
2022年2月14日08:46:48常识知识介绍柯推荐|银河联盟舰队已关闭评论747字数 13925阅读46分25秒阅读模式




Through Sheldan Nidle




June 25th, 2002


6 Batz, 14 Kayab, 10 Caban

From The Planetary Activation Organization (pao@hawaii.rr.com).  Article taken from:  http://www.paoweb.com/sn070902.htm  Published by permission from PAO.

来自行星激活组织(PAO@hawaii. rr. com) ,文章摘自: 《 http://www.paoweb.com/sn070902.htm 由 PAO 许可发表。


柯推荐|银河联盟舰队Selamat Jarin! We arrive with more to tell you. Many of you may wonder how we have set up our various fleets in your solar system. You may also have asked yourselves how each fleet’s functions interrelate. To begin with, our fleets are positioned in three rings. The first ring surrounds Mother Earth and her artificial companion, your Moon. This fleet contains over one million ships, most of which are small, unarmed scout and transport vehicles. Their task is to observe you and your world, to oversee fleet operations and to transport certain types of supplies that cannot be teleported to our bases. Our bases, located beneath all of your continents, oceans and seas, are linked to a vast array of crystal cities and communities that comprise Inner Earth. Yet another group of bases is to be found on your Moon, which contains a huge network of command and research facilities. These stations provide the means for us to monitor your secret government’s collection of space, time and inter-dimensional weaponry. They pose no potential threat to us.

Selamat Jarin!我们带着更多的信息来到这里。你们中的许多人可能想知道我们是如何在你们的太阳系中建立我们的各种舰队的。你可能也会问自己每个舰队的功能是如何相互关联的。首先,我们的舰队分成三个环。第一个光环环绕着地球母亲和她的人造伴侣,你的月亮。这支舰队拥有超过一百万艘船只,其中大部分是小型的,非武装的侦察和运输车辆。他们的任务是观察你们和你们的世界,监督舰队的行动,并运送某些类型的补给品,无法远程传送到我们的基地。我们的基地,位于你们所有的大陆、海洋之下,与构成地心的一系列巨大的水晶城市和社区相连。还有一组基地将在你们的月球上被发现,其中包括一个巨大的指挥和研究设施网络。这些空间站为我们提供了监控你们秘密政府收集的空间、时间和跨维度武器的手段。他们对我们不构成潜在威胁。

Surrounding this first, or inner ring are several spokes that consist of a number of special liaison and defense fleets. Their purpose is, first, to supervise and, then, to take effective countermeasures whenever necessary. Our purpose is to refuse your secret government continued use of any weaponry that may pose a threat to our earthly allies. We have set up interplanetary ‘stations’ to close any inter-dimensional star-gates and to carefully monitor any artificially created distortions in time’s natural waves. Here, bear in mind that physicality is actually an illusion created by its inhabitants’ collective core belief and the dictates of the divine plan. In this, natural patterns occur in the way Time and Light coalesce to form ‘space’ — the stuff that produces realities. Dark, limited-conscious societies have used these natural patterns to construct fearsome weapons that alter realities, mutate dimensions and warp or constrict the flow of time. Your secret government has co-opted the work of many of your inventors and scientists, and merged it with a number of off-world technologies.


Other secret government technologies are capable of altering your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Their vile purpose is to bring about the eventual control of your minds. Then, they can complete the genetic alterations left undone by the fall of Atlantis some 13 millennia ago. Our mission is to neutralize and prevent any large-scale adoptions of these technologies. Every day, Heaven is working to finish, on schedule, the long process that will return you to full consciousness. Once again, we put on warning those in your secret government who continue to harbor the belief that they can hinder this sacred operation. We WILL NOT tolerate such attempts. Accordingly, we have established a full team of scientists and corresponding liaisons who are on the lookout for these programs and are then limiting their effectiveness. Properly applied, these technologies can substantially assist what Heaven is creating. Dear Friends, we most sincerely welcome a full disclosure of the covert acts, committed during most of Earth’s last two centuries, that have hindered your return to full consciousness.


Structure of the Galactic Federation of Light Overseeing Earth Transformation
See Illustration




Consists of:




1st Ring


More than a million ships of unarmed scouts and transport vehicles


To oversee fleet operations, transport supplies to Earth subterranean bases and Earth inner cities and Moon bases.监督舰队的运作,向地球的地下基地、地球内部城市和月球基地运送物资。



Liaison and defense fleets.


Supervise and countermeasure, if necessary, the secret government’s programs such as physical, mental and emotional control and mind control and also close any interplanetary star gates and artificially-created time wave distortions.


2nd Ring


Headquartered in Mars in underground and surface bases.  Sentient beings not human in form.  Planetoid-sized Motherships


Augment the research and observation being done by first ring. Also work in tasks that involve weaponry and technology. Work in preparing Mother Mars for human arrival en masse, after human journey to full consciousness is completed.


In-Between 2nd and 3rd Ring


Special, planet-sized command ships from the Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets.来自科学与探索舰队的特殊的、行星大小的指挥舰。

Main command ships for First Contact mission. A standard procedure is to cloak these ships and keep them away from the prying eye of many space telescopes. The aim of these telescopes is, essentially, to find these ships.


3rd Ring三环

Largest.  Millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Motherships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus.  Also there are main transport stations that lead back to the vast profusion of home-worlds. It has also traffic coordinators for this immense fleet of ships.


These Motherships are simply the final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and its solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no Being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent.  The traffic coordinators serve to move all ships between these rings and back into interstellar or intergalactic space.这些母舰只是最后的备份,作为组件,将进入第二环只有在必要时。他们向所有潜在的对手宣告,地球母亲及其太阳系显然正在经历一场无论是有形的还是无形的存在都无法阻止的转变。交通协调员负责将所有飞船在这些光环之间移动,并返回到星际或星系间空间。

The second ring of fleet components is headquartered on Mars. These support groups consist mainly of sentient Beings who are not human in form. Many of them will be introduced to you soon after the beginning of First Contact. Others will wait until you are restored to full consciousness. Within this second series of fleets are included some small, planetoid-sized Motherships, whose purpose is to augment the research and observations being done by the innermost ring of ships. They also have a number of tasks involving the weaponry and technology that, in the course of the past decades, has been given to your secret government. Most of this technology was supplied by the off-world star-nations, star leagues and star empires whose ships are to be found here. On Mars, a network of underground and surface bases acts as the ‘control and command’ segment of this exceedingly diverse fleet. These Galactic Federation personnel are also busily preparing Mother Mars for your arrival en masse, after your journey to full consciousness is completed.


Between the second and third rings are a large number of special, planet-sized command ships from our Science and Exploration (S&E) fleets. They will serve as the main command ships for this First Contact mission. Standard procedure is to cloak these ships and keep them away from the prying eye of your many space telescopes. Their aim, essentially, is to find us. From time to time, we very briefly uncloak some of these Motherships in order to show your secret government that we are still here and do not intend to go away. We know that infrequent sightings of these ships by your astronomers go unreported. They fear reprisal, either by their peers or by those who give them their grants. Your secret government fears these ships the most because they fully realize the capability of such a fleet and the insignificance of any response they could mount. Here, we repeat that we are benevolent and operating under the full supervision of Heaven.


The outermost ring of our vast fleet is, by far, the largest. It contains millions of immensely varied ships, ranging from Motherships the size of large ocean liners to those nearly the size of Neptune or Uranus. These Motherships are simply our final back up, serving as components that will enter the second ring only when necessary. They proclaim to all potential adversaries that Mother Earth and your solar system are clearly experiencing a transformation that no Being, corporeal or non-corporeal in form, can prevent. Within this ring are the main transport stations that lead back to our vast profusion of home-worlds. Here, as well, are to be found the traffic coordinators for this immense fleet of ships. They serve to move all ships between these rings and back into interstellar or intergalactic space.



Illustration:  Galactic Federation Fleet Positioning with Respect to Earth.
Not to scale, illustration by Luis Prada

插图: 银河联盟舰队相对于地球的定位,不按比例缩放,由 Luis Prada 插图

Our fleet is divided into two components, as well. The first, and the smaller, has a very long duty cycle that includes our main command personnel, as well as our many medical and planetary teams. The second group, which is deliberately more temporary, consists of member fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light that dearly wish to be part of the most significant event in recent galactic history. We deeply understand that the need to watch over you is one of our greatest challenges, yet also one of our greatest joys. Every medical and planetary team is fully aware of what Mother Earth and you are undergoing. We have carefully observed and, when Heaven allows, have intervened. Every action of our fleet arises from events occurring on your world. Our entire team awaits First Contact and what it means — the starting point for the next great step in our galaxy’s history.




Classification by Components of the Galactic Federation of Light Overseeing Earth Transformation




Consists of:




1st Component


The first, and the smaller, includes main command personnel, as well as many medical and planetary teams.第一个,也是较小的一个,包括主要的指挥人员,以及许多医疗和行星小组。

Very long duty cycle that includes the main command personnel, as well as the many medical and planetary teams. Every medical and planetary team is fully aware of what Mother Earth and its inhabitants are undergoing. Performs careful observation and intervention as Heaven allows.


This contact command team, which contains all of the liaison boards and fleet commanders, is in charge of this immense fleet.


2nd Component


Deliberately more temporary, this group consists of member fleets of the Galactic Federation of Light.


Participates in numerous activities and wants to be part of the most significant event in recent galactic history.


Earth Spiritual Hierarchy (Great White Brotherhood)


A special segment that comprises the local Earth Spiritual Hierarchy.


(Not mentioned in this article) Works for the awakening of mankind through mystical students and channels.  Delivers teachings through various organizations, brotherhoods of Light and Mystery Schools.  Works in conjunction with the Galactic Federation of Light.



Our First Contact command team, which contains all of our liaison boards and fleet commanders, is in charge of this immense fleet. There is also a special segment that comprises your local Spiritual Hierarchy. Remember, dear Friends, that our purpose for coming here is divine. Heaven summoned us and we came. To control such vast, diverse fleets is highly unusual in a First Contact operation. Normally, a single S&E fleet accomplishes this mission in very short order. This mission, however, is unique and of vital significance. It has drawn immense attention and lasted much longer than usual. We have found room for such a wide diversity of ships and yet remained capable of fulfilling this mission. Be confident, dear Friends, that this mission will be achieved and that First Contact draws nearer every day.

我们的第一次接触指挥小组,包括我们所有的联络委员会和舰队指挥官,负责这个庞大的舰队。也有一个特殊的部分,包括你们当地的灵性等级。亲爱的朋友们,请记住,我们来到这里的目的是神圣的。上天召唤我们,我们就来了。在第一次接触行动中,控制如此庞大、多样化的舰队是极不寻常的。正常情况下,单个 s & e 舰队可以在很短的时间内完成这一任务。然而,这项任务是独一无二的,具有重要意义。这引起了广泛的关注,而且持续的时间比平常要长得多。我们已经为如此多样化的船只找到了空间,但仍然有能力完成这一使命。亲爱的朋友们,要有信心,这次任务一定会完成,第一次接触每天都在靠近。

 Today, we have briefly reviewed how we have amassed our First Contact fleets. They are poised and ready to complete First Contact. This mission is operating according to the divine right order and timing of Heaven. Therefore, we ask you to remain focused and committed to your inevitable success. Know, dear Friends, that soon we shall meet and at last be able to celebrate all that it implies. We now take our leave. Blessings! Know, dear Ones, in your heart of hearts, that Heaven’s boundless Abundance and Prosperity is truly yours! Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!)

今天,我们简要回顾了我们是如何积累第一接触舰队的。他们准备完成第一次接触。这个任务是根据神圣权利的秩序和天堂的时间安排来执行的。因此,我们要求你们保持专注并致力于你们必然的成功。要知道,亲爱的朋友们,我们很快就会见面,并且最终能够庆祝它所暗示的一切。我们现在告辞。祝福你!要知道,亲爱的人们,在你们的内心深处,天堂无限的富足和繁荣是你们真正的!阿门。塞拉马特 · 加俊!塞拉玛特!(天狼星的合一!)!乐在其中!)


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