim peoples--and Dar al-Harb for everyone else whom must be forced into submission—a division of the world corrupted by the Sunni monarchy of Saudi Arabia when they betrayed Islam by willfully becoming a part of what is known as the US Petrodollar System—a system mandating that oil can only be bought with US Dollars and enforced with American military power—the catastrophic consequences of which has cost millions of lives—most particularly over the past nearly 20-years when Iran,Iraq,Libya,Syria and Venezuela were all attacked by the US and its Westernallies and brutalized because they all refused to take US Dollars for their oil—otherwise known as Petrodollar Warfare.
根据这份报告,外交部昨天详尽地解释说,穆斯林人民与西方之间存在的1300多年冲突是基于整个世界伊斯兰分裂为两个独立和不同的部分——达尔伊斯兰,对于穆斯林民族,对于其他所有必须被迫屈服的人来说,则是对于 Dar al-Harb。沙特阿拉伯的逊尼派君主政体背叛了伊斯兰教,故意成为所谓的美国石油美元体系的一部分,从而导致世界分裂。美国石油美元体系要求石油只能用美元购买,并用美国的军事力量来强制执行。这种体系的灾难性后果已导致数百万人丧生,尤其是在过去近20年里,伊朗,伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚和委内瑞拉都受到了美国及其西方盟友的攻击,并遭到残酷对待,因为它们都拒绝接受美元购买石油——也就是所谓的石油美元战争(Petrodollar Warfare)。
Existing within the immutable(unchanging over time-unable to be changed)Islamic worldview of Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb,this report continues,is a separate state of existence known as Dar al-'Ahd—which references those who have reached agreements with Dar al-Islam without submitting to Islam—an agreement which sees the Dar al-'Ahd no longer being Dar al-Harb—but is an existence within a covenant of peace only able to be agreed upon by the entire Muslim world—which today is divided into the two factions of Shiite Islam and Sunni Islam.
本报告继续指出,存在于 Dar al-Islam 和 Dar al-Harb 不可改变的伊斯兰世界观之中的是一种被称为 Dar al-Ahd 的独立存在状态,该状态指的是那些与 Dar al-Islam 达成协议但不服从伊斯兰教的人,该协议认为 Dar al-Ahd 不再是 Dar al-Harb,而是存在于一个和平盟约之中,只有整个穆斯林世界才能达成一致,而今天的世界分为什叶派伊斯兰教和逊尼派伊斯兰教两个派别。
By one understanding exactly what the Islamic worldview is,and its different beliefs that will never be changed,this report notes,the historic and monumental event occurring a few weeks ago between 18-21 December 2019 can more than justifiably be viewed in terms like breathtaking and miraculous—as this was the first time in over 1,300-years the majority of Dar al-Islam joined together to begin working out a Dar al-'Ahdagreement with the West to end the centuries of conflict between them—which is known as the Kuala Lumpur Summit headed by three of world's largest Islamic nations Indonesia,Pakistan and Turkey—that was also joined by close Iran ally Qatar—and wherein these combined Sunni and Shiite powers announced the launch of a common currency called the dinar to be used between participating Muslim states to forever replace the US Dollar.
通过对伊斯兰世界观及其永远不会改变的不同信仰的理解,这份报告指出,几周前发生在2019年12月18日至21日之间的这一历史性和不朽的事件完全有理由被视为惊人和奇迹,因为这是1年多以来的第一次,300年前,大多数的 Dar al-Islam 联合起来,开始与西方国家达成一项 Dar al-'Ahd 协议,以结束两国之间长达数百年的冲突。该协议被称为吉隆坡峰会(Kuala Lumpur Summit),由世界上最大的三个伊斯兰国家印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦和土耳其牵头,伊朗的亲密盟友卡塔尔也参加了该峰会。在会上,这些逊尼派和什叶派的联合力量宣布推出一种名为第纳尔的共同货币,在参与的穆斯林国家之间使用,以永远取代美元。
Most notably not invited to the historic Kuala Lumpur Summit,this report concludes,was Saudi Arabia—who represent only 1.6%of the Muslim world,and whose up to 25%of its 32-million peoples are Shiite Muslims loyal to Iran—and when this summit began,saw the American social media giant Twitter removing nearly 6,000 accounts belonging to the Saudi monarchy spreading disinformation and propaganda about what was occurring—which was followed by what the Saudis called the"game changing attack"on its most important oil processing facility occurring on 14 September 2019 being brushed aside by the United Nations when it declared they were"unable to confirm Iranian involvement"—a fact confirmed just days after this attack when the Ministry of Defense documented with evidence that this attack on the Saudis was carried out by NATO missiles—thus proving beyond all doubt President Trump's intention to destroy Saudi Arabia so the remainder of the Islamic world can make peace with the West—and explains why Trump didn't inform the Saudis before assassinating General Soleimani—because if Trump had,the Saudis would have done everything in their power to stop it—because the killing of Soleimani was a direct attack on Dar al-Islam,not on Iran itself—and whose Islamic world"eye-for-eye"revenge for can be exacted against any Dar al-Harb enemy—that most particularly includes a Saudi Arabia whom the Iranians are now unleashed to attack and destroy as long as they don't harm any American—and is why Trump has rushed thousands of soldiers to evacuate these Americans when war starts—with it being most critical to note that the United States has no obligation and/or treaty to defend the Saudi monarchy—and explains why the hysterical drive to impeach Trump isn't being led by politicians,but by career employees of the US Departments of Defense,State Department,and other agencies regarding national defense in order to increase the sales-volumes of US-made weapons to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia—all of whom are complicit in sending Trump a vile Christmas card celebrating his assassination.
报告得出的结论是,最值得注意的是,沙特阿拉伯没有被邀请参加具有历史意义的吉隆坡峰会。沙特阿拉伯只占穆斯林世界的1.6%,其3200万人口中,有多达25%是忠于伊朗的什叶派穆斯林。此次峰会开始时,美国社交媒体巨头 Twitter 删除了近6个网站,沙特王室拥有上千个账户,散布有关正在发生的事情的虚假信息和宣传,之后,沙特称2019年9月14日发生的对沙特最重要的石油加工设施的"改变游戏规则的攻击"被联合国置之不理,联合国宣称他们"无法证实伊朗参与其中"——这一事实在此次攻击发生几天后得到证实,当时国防部用证据证明对沙特的这次攻击是由北约导弹发动的——从而证明了这一点,毫无疑问,特朗普总统打算摧毁沙特阿拉伯,这样伊斯兰世界的其他国家就可以与西方和平相处,这也解释了为什么特朗普在刺杀索莱马尼将军之前没有通知沙特阿拉伯,因为如果特朗普通知了,沙特阿拉伯会尽其所能阻止这一切,因为杀害索莱马尼是对达尔·伊斯兰的直接攻击,不是针对伊朗本身——伊朗的伊斯兰世界对任何达尔哈布的敌人都可以进行"以眼还眼"的报复——其中尤其包括一个沙特阿拉伯,只要不伤害任何美国人,伊朗人现在就会释放出来攻击并摧毁这个沙特阿拉伯——这就是为什么特朗普在战争开始时,迫不及待地派遣数千名士兵撤离这些美国人——最关键的是要指出,美国没有义务和/或条约来捍卫沙特君主制——并解释了为什么这场疯狂的弹劾特朗普的行动不是由政治家领导的,而是由美国国防部、国务院和其他机构的职业雇员领导的,目的是增加美国制造的武器对沙特阿拉伯等外国的销售量。这些人都是向特朗普发送一张邪恶的圣诞贺卡庆祝他被暗杀的同谋。
2020年1月7日 下午8:01 1F