
2019年10月22日13:10:01最新动态X22报道|第2000集:经济控制属于爱国者,深州要面对正义已关闭评论52210字数 3676阅读12分15秒阅读模式



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The[CB]/MSM Have Been Exposed,The Economic Control Belongs To The Patriots-Episode 2000a


Follow The Clues,Another Piece Of The Puzzle Added,[DS]Ready To Face Justice-Episode 2000b


By X22Report

Published on Oct 21,2019



The patriots are now trapping the[CB]establishment,in the UK BJ has created virtually the same deal TM created,but within the deal there is another deal that the patriots will use against the[CB].UK is getting ready to vote on the BREXIT.Deutsche Bank is now laying people from the bank,this is not a good sign.The patriots have now exposed the[CB]and the MSM,the MSM and certain financial pundits have been pushing a recession.



The[DS]is pushing impeachment,with no vote,they are panicking because they know that the IG report and the Declas are coming.Romney has a secret Twitter account.Trump drops clues at his rallies.The MSM is now getting ahead of the story.The patriots want Schiff to step down.The troops are being withdrawn from Syria and Afghanistan.Pelosi,Schiff and other try to undermine Trump in Syria.Another piece is being added to the puzzle,this is needed.


[OpDis Editor Note:X22 Report reviews current geopolitical and economical events as well as Q-related news,Trump,and the fall of the Deep State.X22 Report is another YouTube channel I recommend to listen if you want to be kept up-to-date on what's currently happening.In this video,we hear about the UK getting ready to vote on Brexit.Also,Deutsche Bank is now laying off people.Meanwhile,Pelosi and Schiff try to undermine Trump over Syria.]





Trump and the patriots are now pushing the narrative, they are pushing the clues, they are educating the people, why, because very soon we are going to see something we have never seen before in this country, people will be held accountable. People ask why don’t we just arrest them now, the public needed to be educated, we need to remember many have been brainwashed by the MSM, thats all they know, the players needed to be introduced, the crimes needed to be introduced, the MSM is now trying to get ahead of what is coming, this will help the patriots, because it will allow people to question the MSM narrative plus the MSM is also educating the public even though they are putting a spin on the story, remember the patriots have facts and evidence, the MSM, DS do not, it has all been planned from the beginning and one crucial piece to the puzzle is ready to be inserted, we will be talking about this a little later but first Mitt Romney is now in the cross hairs. 

特朗普和爱国者现在正在推动叙事,他们在推动线索,他们在教育人民,为什么,因为很快我们就会看到我们在这个国家从未见过的东西,人们将被追究责任。 人们问我们为什么不现在就逮捕他们,公众需要接受教育,我们需要记住很多人已经被 MSM 洗脑,这就是他们所知道的,玩家需要被介绍,犯罪需要被介绍,MSM 现在正试图领先于即将到来的事情,这将帮助爱国者,因为它将允许人们质疑 MSM 的叙述,而 MSM 也是公众,即使他们正在教育旋转的故事, 记住爱国者有事实和证据,MSM,DS 没有,这一切从一开始就计划好了,一个关键的部分已经准备好插入,我们将稍后谈论这一点,但首先米特 · 罗姆尼现在是目标。


We are now seeing deaths of prominent people


1. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D) Baltimore, MD 68

1. 巴尔的摩共和党众议员伊利亚 · e · 卡明斯(Elijah e. Cummings) , 68岁

2. Mark Hurd, CEO of three major technology companies including Oracle, 62

2. 马克·赫德,包括甲骨文公司在内的三大科技公司的CEO, 62岁

3. Thomas D’Alessandro III former Mayor of Baltimore, MD and Speaker Pelosi’s brother, 90

3. 前巴尔的摩市市长,医学博士,众议院议长佩洛西的兄弟,90岁

4. Luke Gregory, CEO Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, 63  

4. 卢克·格雷戈里,范德比尔特儿童医院首席执行官,63岁


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