What We Have learned in 2021
By James Gilliland
作者: James Gilliland
January 3, 2022 | Issue 21
2022年1月3日 | 第21期
- Our vote doesn’t count, who owns and controls the voting machines count.
- 我们的投票不算数,谁拥有和控制投票机的计数。
- Our president, China, Pedo Joe Obama has nicknames for a reason and the mountain of evidence concerning bribes and morally challenged actions, son included are ignored by the press and the justice department.
- 我们的总统,中国,佩多 · 乔 · 奥巴马有绰号是有原因的,大量关于贿赂和道德挑战行为的证据,包括儿子在内,都被媒体和司法部门忽视了。
- Our politicians, leaders and agencies for the most part are completely compromised, bribed by China or the global elite, most are heavily invested in the vaccine companies and cannot be depended on to act in our highest and best good.
- 我们的政治家、领导人和机构大部分是完全妥协的,他们受到中国或全球精英的贿赂,大部分都在疫苗公司大量投资,不能依靠他们来为我们的最高和最好的利益行事。
- Our health agencies we depend on to protect and advise us get their orders from the vaccine companies ignoring statistics concerning crippling and deadly side effects, numbers now that fall into the category of genocide.
- 我们所依赖的卫生机构保护我们,并且建议我们从疫苗公司那里获得他们的订单,这些公司忽略了有关致残和致命副作用的统计数字,现在这些数字属于种族灭绝的范畴。
- Dr. double speak Fauci when you factor in the deaths caused in his aids research and stopping safe, inexpensive, effective early treatments for covid makes Joseph Mengele look like a boy scout.
- 福奇博士在他的艾滋病研究中考虑了死亡因素,并停止了安全、廉价、有效的covid早期治疗,这让约瑟夫 · 门格勒看起来像个童子军。
- Our justice department is not interested in Laptops, “Weiner’s or Hunter’s” with undeniable evidence of child torture, rape, pedophilia, hostile foreign government bribes etc.,nor are they interested in all those who participated in acts thereof with Epstein or Maxwell.
- 我们的司法部门对笔记本电脑、“ Weiner’s 或 Hunter’s”电脑不感兴趣,因为它们有不可否认的证据证明儿童遭受酷刑、强奸、恋童癖、敌对的外国政府行贿等等,他们也不关心所有那些与爱泼斯坦或麦克斯韦尔一起参与这些行为的人。
- Our justice department is interested in Russian hoaxes, going only after and arresting all things right, republican, conservatives, moms and parents attending school board meetings.
- 我们的司法部门对俄罗斯的恶作剧感兴趣,只追查和逮捕所有正确的事情---- 共和党人、保守派人士、参加学校董事会会议的母亲和父母。
- Our school boards cannot be trusted in care of the children due to massive funds, project Care, being allotted to them to force the mask and vaccine mandates as well as promote critical race theory, pedophilia rebranding it as the young attracted.
- 我们的学校董事会在照顾孩子方面不值得信任,因为有大量的资金,“关爱”项目,被分配给他们来强制要求戴口罩和接种疫苗,同时宣传批判性的种族理论,恋童癖把它重新定义为年轻人所吸引。
- Politicians, agencies, the corporate owned press play the race, religion, gender, right verses left cards to create division and chaos. Order through chaos being the foundation of the global elite makes one wonder just who they are working for?
- 政客、机构、企业所有的新闻界玩弄种族、宗教、性别、右派和左派的把戏,制造分裂和混乱。混乱中的秩序是全球精英的基础,这让人想知道他们到底为谁工作?
- There has been an all out war against the family unit, basic morals, allegiance to God and country, all things good.
- 有一场针对家庭单位、基本道德、对上帝和国家的忠诚的全面战争,一切都是美好的。
- Science has become politically and profit driven ignoring facts, statistics and real science. Anything that goes against the political profit driven agendas gets censored. This includes health and environmental science..
- 科学已经成为政治和利益驱动,忽视事实,统计数据和真正的科学。任何违背政治利益驱动的议程都会受到审查。这包括健康和环境科学。.
- Fact checkers censor Noble Prize Winning scientists and doctors, lead researchers and scientists, creators of the MRNA gene therapies, the PCR tests, front line doctors, and nurses. They do not rely on facts, only opinions given to them by their CEOs, political profit driven sponsors as stated in the courts.
- 事实检查员审查诺贝尔获奖的科学家和医生,首席研究员和科学家,MRNA 基因疗法的创造者,PCR 测试,一线医生和护士。他们不依赖于事实,只依赖于他们的首席执行官给他们的意见,政治利益驱动的赞助商在法庭上陈述。
- The president has dementia, totally contradicts himself, praises himself for fictitious accomplishments, has failed on every level and repeats Lets go Brandon not knowing he is basically telling himself to go _uck himself supported by his psychologist wife handler which is actually elderly abuse.
- 总统患有老年痴呆症,完全自相矛盾,夸耀自己虚构的成就,在各个层面上都失败了,重复着让我们走吧,布兰登不知道他基本上是在告诉自己去操他自己,而他的心理治疗师妻子实际上是在虐待老年人。
- With Directed Energy weapons you can have forest fires in frozen snow covered forests, explode trees from the inside out, cut cars in half, melt steel, porcelain toilets and create checkerboard fires in residential areas then blame it on kids with matches
- 使用定向能武器,你可以在冰雪覆盖的森林里发生森林火灾,从里到外地炸毁树木,把汽车砍成两半,熔化钢铁,烧瓷马桶,在居民区制造棋盘式火灾,然后把责任归咎于使用火柴的孩子
- Massive outbreaks with flu like symptoms are common in conservative gatherings but skip far left political gatherings including riots. Chemtrails have stepped up with a whole new batch of toxic chemicals and biologicals courtesy of actions or nonactions by our airfarce. Has the cabal surrendered??????.
- 大规模爆发流感症状是常见的保守集会,但跳过极左的政治集会,包括暴乱。化学步骤已经加强了与全新的一批有毒化学品和生物制品的礼貌行动或不行动由我们的航空滑稽剧。秘社投降了吗? ? ? ? ? ?.
- The CCP, the global elite, the far left and some compromised right along with the major vaccine companies are lockstep in a population control take down America program. The socially engineered, critically thinking, research impaired morally compromised masses are complying, willingly and in ignorance in their own enslavement and demise.:
- 中共,全球精英,极左派和一些妥协的右派与主要的疫苗公司在人口控制拿下美国计划中步调一致。社会工程师、批判性思维、研究受损的道德妥协的大众,在自己的奴役和遗弃中甘愿或无知地顺从:
- One obvious lesson is resistance to this agenda is world wide, there are demonstrations in the millions, whole countries are gathering in protest of draconian ineffective lockdowns, mandates and toxic injections. All you hear in the press is crickets. Makes one think is there anything else they are not or have not told us?
- 一个显而易见的教训是,全世界都在抵制这一议程---- 数百万人举行示威,整个国家都聚集在一起,抗议严厉的无效封锁、强制令和有毒注射。你在媒体上只能听到蟋蟀的叫声。让人觉得他们还有什么没有告诉我们或者没有告诉我们的?
James Gilliland