Discover the System
The Destruction of Modern Society
First Modern Central Banker
Valuable reserves foundation of stable currency
Two kinds of Inflation
How The Elite Control The World
Planetary People Liberation
Discover the System
Who owns the central banks? You are about to learn one of the biggest secrets in world history, it’s a secret that has huge effects for everyone who lives on this planet.
Most people can feel deep down that something isn’t quite right with the world economy, but few know really what it is.
Gone are the days where a family could survive on just one pay check, every day it seems that things are more and more out of control, yet only one in a million understands why. You are about to discover the system that is ultimately responsible for most of the economic problems and inequality in our society today.
The Deep State doesn’t want you to know about this, as this system is what has kept them at the top of the financial food-chain for at least the last 110 years. Learning this will change your life because it will change the choices that you make.
If enough people learn it, it will change the world, because it will change the system. For this is the biggest Hidden Secret of Money. Never in human history have so many been plundered by so few, and it’s all accomplished through this; the gigantic scam in history of mankind.
The basic idea is that Central Banks will keep interest rates lower than anyone can imagine, for longer than anyone can imagine; and that will cause asset prices to soar. That includes stocks, as well as real estate and precious metals.
基本思路是,央行将把利率维持在任何人都无法想象的低水平,维持的时间超出任何人的想象; 这将导致资产价格飙升。这包括股票、房地产和贵金属。
However, for the reason to camouflage the devaluing progress of paper currencies specifically the US dollar as the reserve currency, the price of precious metals is artificially manipulated downwards, whatever the demand might be.
And this is the reason that after the high of 2011, gold never has reached or surpassed that level again, it should have been shot-up to US$ 60.000 per ounce under today’s circumstances.
The Destruction of Modern Society
Even worse, they inflict an enormous credit inflation, as result of the growths in the money supply. Whereby, price increases are delayed and uneven, due to the Cantillon Effect, as early receivers of the new money are able to purchase goods and services at existing prices.
更糟糕的是,由于货币供应量的增长,它们造成了巨大的信贷通胀。因此,由于 Cantillon 效应,价格增长是延迟和不均衡的,因为早期接受新货币的人能够以现有价格购买商品和服务。
Later receivers, or those who do not receive the new money at all suffer higher prices and a decrease in their standard of living. Even so, most people do not link higher retail prices with a previous expansion of the money supply. It would be hard to invent a more effective method for the destruction of modern society.
A practical version of the Cantillon Effect was observed in German concentration camps. Victims reported that those who were close to the kitchen were more likely to survive. Due to the fact food often ran out before it reached those who worked in the fields and forests.
First Modern Central Banker
Richard Cantillon, was an associate of John Law, the world’s first, real modern central banker; he introduced more than two centuries ago the Cantillon Effect; namely issuing new money handing over to the politically favoured groups closest to the central banks.
理查德·坎蒂隆是全球首位真正意义上的现代央行行长约翰•罗(John Law)的助手,他在两个多世纪前引入了“坎蒂隆效应”(Cantillon Effect) ,即发行新货币,把货币交给与央行关系最密切的政治利益集团。
It surely undermines faith in the entire financial system, past and present. Suddenly, people don’t know what they are worth; The auto parts distributor who worked his whole life, saved a million dollars and put it in a savings account at the bank, but now finds out his neighbour a banker, who speculated on banking shares is worth twice as much. He looks ahead; he wonders what will happen next.
这肯定会动摇人们对整个金融体系的信心,无论是过去还是现在。突然之间,人们不知道他们的价值是多少; 这位汽车零部件经销商一辈子都在工作,存了一百万美元,存在银行的储蓄账户里,但现在发现他的邻居是一位银行家,他投机银行股票的价值是他的两倍。他向前看,想知道接下来会发生什么。
More specific; You work all your whole life, and you are worth, say, $1 million. Then the Central Bank prints up $40,000 million, or more per month, just like that. It then gives the new money to the people who are close to them; the banks that were bailed-out, the other banks or people who speculate in stocks, in short it is the individual who makes campaign contributions, or manufacturers with Deep State contracts that make weaponries, etc.
更确切地说,你一辈子都在工作,你的身价,比如说,一百万美元。然后中央银行每个月印刷4亿美元,或者更多,就像这样。然后把新的钱给与他们关系密切的人; 接受救助的银行,其他银行或者投机股票的人,简而言之,是个人提供竞选捐款,或者与深层政府签订合同制造武器的制造商,等等。
“The insiders – that are the rich and the well-connected – get the money first.
They compete with it by obtaining goods and services, as if that money is as good as the old money. However, by the time it reaches the working class, this new money has greatly decreased in purchasing power or rather devalued, eventually to the point where it is worthless.
The central bankers running their printing presses – effectively giving money to their crony friends in the banking industry. From there, it seeps into the whole financial community, boosting prices for financial assets and real estate, which are owned by, the top 10%.
央行行长们经营着他们的印钞机——实际上是把钱给了他们在银行业的朋友。从那里,它渗透到整个金融社区,推高了金融资产和房地产的价格,这些资产都属于最富有的10% 的人。
Central banks provide cheap money to banks, the cheap money artificially inflate asset prices; as falsely inflated asset prices make anyone connected to those assets rich.
Today’s economy is exclusively for pre-informed speculators, as only the mob is connected they attain riches at everyone else’s expense.
Many awake have now realised what has happened and are understandably enraged. – Those people hate bankers. And for good reason: They have been cheating all the time. They are the insiders who are benefiting most from the Central Banks’ foolish money printing.
许多醒着的人现在已经意识到发生了什么,他们感到愤怒是可以理解的。那些人讨厌银行家。理由很充分: 他们一直在作弊。他们是从中央银行愚蠢的印钞行为中获益最多的内部人士。
Every government that has used paper money has succumbed to fatal loans. Instead of restructuring these debts, paper money systems allow a rapid expansion of the monetary base to facilitate in devalued money, or omit, debt repayment altogether.
This is no different from stealing. And yet, that is what happens all the time, eventually, resulting in a massive crisis and a breakdown of society.
Valuable reserves foundation of stable currency
Important to know that this chaos is being created, to introduce the cabal’s new money scheme. This new money system, SDR, (Special Drawing Rights), is issued by the IMF, which has been transformed into a super central bank for the world; backed by “international paper reserves”, without any value, that it can distribute to any country that needs it and is obedient to the new regime.
重要的是要知道这种混乱正在被制造出来介绍阴谋集团的新货币计划。这种新的货币体系,特别提款权(SDR) ,是由国际货币基金组织发行的,它已经变成了世界的超级中央银行; 由“国际纸币储备”支持,没有任何价值,它可以分配给任何需要它的国家,并服从新的制度。
Don’t ask too many questions. To put into simple words: The new world’s money system will be based on paper money and managed by global bureaucrats.
别问太多问题。简而言之: 新世界的货币体系将以纸币为基础,由全球官僚管理。
You will immediately understand that this is a hopeless proposal; a super bank led by super economists, will not last long, it will blow up the world’s entire financial system. Any system based on paper, like the current one, will explode anyway.
你马上就会明白,这是一个没有希望的提议; 一个由超级经济学家领导的超级银行,不会持续太久,它将摧毁整个世界的金融体系。任何基于纸张的系统,比如现在的系统,无论如何都会爆炸。
The foundation of any stable currency is ‘valuable reserves’. Especially in uncertain times, for the future of any currency is this of vital importance to be based on intrinsic value, preferably gold or silver. In this manner national wealth remains secured even in tough times.
Central Banks have drenched the world economy in free fake money. With that kind of monetary firepower, one would think there would be a hell of a recovery. Instead, the recovery – 2007 till 2018 – added only 19.28% to real GDP, which was less than the 19.89% added in the 10 years during the Great Depression, following the Crash of 1929. Think about that!
各国央行向世界经济注入了大量免费的假币。有了这样的货币火力,人们可能会认为经济会出现强劲复苏。相反,2007年到2018年的经济复苏只增加了实际 GDP 的19.28% ,低于1929年大萧条之后的10年间19.89% 的增幅。好好想想!
Unbacked money is a scam as explained above. The longer it goes on, the more unstable the whole economy and eventually society will be, the more unfair it becomes, and the more radical reforms are necessary.
These reforms are available and ready for implementation after the cabal money system is gone, and the off-world new QFS system. as frequent readers already know, is put into action.
这些改革措施在阴谋集团货币体系和世界以外的新 QFS 体系消失后就可以实施了。正如经常阅读的读者已经知道的那样,已经付诸行动了。
Two kinds of Inflation
“Inflation” refers to an increase in the supply of money. People use it colloquially to refer to consumer price increases. But increasing the supply of money doesn’t necessarily increase consumer prices. It depends on where the money goes and how it gets there.
After the two bubbles of this century, the government decided to “stimulate” the economy with fake money, which inflated the prices of paper assets, stocks and real estate. Had all the printed money gone to consumer prices, the world would have experienced another Weimar-era of hyperinflation, like Germany’s in the early 1930s, when inflation rose by hundreds of percent every day.
Central bankers are the biggest threat to people’s financial well-being. They are on purpose playing with fire, deliberately creating currency catastrophes. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what is really going on and will not know what to do when their currency collapses. Many that are however awake and notice this rigged system, are sadly ignorant to prepare themselves.
George Carlin – How The Elite Control The World
乔治 · 卡林-精英如何控制世界
They want more for themselves less for you.
“They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people, capable of critical thinking… They want obedient workers; People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passably accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lowest pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.”
Planetary People Liberation
We are on the eve of planetary change for the benefit of humanity. This opportunity occurs only once in universal history. The incarnated on planet Earth are the chosen ones to complete this change on instructions from Father/Mother GOD.
The oppressors control the minds of humanity why it has taken centuries. Next week, an article to learn why and how this has been possible.
Read for free The Great Awakening, a uniquely complete summary of what has taken place and what is upon us in the world of 5D.
免费阅读《伟大的觉醒》 ,这是一本关于5D 世界中已经发生的事情和正在发生的事情的独特而完整的总结。
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