I AM Presence is the power of universal creation. Many enlightened people can understand the amazing power of “I AM”. Ascended masters teach the knowledge of “I AM” in order to help humanity step on the journey of ascension.
The knowledge I AM Presence comes from the ascended master Saint Germain. He is also the guardian of Violet Flame. He keeps the Violet Flame for humanity. Saint Germain lived on Earth in the 18th century, and he became enlightened at that time. He was well aware of the situation of the Earth then. Violet Flame is the flame of transmutation. By 1996, humanity became more capable of using Violet Flame for transmutation.
Master St. Germain passed on the knowledge of the ” I AM Presence” to Godfrey Ray King and his wife, Louise. This couple eventually became enlightened. They wrote a series of books to record their interactions with the Master. The word “I AM” is very powerful, so it should be used with caution. It will give you the power of Life and Love. When you face confusion or chaos in your life, you can use your intent to choose that I AM Light, that I AM Love. When you emphasize your intent with the word “I AM” , you will know how to deal with people and things in chaos.
圣日耳曼大师把“我是存在”的知识传给了戈弗雷 · 雷 · 金和他的妻子露易丝。这对夫妻终于开窍了。他们写了一系列的书来记录他们与大师的互动。“我是”这个词非常有力,所以应该谨慎使用。它会给你生命和爱的力量。当你在生活中面对困惑或混乱时,你可以用你的意图来选择“我是光”,“我是爱”。当你用“我是”这个词来强调你的意图时,你就会知道如何在混乱中处理人和事。
If you want to use the word “I AM”, you must be very careful and use it with reverence.
We can transmute anyone and anything. If you see a conflict, you can use Violet Flame over the people or things in conflict and make a decree with “I Am”. Then cosmic forces in high dimensions will come and help transmute those people and things.
We cannot use old energy to build a new world. Master Saint Germain gives us Violet Flame of transmutation to transform old energies into new ones. With new energies, we can build a new world. Master St. Germain invites us to use Violet Flame in our lives as much as possible. We can invoke His presence and ask Him to purify our aura, our rooms or crystals with Violet Flame. Before the meeting begins, we can use Violet Flame to purify this room and call upon other angels of Light for this purpose.
This conference room has been used by many people. This room has accumulated all kinds of human energy for years. For example, I have this glass cup in my hand. I will wash this cup everytime I drink coffee with it. If I don’t wash it after every coffee, bad stains will leave on it. The same principle works on our bodies as well. We cannot anchor the Light If there is lots of negative energy stuck in our bodies.
I must first cleanse my body and my clothes with Violet Flame so that new energies will flow into my body for harmonization and purification. Whenever you take a bath, you can visualize that water has purple energy which purifies your body. Your body is very important if you want to become a holy grail, so you have to cleanse your body. If you are wearing crystals, you should also purify them with flowing water or salt water. You can also charge your crystals with the Light of ” I AM Presence “.
Mt. Shasta in California is a very beautiful mountain. Master St. Germain used to manifest his body and appeared before a couple who later became ascended beings. Master St. Germain invited them to write a series of books to reveal the knowledge of “I AM Presence”.
Mt. Shasta 是一座非常美丽的山。圣日耳曼大师过去常常显化他的身体,并出现在一对后来成为提升存有的夫妇面前。圣日耳曼大师邀请他们写一系列的书籍,揭示“我是存在”的知识。
This couple hoped that more and more people would be aware of the knowledge of “I AM Presence” by reading their books. When people understand their “I AM Presence”, they can easily connect with their higher self. Sometimes we have to make decisions in life. If we cannot choose, we can visualize a pillar of light flowing into our bodies and say to ourselves: I AM Light, I AM Peace. Then you will know what the choice is.
这对夫妇希望越来越多的人通过阅读他们的书籍来了解“我是存在”的知识。当人们理解他们的“我是存在”,他们可以很容易地连接到他们的更高的自我。有时候我们不得不在生活中做出决定。如果我们不能选择,我们可以想象一个光柱流进我们的身体,并对自己说: 我是光,我是和平。然后你就会知道选择是什么。
It is crucial to use the word “I AM” with respect and reverence. Whenever ascended masters talk about “I AM”, they would describe it as “Beloved and Mighty Presence of I AM”. We can call upon the powerful force of “I AM” and anchor it on Earth. We connect with our I AM Presence with our heart chakras. When you feel its power in your heart chakra, say the following sentence: In the name of Beloved and Mighty Presence of I AM, I decree and command…. When you complete your decree, end your prayer with ” So it is. So it is. Amen”
使用“我是”这个词时,带着尊敬和崇敬是至关重要的。无论何时扬升大师们谈论“我是”,他们都会将其描述为“亲爱的、我是的强大存在”。我们可以召唤“我是”的强大力量,并把它锚定在地球上。我们用我们的心轮与我们的“我是存在”连接。当你感觉到它在你的心轮中的力量时,说下面这句话: 以至爱和强大存在的名义,我是,我命令和命令... 。当你完成你的命令时,你的祷告要以“就是这样”结束。诚心所愿。阿门
Everyday you can say this decree three times: In the name of Beloved and Mighty Presence of I AM, I decree and command that all negative things are forever removed from my life,from the people and things I love, and from now on, forever removed from me. So it is. So it is. Amen.
每天你都可以说三遍这个法令: 以我的敬爱和强大的存在之名,我下令和命令所有的负面事物从我的生活中永远消失,从我所爱的人和事物中消失,从现在开始,永远从我身边消失。的确如此。阿门。
We can call upon our I AM Presence and say I AM Aundace. I decree and command that my life is full of abundance. I decree and command that my life is full of protection and abundance. So it is. So it is. Amen.
我们可以呼唤我们的 "我 "的存在,说我是 "Aundace"。 我决定并命令我的生活充满了丰盛。 我下令并命令我的生活充满保护和富足。的确如此。阿门。
Do not say your decree like a robot. You need to speak out your positive decree emotionally and respectfully. When speaking out your decree, you need to say it 3,9 or 27 times. In other words, you need to say it in a multiplier of 3.
The power of the I AM Decree is very powerful. It can only be used for positive and sacred purposes, not for any selfish goal. Some people completely ignore this and try to manifest a Ferrari in the name of Beloved and Mighty Presence of I AM. Such an act is actually very selfish.
We all have our own free will. As long as we become more and more aware of our free will, our power of decision, our power of our “I AM Presence” and Chalice of Light, we can find the commander of our inner self. Once we become Chalice of Light, we can give commands from within. By using our love and free will, we can reach up to the Source. This is the power of Light and Love. This is our way toward ascension. In the name of the Galactic Confederation, I decree and command that love and peace, peace and abundance are manifested on Earth Now. So it is. So it is. Amen.
We must release all selfish thoughts when we utilize “I AM” Decree. We must express our “I AM” Decrees with free will, Light and Love, because it will only become effective when we connect it with divine free will. By using I AM” Decree correctly, we will together become co-creators of the world.
Reference: 2016 Chiang Mai Ascension Conference, 2016 Taipei Ascension Conference
参考文献: 2016清迈扬升会议,2016台北扬升会议