第二部分:2019披露维度|20190823 科里•古德和大卫•威尔科克 (上)
Here is Part 2 of Joan's notes from the DW/CG talk.Once again,thanks to Joan Wheaton,for for compiling these notes.
下面是 Joan 在 dw/cg 谈话中的注释的第二部分。再次感谢琼·惠顿,为我们编写了这些笔记。
HIGHLIGHTS from my NOTES(a few words I abbreviated/slightly changed to hopefully keep the AI from kicking off the post)…
摘要来自我的笔记(我缩写了几个单词/做了一些小小的改动,希望这样可以防止 AI )..。
PART TWO:DAVID WILCOCK and COREY GOODE at'Dimensions of Disclosure'August 24,2019~
第二部分:DAVID WILCOCK and COREY GOODE at'Dimensions of Disclosure'August 24,2019~
"…there was a lot of material that was removed from Book Five of the Law of One that included information about the SSP,off-world bases,and underground bases on Earth.
"......《一的法则》第五卷中删除了许多材料,其中包括关于 SSP、外星基地和地球上的地下基地的信息。
…a long time ago,Ken Stedman of cyberspaceorbit.com saw that'sun cruisers'would sometimes fly right into the Sun and cause coronal mass ejections.These sun-cruisers were so bright that the captured images of them became distorted…much later on,these sun-cruisers were shown to be the spheres that were holding back the solar flash,until we were ready for it…
很久以前,cyberspaceorbit.com 的 Ken Stedman 观测到太阳巡洋舰有时会直接撞击太阳并引起日冕物质抛射。这些太阳巡洋舰如此明亮,以至于捕捉到的图像变得扭曲......很久以后,这些太阳巡洋舰被证明是阻挡太阳闪焰的球体,直到我们准备好了.....。
…the Blue Avians talked about how the sun serves as a portal…
…the cycles that the Mayan calendar is counting are exact subdivisions of the orbital periods of the planets in our solar system…the total length of the Mayan calendar is 5,125 years,and if you take five of those,it adds up very closely to the procession of the equinoxes,which is a 25,000 year cycle that they talk about in the Law of One…
…the main principle enumerated in the Law of One is that what they call'Harvest'is coming our way;that there is going to be some sort of ascension event…in the Law of One they never use the words'solar flash'or that the Sun is going to do anything,but they do talk about a quantum leap;they talk about a time-window for this,and say that it's roughly 30 years after the channeling took place,which was 1981…
Don Elkins('questioner'during the channelings)asked RA,"Is it 2011 you are talking about,or will it be more spread out?"and they said that,yes,this is an approximate possible/probable timeline,the"time nexus for the Harvest".
唐·埃尔金斯(通灵时的"提问者")问 RA,"你说的是2011年,还是会更广泛?"他们说,是的,这是一个大致的可能/可能的时间线,"收获的时间联系"。
…it will be a quantum leap where the actual physics of our solar system changes,that activates us into some sort of light body,if we are ready to graduate,which means we've become a more loving person;we're a kind person with enough'service to others'in our orientation…
…when David started looking into the crop circle phenomenon,he was sure that this was an extraterrestrial gift we were being given…in 2008 a crop circle appeared that showed the alignment of the planets as they would appear on December 21,2012(the Mayan calendar end-date)…the farmer tried to desecrate the crop circle by mowing lines through the middle of it…as an'answer'to this,the circle makers came back and'drew'another circle next to the original one(there was nothing inside of this second one)…in this second circle,they widened the diameter of the Sun all the way out to Venus…to David,this was clearly prophetic,suggesting that there would be some sort of solar energy released at the end of the year 2012…
…people were mad about the'2012 thing'not happening…David lost his credibility to the point that he could no longer do conferences,so he took a job with Gaia TV…then,Corey got contacted in 2015,and Corey started explaining that these giant spheres were brought into our solar system because we were not ready for the solar flash…it would have happened in 2012,but they needed to hold it off…
…as David studied the 2012 subject he realized that,as the year 2012 was going by,we were not ready…he knew there was a formula to what we were supposed to see before the flash took place,and he became very concerned in 2012 because we didn't have disclosure,we didn't have the exposure of the ca-bal and there was no mass awakening going on,so in a way,he was relieved that the solar flash did not happen…
......当大卫研究2012年的课题时,他意识到,随着2012年的过去,我们还没有准备好......他知道在闪焰发生之前,我们应该看到什么,有一个公式,他在2012年变得非常担心,因为我们没有披露,我们没有暴露的 ca-bal 和没有大规模的觉醒,所以在某种程度上,他松了一口气,太阳闪焰没有发生.....。
…at an off-world meeting that Corey attended,the beings were saying that they brought in these giant spheres that would literally hold back the solar flash until we as a planet were ready for this to occur….they were'attenuating"the energies that were coming out of the Sun…
Corey was given visions of the whole matrix of these spheres in a geometrical pattern,and he saw how the Sun was wanting to do this,and the spheres were absorbing the energy…the spheres began to POUR in,in earnest,into our solar system at the end of 2011…
…starting from the 1930's some of these spheres have been in place…since then,they have been building up to a point where,by 2012,they would be able to attenuate the energies and hold off the solar flash so that we could be ready for the Harvest…
…when these spheres started coming in from our Sun,and also from the Oort Cloud,ships were hailing them,and they completely ignored the hails…they did not acknowledge the ships that were approaching them…the spheres varied in size,from the size of the Moon all the way up to the size of Jupiter…
…in the mid-eighties,during the Raegan[Reagan]administration,an object with lines on it that made it look like a soccer ball,showed up…they were calling it The Sentinel…it had a spherical door that appeared like an iris…the opening of this door was 800 miles wide!Lots of ships were coming out of that opening.It was tracked as it came in…it started to circle Pluto,it started to circle Neptune and it circled Uranus..they were afraid of The Sentinel…David's insider said that these beings were"galactic tourists"(this was the SSP and the Illum-nati take on The Sentinel)…
...在80年代中期,在雷根[里根]执政期间,一个有线条的物体出现了,使它看起来像一个足球...他们称之为哨兵...它有一个球形的门,看起来像虹膜...这个门的开口有800英里宽!许多船只从那个开口驶出。它进来的时候就被跟踪了......它开始围绕冥王星旋转,开始围绕海王星旋转,然后围绕天王星旋转。.他们害怕哨兵......大卫的内部人士说,这些生物是"银河游客"(这是 SSP 和伊伦纳蒂对哨兵).....。
…more spheres came in,in the 1990's,and they glowed as bright as the planets did…every time one of these spheres would show up,SOHO would mysteriously'malfunction'at the same time…
...在20世纪90年代,更多的球体出现了,它们像行星一样发光......每当这些球体中的一个出现时,SOHO 就会神秘地'故障'起来.....。
…the appearance of these spheres eventually led to the Blue Avians introducing themselves…this was the first time that Corey had seen a race of'blue birds',although he had seen so many other kinds of races…
…the Blue Avians appear to be the main extraterrestrial group that makes sure that we are are going to go through the ascension…
….Corey knows that David has already been to the LOC,but David has not recovered these memories yet…
科里知道大卫已经去过 LOC,但是大卫还没有恢复这些记忆。
…the night before Corey was supposed to go to the LOC,his daughter wanted to paint his face(she had been painting the faces of animals)and he told her,no,I have a meeting the next day,so she painted his hand instead…she painted a green dinosaur on his hand…he didn't think anything of it until he was standing at the LOC on this stage,and he was starting to get heckled…one of the beings there asked,"Why do you have a reptilian on your hand?!"Corey tried to wipe it off but couldn't.They were very curious as to why he had a reptilian/dinosaur on his hand:-)
…some of these beings were asking very deep scientific questions(Corey was interpreting/translating for the group),such as mathematical questions about certain cosmological constants…they were saying that we didn't have a true concept of how the Universe works…they said that the Universe is a torus that is spinning in on itself and that we don't have a view of the full Universe,and that parts of the Universe are traveling faster than the speed of light,and as we go around this torus there is a lot that we are unable to see…
…there were many scientific questions and military-type questions about different beings in different regions of space…Corey said that he had no idea of what he was answering,and the words were coming from RA Tier-er directly through him…as he would hear the words he didn't have to think in order to speak,it just happened…
科里说,他不知道自己在回答什么问题,这些话是通过他直接从 RA Tier-er 那里传出来的......因为他听到的那些话,是他不需要思考就能说出来的,就这样发生了.....。
Corey's experience of seeing a Blue Avian for the first time:
"You don't believe your eyes…there is some sort of cognitive dissonance that occurs…one of the weirdest things is when the Blue Avians come through me,I have this rush of intense love and I'm crying the whole time,tears are just streaming down and I can no longer really see who I am talking to(the audience)…if they were to communicate with me right now,tears would just stream uncontrollably as I was communicating…their vibe;the love that they have;it overwhelms you…
…a lot of the changes that have occurred in me happened when I interfaced with Airee(of the inner-earth Anshar)but,they stated that most of the changes that would happen in me would be just because of my being in proximity to these energies and the effect that would have on my consciousness…"
Part Three(the last section)will be coming soon!
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