
2019年9月28日07:50:57新闻美国人口普查数据显示,2210万美国居民为非公民已关闭评论5121字数 4150阅读13分50秒阅读模式


More than 22 million non-citizens now live in the United States,according to new data from the U.S.Census Bureau.

美国人口普查局(u.s.Census Bureau)的最新数据显示,目前有超过2200万非法公民生活在美国。

The Bureau on Thursday released details from its annual American Community Survey.According to estimates extrapolated from data collected,22.1 million are"not a U.S.citizen,"the data showed.


The statistics also showed a record 13.7%of the nation's 2018 population—nearly 44.7 million people—was born in another country,Census bureau researchers said.That's the highest number of foreign-born citizens since 1910.Most are from Latin America.


Between 1960 and 1970,just one in 20 US residents was foreign born.


"Today's foreign-born resident rate has surged to about one in seven in California,Texas,Florida,and New York—the nation's largest states—where the foreign born population is 15 percent higher than it is elsewhere in America,"The Daily Mail reported.


It comes as separate research carried out by the Federal Reserve Bank in St.Louis,Missouri,found that America's white working class is shrinking.


By 2034,it will no longer be the largest group in the country,according to the research.


The findings come after a report released in August by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics,that found in fiscal 2018,64%of all the arrests made by the federal government were of non-U.S.citizens.

此前,司法部司法统计局(Bureau of Justice Statistics)8月份发布的一份报告显示,2018财年,联邦政府实施的所有逮捕行动中,64%是非美国公民。

"While non-U.S.citizens make up 7%of the U.S.population(per the U.S.Census Bureau for 2017),they accounted for 15%of all federal arrests and 15%of prosecutions in U.S.district court for non-immigration crimes in 2018.Non-U.S.citizens accounted for 24%of all federal drug arrests and 25%of all federal property arrests,including 28%of all federal fraud arrests,"the Department said in a statement.


The report came as swarms of migrants from Central America have been flooding the U.S.-Mexico border.The report notes that foreigners from places other than Mexico have skyrocketed.


"The country of citizenship of persons arrested by federal law enforcement changed notably over time.From 1998 to 2018,Mexican citizens'share of federal arrests rose from 28%to 40%.Citizens of Central American countries'share of federal arrests rose from 1%to 20%during the same period,while U.S.citizens'share of federal arrests fell from 63%to 36%.Federal arrests of Central Americans rose more than 30-fold over two decades,from 1,171 in 1998 to 39,858 in 2018.The number of federal arrests of Mexican citizens(78,062)exceeded the number of federal arrests of U.S.citizens(70,542)in 2018,"said the Department.


Immigrant crime has also soared.


"Across 20 years,95%of the increase in federal arrests was due to immigration crimes.From 1998 to 2018,federal immigration arrests increased 5-fold(from 20,942 to 108,667),rising more than

50,000 in one year from 2017 to 2018.In 2018,90%of suspects arrested for federal immigration crimes were male,while 10%were female.Eighty-five percent of federal arrests of non-U.S.citizens in 2018 were for immigration offenses,and another 5%of arrests were immigration-related,"the DOJ said.

"20年来,联邦逮捕人数增加的95%是由于移民犯罪。从1998年到2018年,联邦移民被捕人数增加了5(20942人增加到108667),从2017年到2018年,一年内增加了超过5万人。2018年,因联邦移民犯罪而被捕的嫌疑人中,90%是男性,10%是女性。在2018年联邦政府逮捕的 non-U.S.公民中,85%是因为移民罪,另外5%的逮捕是与移民有关的。"

"Of suspects prosecuted in U.S.district court in 2018,57%were U.S.citizens and 43%were non-U.S.citizens.Almost all(99.7%)of the non-citizens prosecuted in U.S.district court were prosecuted for something other than first-time illegal entry."




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