Operation Disclosure | By Kat, Contributing Writer
作者: Kat,特约作者
Submitted on October 22, 2022
Graphic by DAN MARTIN 1776 @danmartin17
DAN MARTIN 1776@danmartin17绘图: DAN MARTIN 1776@danmartin17
On January 6, 2021, one million Patriots showed up peacefully and prayerfully to protest the stolen 2020 election. As Juan O Savin has often described that day, because he was there and made a brilliant movie about it, there was a lot of hymn singing as well as praying.
2021年1月6日,100万爱国者和平而虔诚地出现,抗议被盗的2020年大选。正如胡安 · 奥 · 萨文经常描述的那天,因为他在那里并且制作了一部精彩的电影,有很多的赞美诗歌和祈祷。好吧
完美的一天—— JUAN O SAVIN
After the President spoke and Patriots began to gracefully return home, the deep state demons unleashed their D.C. Metropolitan Police on the crowd with concussion grenades, killed people, and herded them towards the Capitol Building where the huge doors were mysteriously open & some actual-Patriots & a lot of FBI-disguised-as-Patriots, poured into the building.
Special Forces also went in that day & got Nancy Pelosi’s laptop.
特种部队那天也进去了,拿到了 Nancy Pelosi 的笔记本电脑。
We are living in a Spy v Spy world of laptops: Anthony Weiner’s, Seth Rich’s, Hunter Biden’s and Nancy Pelosi’s. The reveal [finally] of what’s on those is going to be epic. Biblical.
我们生活在一个间谍对间谍的笔记本电脑世界: 安东尼 · 韦纳(Anthony Weiner)、塞思 · 里奇(Seth Rich)、亨特 · 拜登(Hunter Biden)和南希 · 佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)的笔记本电脑。这些照片的揭示(最终)将是史诗般的。圣经里的。
As Q posted often, “These people are stupid” & “WE HAVE IT ALL.”
正如 Q 经常发布的那样,“这些人很愚蠢”和“我们拥有一切”
Steve Pieczenik, 1-16-21 “BTW, there was no rioting in the Capitol. I happen to know 3 to 4 people here from my town who said it was very peaceful. The Police took down the barriers. In effect, what people don’t know is we sent Special Forces operators in there to take Pelosi’s computer.”
Steve Pieczenik,1-16-21“顺便说一句,国会大厦没有发生暴乱。我碰巧认识3到4个我们镇上的人他们说这里很平静。警察拆除了路障。事实上,人们不知道的是我们派了特种部队的人去拿佩洛西的电脑。”
On Gene Decode, 1-11-21 reported that when Special Forces went in to take Pelosi’s laptop and “things” her laptop was actually on and had Emails up that showed EXACTLY what she was involved in — Italy and Election Fraud. [sic “these people are…”]
在 Gene Decode 上,1-11-21报道说,当特种部队进去拿佩洛西的笔记本电脑和“东西”时,她的笔记本电脑实际上是开着的,并且有电子邮件显示她参与了什么——意大利和选举欺诈。[原文“ these people are...”] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What I remember especially about J6 is President and Commander-in-Chief Trump’s plea for PEACE.
After the faux-insurrection the President made an appearance by video. I emphasize “by video” because as you may have noticed in the past 7 years, since June 16, 2015, when he announced his candidacy for President, YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE PRESIDENT TRUMP IS.
You THINK he’s in Washington D.C. but he’s actually in Cheyenne Mountain because it’s posted later that he was there. You THINK he’s in Florida at Mar-a-Lago, but he could be off planet.
你以为他在华盛顿特区但实际上他在夏延山核战碉堡因为后来公布了他在那里的消息。你认为他在佛罗里达的 Mar-a-Lago 但他可能在外星球。
You THINK he’s giving a speech at a rally but it’s actually his double. (I personally think his “deceased” brother Rob has given one or two of those.)
As has been widely reported by all those I constantly post, Q The Storm Rider, Juan O Savin, Charlie Ward, Gene Decode, etc. both teams have clones, body-doubles, rubber masked actors, or present themselves in CGI.
正如我经常发帖的那些人广泛报道的那样,《风暴骑士 Q 》、《胡安 · O · 萨文》、《查理 · 沃德》、《基因解码》等等,两个团队都有克隆人、替身、戴橡胶面具的演员,或者在电脑特效中呈现自己。
Juan O Savin recently said Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t been a person for years (or maybe never was) or if he has been an actual person, he’s many different people wearing a rubber mask.
胡安 · O · 萨文最近说马克 · 扎克伯格已经多年不是一个人了(或者可能从来都不是) ,或者如果他是一个真正的人,他就是许多戴着橡胶面具的不同的人。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9-24-22 Q The Storm Rider
9-24-22 Q 风暴骑士
>}CABLES : President XI and his family had not returned home
since his meeting with Putin days back.
Chinese sources confirm the current XI in house arrest is a DOUBLE.
总统和他的家人还没有回家 自从他和普京会面以来。 中国消息来源证实,目前被软禁的 XI 是一个双重身份。
(With the power of technology, & CIA advanced mask creations(借助技术的力量,和中情局先进的面具创造
that cannot be detected, even in up close communications即使在近距离通讯中也无法被探测到
with agents wearing face masks…带着面具的特工。
These features of mask have become a norm for ELITES面具的这些特点已经成为精英的标准
to use ( DOUBLES)/// as MI6 sources reveal使用(DOUBLES)///作为军情六处的消息来源显示
even the Queen had been dead over 10 years (I suspect 3 years)甚至连女王都已经去世10多年了(我怀疑是3年)
& her DOUBLE wore these MASKS.她的替身戴着面具。
>PUTIN> 普京
are just a few That have many DOUBLES…只是少数有很多双打的人。
(Have you ever noticed TRUMP is SUPER CHUBBY & a bit shorter in some photos(你有没有注意到特朗普超级胖,在一些照片中有点矮
& other EVENTS tall & stocky & fit?)///其他高大健壮的活动?)///
When President Trump gave his plea for PEACE on J6 he was ostensibly outside the White House but I think it was more a case of “Elvis has left the building” and President Trump was helicoptered the heck out of there.
当特朗普总统在 J6上呼吁和平时,他表面上是在白宫外面,但我认为这更像是“猫王离开了白宫”,特朗普总统被直升机从那里带走了。
Nevertheless, from wherever he gave the speech or if he pre-recorded it, it was full of emotion:
然而,无论他在哪里发表演讲,或者如果他事先录制了演讲,都充满了感情: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
President’s Message of Peace after the Storming of the Capitol Building.
POTUS Tweeted it but it was deleted from Twitter. I transcribed it before it was.
President & Commander-in-Chief Trump
“I know your pain我知道你的痛苦
I know you’re hurt我知道你受伤了
We had an election that was stolen from us我们的选举被偷走了
It was a landslide election & everyone knows it这是一场压倒性的选举,每个人都知道
especially the other side尤其是另一边
But you have to go home now但你现在必须回家
We have to have peace我们需要和平
We have to have Law & Order我们必须有《法律与秩序》
We have to respect our great people in Law & Order我们必须尊重《法律与秩序》里伟大的人
We don’t want anybody hurt我们不想有人受伤
It’s a very tough period of time这是一段非常艰难的时期
There’s never been a time like this从来没有过这样的时刻
where such a thing happened发生这种事的地方
where they could take it away from all of us他们能把它从我们身边夺走
from me, from you, from our country来自我,来自你,来自我们的国家
This was a fraudulent election这是一次欺诈性的选举
but we can’t play into the hands of these people但我们不能让这些人得逞
We have to have Peace我们需要和平
So go home回家吧
We love you我们爱你
you’re very special你很特别
You’ve seen what happens你也看到了
you see the way others are treated你能看到别人是怎么被对待的
that are so bad & so evil那么坏,那么邪恶
I know how you feel我知道你的感受
But go home但是回家吧
& go home in Peace.”(平安回家)
This link works:
I enclose two partial Juan O Savin transcripts:
随函附上两份 Juan O Savin 的部分笔录:
The first outlines the terrible plight of the innocent January 6th prisoners. Reading it first will make a bit more sense of the second transcript but it will also break your heart.
In the second, Juan tells us what he’s been telegraphing for months but now we have arrived at the terrible moment: The IMMINENT arrest of President & Commander-in-Chief Trump.
第二部分,胡安告诉我们他几个月来一直在传递的信息,但现在我们来到了一个可怕的时刻: 总统和总司令特朗普即将被捕。
Juan has done everything he can to prepare Anons for this arrest. If indeed POTUS is going to be arrested, it will be a shock to the world. And while people are reeling from it they’re going to need those annoying “conspiracy theorists” to talk them through it.
Juan 已经尽全力让 Anons 为这次逮捕做好准备。如果总统真的要被逮捕,那将会震惊世界。当人们被这个问题搞得晕头转向的时候,他们需要那些讨厌的“阴谋论者”来指导他们。
It may also be that Hunter Biden is arrested. This is just my personal opinion, but both Juan & Q The Storm Rider have talked about “arrest wars.”
也有可能是亨特 · 拜登被捕了。这只是我个人的观点,但是 Juan 和 Q 风暴骑士都谈到过“逮捕战争”
I don’t know who might be arrested first, Hunter or POTUS [or Hillary?] but whatever happens, we’re buckled up & (think we) KNOW that much of this is QTeam’s “movie.”
我不知道谁会先被逮捕,亨特还是总统(还是希拉里?)但是不管发生什么,我们都已经系好安全带,(认为我们)知道这大部分是 QTeam 的“电影”
If I thought for one moment that President Trump would be in ANY DANGER WHATSOEVER I’d be worried. But that is NOT EVER EVER going to be allowed to happen. EVER.
THE MOST PROTECTED SOUL IN CREATION is John F. Kennedy, Jr. & second to JFK is President Trump. Maybe POTUS is even more protected than JR at this point. But the safety of BOTH MEN are & has been in the hands of the GENIUS QTeam. They’ve got this. No worries.
创造出来的最受保护的灵魂是小约翰 · F · 肯尼迪,仅次于肯尼迪的是特朗普总统。也许现在总统比 JR 更受保护。但是两个人的安全都在天才 QTeam 的手中。他们有这个。别担心。
Anticipating the terrible events on tap, because no matter how “knowing” you might feel about things, it’s still horrible to see your President take MORE slings & arrows than he already has for We The People, but in holding my breath for what’s to come, I thank God that I’m AWAKE.
I daily give thanks, no matter how difficult this journey has been, no matter how solitary because I’ve lost pretty much everyone I knew [I live in S. CA, hello,] I wouldn’t trade my life or this path for ANYTHING.
我每天都表示感谢,无论这段旅程有多么艰难,无论多么孤独,因为我已经失去了几乎所有我认识的人[我住在加州,你好] ,我不会用我的生命或这条道路来换取任何东西。
I’m so grateful I remain UnTested, UnMasked, UnVaxed & Never Sick because to this day, to this very day, I STILL see people wearing frickin’ masks ALL OVER THE PLACE.
It’s truly mind-blowing.
Some possible events to anticipate from either Juan O Savin or Q The Storm Rider
一些可能的事件可以从 Juan O Savin 或者 Q The Storm Rider 中预测出来
[Juan – 107daily.com & QTSR – t.me/qthestormrider777]:
[ Juan-107daily.com & QTSR- t.me/qthestormrider777] :
– Arrest wars in both the Trump and Bidan camps
逮捕特朗普和 Bidan 阵营的战争
– A 25th Amendment to remove Bidan
第25修正案,废除 Bidan
– A hung Nov. 8th election that is stopped midway, or that doesn’t even get off the ground
– Russia is getting ready to have Military Tribunals in the [redacted]. They’re going after War Crimes charges on [redacted] Military personnel & people in those BioLabs for Crimes Against Humanity in the [redacted] (Juan O Savin 10-18-22)
- 俄罗斯正准备在[编辑]军事法庭。他们正在追查战争罪指控[编辑]军事人员和人员在那些生物实验室的反人类罪[编辑](胡安 O 萨文10-18-22)
– The U.S. is also getting ready to have Military Tribunals that the whole world is going to see.
– Ghislaine Maxwell broke her silence about her “dear friend” Bill Clinton & EPSTEIN CONNECTS EVERYTHING. Maxwell’s list, BTW, is in the hands of White Hats & will figure in the Military Tribunals, big time.
– Did you know Russia has a copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drives? Yup. Tick Tock FBI.
- 你知道俄罗斯有拜登的硬盘吗?-知道,滴答联邦调查局。
– A Cuban Missile Crisis-type event; the threat of nuclear war
- 古巴导弹危机类型的事件; 核战争的威胁
– Did you know Gitmo has one of the most advanced Media facilities on the planet? We can remain up-to-minute on what’s happening at the Military Tribunals.
你知道 Gitmo 有世界上最先进的媒体设施吗?我们可以随时了解军事法庭的情况。
– EBS, Air Raid Sirens, Military in the streets, possible incoming missiles
– 10-day Communications BLACKOUT [we’ll still have POWER & WATER] just no phones, TV, banks, etc.
- 10天的通讯中断[我们仍然有电力和水]只是没有电话,电视,银行,等等。
– Martial Law for 10 days while the brilliant, brave, awesome Global White Hat Military pick up the worst of the worst deep state demons across the planet and KEEP THE PEACE because the demons are itching to create a Civil War.
- 戒严10天,而辉煌的,勇敢的,令人敬畏的全球白帽子军队抓住最坏的恶魔,最深的国家在这个星球上和保持和平,因为恶魔渴望创造一个内战。
Once we’ve made it through some or all of that — the best is truly to come.
We will slowly be acclimatizing to a new Quantum world.
A new Financial world
A new Medical world.
A new Political world.
A new Tesla-Tech world.
A new Education world.
A new Pristine Planet world (because tech already exists that can clean the oceans, air & Earth in no time at all.)
In other words, Q2450: A Beautiful Brave New World.
换句话说,Q2450: 一个美丽、勇敢的新世界。
Meanwhile, sending prayers & blessings unceasing to President & Commander-in-Chief Trump, his wonderful family, our magnificent brave Militaries, the genius QTeam & Patriots throughout Creation because, understandably, All Eyes On Earth.
与此同时,向特朗普总统及其总司令、他美好的家庭、我们伟大勇敢的军队、创世纪全过程中的天才 QTeam 及爱国者们不断祈祷和祝福,因为,可以理解的是,《地球上所有的眼睛》(All Eyes On Earth)。
With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance unceasing,
This is Kat,
Over & out,
@ 战士,基督崛起
Juan O Savin
1:50 I had to come to Juno [Alaska] on something,
down the road people will hear about it..
1:50我不得不来到朱诺[阿拉斯加]的东西,沿路的人会听到它. 。
13:22 Where we’re at as a nation right now
there are preparations being put in place
to do something important..
This was going to be an epic moment in American History这将是美国历史上一个史诗般的时刻
We are there now我们到了
It is imminent at this point现在已经迫在眉睫了
Now the ink is on the paper现在墨水在纸上了
Not even dry还没干呢
We will see the next turn in these things..我们将看到这些东西的下一个转折. 。
20:35 We look at what’s going on in the world20:35我们看看世界上发生了什么
whether it be about Hunter不管是因为亨特
& the information that’s going on about him以及关于他的信息
Pending charges.. plea deal agreement..未决指控. . 认罪协议. 。
he paid $2 million in back taxes他欠了两百万美元的税
some deal is about to happen..一些交易即将发生. 。
20:56 The Konnech Inc. case..20:56 Konnech 公司的案子。
We find out the CEO running Konnech我们找到管理 Konnech 的首席执行官
the information [is going back] to servers in China..这些信息正在返回中国的服务器。
The largest data breach in American history took place there美国历史上最大的数据泄露事件就发生在那里
with the vote numbers going back to China through those systems.通过这些系统把选票送回中国。
That’s relevant cuz the calculations could be made这是相关的,因为可以进行计算
& then the information coming back in(然后信息又回来了)
via a different route通过不同的路线
on how much you have to cook the vote in various places..关于在不同的地方你需要做多少选票。
21:55 He was allowed to fly back home to China
because the FBI put in paperwork that made it look like
it was no big deal, a million dollars & he’s gone.
22:08 Again THE FIX..
22:40 The [redacted] stuff, information there
Business deals
35:54 The Bidan Administration has been steadily bleeding down our oil reserve to the lowest level it’s been at in decades & decades & decades..
When that’s gone, now what are you going to do?
36:25 The Saudis had a summit, looking at tech & things,
they invited everybody, they dis-invited America.
Our $ is tied to Saudi oil.
The Russians did go to the summit.
37:00 [redacted], Northern & Eastern Europe
37:00[编辑] ,北欧和东欧
the amount of Military aircraft activity has gone up radically..
large numbers of aircraft have gone in to a black mode where we don’t see them in normal air traffic control operations..
37:47 We’re steadily in this march to get to a dramatic moment.
It’s coming.
Everybody knows it’s coming.
37:58 Even the amount of activity going down to Gitmo
has gone up again radically out of Andrews..
37:58即使是 Gitmo 的活动量也再次急剧上升。
AS IT MUST..必须的。
39:30 There’s a move of God taking place
& God is protecting his people
40:22 There’s events that I believe are about to occur
to all the world, to most people would appear to be horrors
& they are horrors.
44:05 We in America who have been fighting through,44:05我们美国人一直在奋斗,
there is a demonic, satanic desire to implement pain有一种恶魔般的,邪恶的欲望,执行痛苦
as much as possible on those that oppose the satanic agendas..尽可能多的反对那些邪恶的议程。
Teaching children they can choose their sex [Lord!!]教导孩子们可以选择自己的性别[主啊! ! ]
1:18 This is a moment for prayer..
Laura Logan spoke in NM the other day..
she mentioned the plight of the J6 prisoners
in the WA D.C. prisons
& those that are under indictment..
劳拉 · 洛根前几天在新墨西哥州发表演讲。 她提到了 J6战俘的困境 在华盛顿的监狱里 (被起诉的人)。
1:19 I made the movie BLOODY HILL..1:19我拍了电影《血山》。
where we talked about the Metropolitan D.C. Police:我们谈到了华盛顿特区警察:
THEY killed 4 people. THEY killed..他们杀了4个人,他们杀了..。
THEY’RE the ones firing concussion grenades into the crowd,他们向人群发射震荡手榴弹,
hit 2 men directly right on their heart & killed em..直接打中两个人的心脏,然后杀了他们。
We have the film..我们有电影. 。
1:19:41 Who shot Ashley Babbitt?
1:19:41谁射杀了 Ashley Babbitt?
Juan O Savin: BLOODY HILL > Jan 6th Revealed!
Juan O Savin: 血山1月6日现身!
Juan cont.
Juan Cont.
1:19:57 One of the things that’s going on1小时19分57秒
& it’s very disturbing & we’ve had numerous accounts& 这很令人不安 & 我们有很多帐户
by people that were in the D.C. jails.被华盛顿监狱里的人杀害。
They have contractor guards out of W Africa他们在西非有承包商保镖
in the jails & they don’t like America他们不喜欢美国
they don’t like the whole American thing他们不喜欢整个美国
they like to talk in their little coded language from back home..他们喜欢在家里用加密语言交谈。
1:21:30 Some of them are in isolation.
Literally put in solitary for MONTHS AT A TIME.
1:21:41 One of the guys I was with in New Mexico1:21:41我在新墨西哥州的一个朋友
said he was in solitary for 3-weeks说他被单独监禁了三周
& he didn’t think he could take an hour longer(他觉得自己快撑不住了)
it was that horrible.就是那么可怕。
1:21:48 There’s guys in D.C. that have been [in solitary]
One of the things they’ve done in the Gulag of DC
is every night at 9 o’clock
1:21:48华盛顿特区有人被单独监禁 几个月,几个月。 他们在华盛顿古拉格做的事情之一 每天晚上9点 他们唱着国歌。
1:22:14 We as a people need to understand1:22:14我们作为一个民族需要理解
that the charges these people are dealing with这些人面临的指控
for just being present只是为了活在当下
& saying something’s wrong with the last Election,(说上次选举有问题),
they’re being maligned他们被诽谤了
It’s not true what’s being said..他们说的不是真的。
1:22 We need to align ourselves with those people.
Laura Logan called for that we as a Nation
should be stopping EVERYTHING
& praying & singing with those people.
There’s 1000 people now under indictment
Hundreds in jail
Over J6
1:23 Those people think that we don’t know about
what they’re going through.
They’re losing hope at some level1:23那些人认为我们不知道他们正在经历什么,他们在某种程度上正在失去希望
because they’re getting sentencing因为他们要被判刑了
they’re giving in他们屈服了
confessing to crimes they never did承认他们从未犯下的罪行
just to get an agreement they’ll get out of there.只是为了达成协议,他们会离开那里。
1:23:34 They’re being held under the Patriot Act as Terrorists1:23:34根据爱国者法案,他们被当作恐怖分子关押
without normal hearing processes没有正常的听觉过程
normal bail being set.正常的保释。
People that were pretty normal average folks他们都是普通人
just show up trying to make a point.只是想表明立场。
1:24 And you got the Chinese Guy [Konnech CEO]1分24秒,你看到了那个中国人
posting a little bail交了点保释金
who was involved in one of the greatest data mining frauds他参与了最大的数据挖掘欺诈案之一
in the history of the country在这个国家的历史上
maybe the world connected to the 2020 Election.也许这个世界与2020年大选有关。
1:24:20 These people who just showed up to say something’s wrong1:24:20这些人突然出现,说出了问题
are in jail在监狱里
under indictment被起诉
Military members with great histories历史悠久的军人
have had all their Military benefits taken back他们所有的军事福利都被收回了
who haven’t even been convicted of anything.他们甚至还没有被定罪。
but because they’re charged而是因为他们被起诉了
& considered involved in treasonous activity..被认为参与叛国活动。
They want to take the braces out of the mouth他们想把牙套从嘴里拿出来
of one of the children that was there其中一个孩子的照片
the fact that it was paid for by VA benefits.是由退伍军人福利支付的。
Cars & loans being repossessed.汽车和贷款被收回。
1:25:36 This is the time we have to triple down..现在是我们三倍下注的时候了。
This is going to have to raise to a new level.这将会提升到一个新的水平。
Think of what time zone you’re in想想你在哪个时区
Think of 9 p.m. Eastern想想东部时间晚上9点
& say a prayer with the prisoners & families.与犯人和家属一起祈祷。
This has to grow out这个必须长出来
& become more deeply rooted with our people和我们的人民更加紧密地联系在一起
We can’t allow this to happen on our watch我们不能让这种事在我们眼皮底下发生
& then events that are coming(接下来发生的事)
Will make this even more INTENSE.会让事态更加严重。
10-21-22 JUAN O SAVIN
JUAN O SAVIN 10-21-22
@ Gideons-陆军
0:40 I have multiple sources now0:40我有很多消息来源
including folks from inside the family包括家族成员
Based on my understanding of the situation根据我对情况的了解
I believe that 7 days will pass我相信7天将过去
from yesterday morning 10-20 when the ink was wet从昨天上午10点到20点墨迹未干的时候
until everything’s in place to do what they’re gonna do.直到一切准备就绪。
1:05 From within our group
it could happen anytime, it could be instantaneous.
We have a rally on Saturday.
[Robstown, Texas 10-22-22]
Juan cont.
Juan Cont.
There’s a very important dinner有一个非常重要的晚宴
with many of the women和很多女人在一起
that have been at 95 consecutive rallies.已经连续95次反弹。
That dinner’s at Mar-a-Lago.晚餐在马阿拉歌庄园。
1:32 The reason I think that’s an interesting detail1:32我认为这是一个有趣的细节
is because Christ,是因为基督,
before he went into his Gethsemane moment在他进入他的客西马尼园时刻之前
& then his death & resurrection period(他的死亡与复活)
had a last supper.吃了最后一顿晚饭。
At that last supper
the woman brought a very valuable ointment
that was the equivalent of a year’s wages.
在最后的晚餐上 那个女人带来了一瓶非常珍贵的药膏 相当于一年的工资。
2:03 Judas who betrayed them2:03背叛他们的犹大
made a big thing out of this fact把这件事当成一件大事
because it was so valuable.因为它太值钱了。
‘For he held the bag’’因为他拿着袋子’
he was the keeper of the money他是钱的管理者
when she “wasted” that valuable ointment on him.她在他身上“浪费”了宝贵的药膏。
He was incensed.他被激怒了。
Why would Christ allow this woman to waste this valuable resource为什么基督会允许这个女人浪费这种宝贵的资源呢
When it could have been sold本来可以卖掉的
& put into the Treasury..存入财政部。
3:04 Christ said, “What this woman has done
will be told wherever the gospel is told”
because she anointed him for burial.
3:04基督说: “这女人所行的事,凡传福音的地方,必有人告诉她。”因为她膏了他,要埋葬。
She had heard from God directly她是直接从上帝那里听到的
that there was something that needed to be done有些事情需要去做
to prepare his physical body, on the outside,为他的身体做准备,在外面,
with this act of mercy, kindness, blessing,这种仁慈,善良,祝福的行为,
to add a preservative to his flesh在他的肉里加防腐剂
while his Spirit left it当他的灵魂离开的时候
& died in the tomb.死在坟墓里。
3:52 So in preparation of that3:52为了准备这个
anointed him with this beautiful ointment.用这美丽的油膏膏了他。
And then he left the dinner然后他离开了晚餐
& went to the Garden of Gethsemane..去了客西马尼园花园。
this Gethsemane moment as a nation作为一个国家,这个客西马尼的时刻
but also for the individual who will be leading the pack也是为了那些领先的个人
for everything he has done & will do,因为他所做的和将要做的一切,
his family,他的家人,
we need to be there with him我们得和他一起去
most of all in prayer at that last second.尤其是在最后一秒的祈祷。
5:30 Others will be with him to have a dinner5:30其他人会和他一起吃晚饭
to say a blessing祈祷
to say a prayer祈祷
to add the preservatives of beauty of the Holy Spirit添加圣灵美的防腐剂
shouldering up肩膀抬起来
that there’s that last step.还有最后一步。
And here we are in the wee hours现在是凌晨
to pray our President & his family为我们的总统和他的家人祈祷
through this horror that’s about to befall them.通过即将降临在他们身上的恐惧。
To preserve him through all of this保护他度过这一切
& the Nation和国家
so that on the far side of these things所以在这些东西的远端
when God calls us back from this near-death experience
from the grave as a people
& these representatives of us当上帝召唤我们从濒死经验中归来作为一个民族和我们的代表
6:20 the President & his family,
that they will be ENERGIZED,
their physical bodies will be PRESERVED & HEALTHY6:20总统和他的家人, 他们会被激活, 他们的身体将得到保存和健康
& we as a body politic,(我们作为一个政体),
America, the people,美国,人民,
will move forward according to God’s will将按照上帝的旨意前进
& do that which we were created to do.做我们生来就该做的事。
6:50 First of all to be a blessing.6:50首先是祝福。
God says he created us for his own pleasure.上帝说他创造我们是为了自己的快乐。
So we do things that are pleasing to God所以我们要做神喜悦的事
so that he can enjoy us这样他就能享受我们了
whatever that is that we’re called to do right now不管我们现在要做什么
& then we go out to the world(然后我们走向世界)
& we do likewise我们也一样
& we bring gifts of enjoyment, health, beauty(我们带来快乐,健康,美丽的礼物)
to the rest of the world in their dark hour.在他们黑暗的时刻对世界其他地方。
7:29 The whole world’s on the precipice right now.7:29现在整个世界都在悬崖边上。
Nuclear war核战争
Famine, self-imposed饥荒,自我强加
Great sickness because evil people have mandated巨大的疾病,因为邪恶的人命令
that people self-terminate.人们会自我终结。
7:45 We’re the preservative.
We’re the ones that God has called —
we poured out into our Nation.7:45我们是防腐剂,是神所召唤的人ーー我们倾倒在我们的国中。
We’re to bring the healing words我们要带来治愈的话语
the healing balm of prayer祈祷的治愈药膏
& Spiritual attentiveness及精神上的专注
The Spirit of God being present in us神的灵在我们里面
for the whole country..为整个国家...
10:30 I’ll be in Texas in a few hours几小时后我将在德克萨斯州
for the President’s rally.参加总统的集会。
It may very well be his last one这很可能是他的最后一次集会
he’ll have important things to say to the country.他将有重要的事情要对全国人民说。
10:44 The one thing that I asked was that they do a prayer10:44我只要求他们做一个祷告
at 8 o’clock p.m. Central晚上8点,中部地区
9 o’clock p.m. Eastern中环晚上八时东区晚上九时
that they stop the whole thing他们停止了整个事情
the President right in his speech他们在总统的演讲中阻止了整件事
& that we join the January 6th prisoners in prison(我们和1月6日的囚犯一起入狱)
& those people praying for them(人们为他们祈祷)
outside the prison gates在监狱大门外
at 9 o’clock Eastern every night每晚东部时间9点
they say the Lord’s prayer他们说上帝的祷告
& they sing the National Anthem.& 他们唱着国歌。
President Trump, January 6, 2021
“I know how you feel, but go home & go home in Peace.”
特朗普总统,2021年1月6日 “我知道你的感受,但是回家吧,平静地回家吧”
Juan cont.
Juan Cont.
11:17 Let’s join them in doing that让我们和他们一起做那件事吧
especially this weekend特别是这个周末
& all of next week(下周)
as what’s about to happen begins to unfold.随着即将发生的事情开始展开。
These are very very dramatic times.现在是非常非常戏剧化的时代。
# The Best IsYetToCome