November 6th, 2022 | #49
2022年11月6日 | # 49
Notes from the show
YouTube has demonetized us due to UFO footage getting a bazillion hits saying we have given false information about vaccines etc., even though we removed or made private all previous shows months ago and have only posted UFO footage. Makes one wonder why they are so threatened by spiritually and technologically advanced beings? I think their motto was don’t be evil. Are they threatened by a technologically advanced race that is not evil? Rumble and Truth Social and YouTube’s own shenanigans will put them out of business. So here are the subjects that get you defunded off of Farcebook and Screwtube dedicated to Mr Smuckerturd and the purple and green haired miscreants living in moms basements called fact checkers perpetuating the lies, injuries and deaths pushing profit driven junk science.
由于 UFO 视频获得了无数的点击量,YouTube 已经将我们除名,说我们提供了关于疫苗的虚假信息等等,尽管我们在几个月前删除了之前所有的节目或者将其私有化,并且只发布了 UFO 视频。让人想知道为什么他们如此受到精神上和技术上先进生物的威胁?我想他们的座右铭是“不作恶”。他们是否受到一个科技先进但并非邪恶的种族的威胁?“轰隆隆”和“真相”社交网站和 YouTube 自己的恶作剧会让他们破产。所以这里有一些话题可以让你从 Farcebook 和 Screwtube 上撤资,这些话题是专门为 Smuckturd 先生和那些住在妈妈地下室的紫色和绿色头发的恶棍们准备的,他们被称为事实核查者,他们不断地编造谎言、伤害和死亡,推动利润驱动的垃圾科学。
According to Marco polo usa 459 crimes have been documented on the Hunter Biden laptop implicating the entire Biden family. It has been sent to the US house and senate. I wonder if anyone in the Jan 6 committee were mentioned? Probably won’t see anything done until Dems loose control.
The CCP is funding child trafficking along with the Biden administration housing thousands of children crossing the border cashing in at 15 thousand per child. A real money maker. Many of these children are bussed off or flown in the middle of the night to locations unknown. Hmm, nothing suspicious there. China’s hypersonic missile program is being funded by US taxpayers and San Francisco has spent over 1.7 million dollars to build a toilet downtown to curb all the feces and urine in the streets due to massive homelessness indicative of a failed society. Before you get in line it is still not finished.
We are spending billions of dollars on [redacted] with no oversight with reports on the front lines saying where is the relief. Money that should be spent on the hurricane victims in Florida, the insanity at the border the homeless and veterans. The lame stream press is not covering the massive sex and child trafficking many of them rescued by Russian forces, the Azof Nazi battalions which according to international law cannot be funded. The weaponized bio labs found, and the torture, rape and slaughter of pro Russians has also been ignored. The referendums where the people voted overwhelmingly in a democratic election to join Russia to get rid of their tyrannical Nato, “Global Elite” backed leaders has totally been ignored not a peep. Of course in the name of democracy. The people have spoken so how can this action have anything to do with democracy? There is obviously another agenda playing out. Wait till all the weaponized labs are tied to American politicians, deep state proxies.
我们在没有监督的情况下花费了数十亿美元(编辑) ,而前线的报告却说救济在哪里。应该花在佛罗里达飓风受害者身上的钱边境的疯狂无家可归者和退伍军人。蹩脚的流媒体没有报道大规模的性交易和儿童贩卖,他们中的许多人被俄罗斯军队拯救,根据国际法,Azof 纳粹军营无法得到资助。发现的武器化生物实验室,以及对亲俄罗斯人的折磨、强奸和屠杀也被忽视了。全民公决中,人民在民主选举中以压倒性优势投票加入俄罗斯,以摆脱其专制的北约,“全球精英”支持的领导人完全没有被忽视一丝一毫。当然是以民主的名义。人民已经发出了声音,那么这一行动与民主有什么关系呢?很明显还有另一个计划。等到所有的武器化实验室都和美国政客联系起来,深层政府代理人。
CCD has just voted 15 to 0 to add the covid jab to children’s vaccination programs which means your kids won’t be going to school unvaccinated in Democratic run states. Children have a zero percent of having anything more than mild flu like symptoms if they catch it at all whereas the adverse effects are astronomical. According to trials 29.04 percent experienced heart conditions, myocarditis and death. According to Natural News experts estimate 20 million are dead due to covid vaccinations and over 2 billion injured. Think about this before you run your children down to the clot shot clinics. Kids are dropping on the playing fields. This is pure insanity. If you have been jabbed or your children time to start looking into cleaning it out of your system. Front-Line Doctors is a good source so is Dirt Road Discussions on Telegram(type in protocal).
CCD 刚刚以15比0的投票结果通过了在儿童疫苗接种计划中增加冠状病毒疾病注射,这意味着在民主党控制的州,你的孩子不会在没有接种疫苗的情况下去上学。如果孩子们感染了类似流感的轻微症状,那么他们患病的几率为零,而不良反应则是天文数字。根据试验,29.04% 的人经历过心脏病、心肌炎和死亡。据《自然新闻》专家估计,由于接种冠状病毒疾病疫苗,2000万人死亡,20多亿人受伤。在你把你的孩子送到血块注射诊所之前好好想想。孩子们在操场上摔倒了。这简直是疯了。如果你或者你的孩子已经被注射过,那么你需要时间来清除它。一线医生是一个很好的来源,所以是电报上的土路讨论(协议类型)。
Dems are trying to pass a new bill that makes it a crime to interfere with their gender modification programs throwing parents in jail for advising their children or interfering in any way including dangerous surgeries and hormone blockers. So let’s spell this out child mutilation is legal, parents stopping their children from being mutilated is a crime.
18 % of the cattle died immediately after new mRNA injection. I wonder if those giving the injections have been injected themselves. Bet that was a shocker. Ranchers need to take a stand on this one. Thousands of cattle are mysteriously dying and processing plants are shutting down due to fires, plane crashes etc. Farmers are banned from using fertilizers if they can get them, they can’t afford or get diesel due to governments forcing new additives not available and experts are saying we are going to have a food shortage. Duh. This segues into the next subject.
18% 的牛在注射新的 mRNA 后立即死亡。我想知道那些注射的人是不是自己注射的。我敢打赌,这是一个令人震惊的。牧场主们需要在这件事上表明立场。由于火灾、飞机失事等原因,成千上万的牛神秘死亡,加工厂关闭。如果农民能够得到肥料,他们就不能使用肥料,他们买不起柴油,因为政府强迫他们使用新的添加剂,而且专家们说我们将会面临粮食短缺。废话。这个话题转到下一个话题。
When interviewing kids in college they were saying farming needs to stop it is the biggest contributor to climate change. Then they all had a burger, with lettuce and tomato. This is a definite plus for home schooling, kids are being socially engineered and dumbed down.
Ballot stuffers are already being caught red handed stuffing ballot boxes with fraudulent votes, now they are trying to charge those documenting it with tampering with elections. Remember the 75 foot rule, document but stay 75 feet away.
Okay now that we have talked about every subject that gets you thrown off the air. Look for us on Truth Social Rumble and Telegram the last bastions of free speech. The democratic party was the confederate party, home of the KKK and now they are the Sodom and Gomorrah party who’s goal is to divide demoralize and take down America. Wake up while there is still time. Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be democrats.
好了,现在我们已经讨论了所有让你无法播出的话题。让我们在真理社会的喧嚣和电报中寻找言论自由的最后堡垒。民主党曾经是联盟党,是三 K 党的发源地,现在他们成了所多玛与蛾摩拉党,他们的目标是分裂士气,推翻美国。趁还有时间赶快醒来。妈妈不会让你的孩子长大成为民主党人。
On the lighter side the multidimensional war is going great massive cleanups underway. Serpent beings, Royal Reptillians, Reptillians, Tall Greys are really taking a beating. Just a few pockets left. Major UFO activity in the skies at ECETI Washington and Hawaii. Film coming soon!
在光明的一面,多维战争正在进行大规模的清理工作。蛇人,皇家爬行动物,爬行动物,高个子灰人都在挨打。只剩下几个口袋了。华盛顿和夏威夷 ECETI 上空的主要 UFO 活动。电影马上就要上映了!
James Gilliland