2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球

2022年2月1日13:28:21新人阅读2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球已关闭评论5461字数 14305阅读47分41秒阅读模式


Starship Earth: The Big Picture 星际飞船地球: 大局
 January 31, 2022 2022年1月31日

2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球

January may be over, but 2022 is just getting started. January was an eventful month, full of surprises and bringing tears for many reasons and we expect February to surpass it in terms of the general awakening of the populace, unity, initiatives to reclaim our sovereignty, the exposure of truth, revelations about the crimes committed by the establishment, the end of many forms of tyranny, and much more.


Yes, we know the enemy will attempt to hijack this event and turn it into a “virtual bloodbath” and to turn gullible people against those who speak out and stand up for not only their rights, but also ours. At our recent peaceful patriot demonstrations there have been many cases of “agents provocateurs”. At least the Canadians know how to pronounce it.


I’m seeing fake news on Twitter saying there was violence and hateful rhetoric in Ottawa. Saying it doesn’t make it so. The police were standing around all weekend doing nothing but allowing the People to do what they needed to do—because it was peaceful and lawful and they’re GLAD they’re there.


Unfortunately, the enemy has had ample time to organize an army of bots and trolls to flood social media with lies about violence and how the police aren’t arresting anyone because they don’t have the manpower to do it—absolute bull roar. If there is violence, it won’t be the Patriots causing it—that is for sure.


Words of advice to the brilliant co-creators out there…


The shift in consciousness is happening. Labour pains have started for Earth 2.0. A whole new world awaits! Keep your thoughts positive & focused on what we want to see in our new reality. Co-create the world, rise above any fear, & manifest love.


Link to Telegram

链接到 Telegram

The synergy of this event will blow any expectations out of the water if my feeling is correct. It’s beyond 3D now. This movement has taken on a life of its own and the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts. Don’t micro-manage. Just watch!


Link to Telegram for this meme.

链接到这个迷因的 Telegram。

2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球

The giant convoy ignited a firestorm and suddenly ordinary citizens are willing to go out in the cold in the dead of a biting Canadian winter and stand up for their rights. The chill evaporated when the call of Humanity went out and ignited a fire in the hearts of real people everywhere. Canada came alive! Who saw that coming? Link to Telegram and Calgary protestors—quite a few! They may not have been able to go to Ottawa but they’re keeping the home fires burning.

巨大的护航队点燃了一场风暴,突然之间,普通市民愿意在寒冷的加拿大严冬中挺身而出,捍卫自己的权利。当人性的呼唤熄灭时,那份寒意便烟消云散,点燃了世界各地真实人物心中的一把火。加拿大活过来了!谁预见到了这一切?链接到 Telegram 和卡尔加里的抗议者---- 相当多!他们可能无法前往渥太华,但他们正在保持家里的大火燃烧。

[Forwarded from ???? ??????? ??? ??????? (AK Mac)]
[ Video ]
While Ottawa anti-mandate protestors cause gridlock in front of Parliament, Calgary marches.

[转发自愤怒抗议疫苗(AK Mac)][视频]渥太华的反对委任统治的抗议者在议会前制造僵局,卡尔加里游行。

Richard Citizen Journalist tells us 20K US truckers went to Ottawa. Link to Telegram.

理查德公民记者告诉我们20k 美国卡车司机去了渥太华。链接到 Telegram。

20,000 plus American truckers have crossed into Canada heading to Ottawa


And on Sunday afternoon…


I checked on this CTV poll and it seems fairly realistic. “Is it time for the Trucker’s protest to end?”

我查看了一下 CTV 的民意调查,结果似乎相当现实: “卡车司机的抗议是时候结束了吗?”

Thanks for your vote


Yes 是的 1935 (29 %) 29%)
No 没有 4806 (71 %) (71%)

Total number of votes: 6741

总票数: 6741

We don’t need to know exact figures. We can SEE what is happening. We can see it, hear it, feel it, taste it and smell it. We can taste the sweet victory that is ours, and we can smell the stench of fear in the evil regime making their inevitable but protracted exit.


This ain’t over—it’s just getting started, and I DON’T believe Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson will get his wish. That was yesterday that I wrote that—Sunday, and this morning the truckers and protestors are still in Ottawa standing behind their declaration and demands.

这还没有结束,这才刚刚开始,我不相信渥太华市长吉姆 · 沃森会实现他的愿望。就在昨天,我写了这篇文章ーー星期天,今天上午,卡车司机和抗议者仍然在渥太华支持他们的声明和要求。

We also get this news—which will NOT surprise the crew in the least.


That declaration has more significance than some know, so here’s your decode.


2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球

Actually, we have conflicting information about the whereabouts of our fearful leader; that he’s at Harrington Lake, and that he’s on Lynn Road in Tofino, BC. Link to Telegram.

事实上,关于我们这位可怕的领导人的下落,我们有相互矛盾的信息,他在 Harrington Lake,他在托菲诺的林恩路。链接到 Telegram。

If you doubt the multi-dimensional significance of the Truckers for Freedom movement, have a listen to Gene in the interview below where he discusses the energetic power of all those trucks and vehicles traveling the leylines of our planet—which accounts for the rapid adoption of the strategy in other nations. It’s going to be electric!


2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球

We remind everyone not to judge the situation based on what you see and hear. There is far more going on behind the scenes and in other realms that we are unaware of. We’ve got this.


The entire interview is excellent as Gene speaks on many fascinating topics and shows us images of a portal that opened as well as “chronochrome” as opposed to adrenochrome. I’ve not heard of it and can’t find anything. The trucker convoys and the leyline portion begins around the 16 minute mark.


Gene Decode | DUMBS News Artificial Intelligence Nuclear Submarine Special Ops | The Galactic Talk


The disinformation is thick and we caution everyone not to buy into this kind of fake news. We knew this was coming. This is information warfare in an information war. Get used to it. Link to Telegram.

虚假信息很多,我们提醒大家不要相信这种假新闻。我们早就知道会这样。这是信息战中的信息战。习惯它吧。链接到 Telegram。

Make this viral: They are putting up fake videos and and say that this happens in Ottawa now! It is not even snow in this video. Not to worry, these cheap lies won’t work.
Follow us on https://t.me/TruckersFor… to diseminate info there on telegram and organise, this is a way to help us – this is from truckers for freedom on GETTR https://gettr.com/post/proj4278a8

让这个病毒: 他们正在上传假视频,并说这发生在渥太华现在!在这个视频里甚至连雪都不是。不用担心,这些卑鄙的谎言是行不通的。跟随我们的 https://t.me/truckersfor ... 消除信息在电报和组织,这是一种方式来帮助我们-这是从卡车司机的自由在 gttr https://GETTR.com/post/proj4278a8

Whilst the celebrations continue in Canada, many are still focused on their goals here in America where they are addressing objective number one: protecting the children.

虽然加拿大的庆祝活动仍在继续,但许多人仍然把重点放在他们在美国的目标上,他们正在实现第一个目标: 保护儿童。

These plucky folks let the Scottsdale Unified School District Board have it between the eyes. Demands made, promises will be kept. Ron Watkins is stepping up in a big way to get this done—and the subject material is not welcomed. The Arizona swamp is getting drained.

这些勇敢的家伙让斯科茨代尔联合学区委员会大吃一惊。提出要求,承诺就会兑现。罗恩•沃特金斯(Ron Watkins)正在大张旗鼓地完成这项工作ーー主题材料并不受欢迎。亚利桑那州的沼泽正在被抽干。

I thought Wendy Rogers was the bomb, but what’s this?

我以为温迪 · 罗杰斯是最棒的,但这是什么?

The above could easily get by as an “okay” sign but this? From a former military jet pilot?

以上这些可以很容易地作为一个“还好”的标志,但是这个? 来自一个前军用喷气式飞机飞行员?

The media and their theatrical productions are exposed again and again and we remind everyone not to believe everything they see or hear in the media. Great effort goes into keeping the narrative and the illusion in place. The experienced awakened ones learned this years ago but with so many new people looking for the truth, we want to help them discern what they encounter day to day because the truth is often found in murky waters.


Perpetuating the lockdowns, the fear, the stripping of freedoms is the goal of the globalist controllers but their grip on many governments is slipping.


2022年1月31日: 人类历史上最大的护航舰队一月出发|星际飞船地球

In Mexico, there is a selection of Wu Flu remedies available to purchase at the airport, while here in Arizona we have to get prescriptions from out-of-state doctors sometimes just to get these life-saving products—and forget about asking the local hospital for them. They won’t even provide an IV of high-dose Vitamin C. It’s not about curing anyone. It’s about keeping the threat and death count going. We need a new governor. Link to Telegram.

在墨西哥,机场可以购买到一系列吴氏流感药物,而在亚利桑那州,我们有时不得不从其他州的医生那里获得处方,只是为了得到这些救命的产品ーー而忘记向当地医院索要这些产品。他们甚至不提供高剂量的维生素 c,这不是为了治愈任何人。这是关于保持威胁和死亡人数继续下去。我们需要一个新的州长。链接到 Telegram。

For those who have not yet realized…


The whole world should have the option of buying hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and a z-pack at the local corner store, but the psychopaths in power used the legacy media, big tech, and a captured medical system to shutdown all cheap and effective treatments.

全世界都应该可以选择在街角的商店购买羟氯喹、伊维菌素和 z-pack,但是掌权的精神病患者利用传统媒体、大科技和被俘获的医疗系统来关闭所有廉价而有效的治疗。

Instead of using generic, repurposed antivirals, anti-inflammatories, anti-coagulants, and antibiotics, the globalist regime closed down small businesses, shredded fundamental human rights, and created a fraudulent $100 billion mRNA vaccine industry.


Their solution to an infectious disease was an authoritarian biomedical-surveillance state built around a subscription service to a deadly and ineffective experimental gene therapy shot.


Blocking early treatment, locking down the world, and mandating a deadly experimental mRNA shot are all crimes against humanity.


The world is united to take down the control structure strangling our civilization. The threatening truth from Alberta at the Montana border is…


There is some discussion going on now between the Truckers and the RCMP as the roads between the US and Canada were blocked and earlier, the police weren’t willing to negotiate. The truckers explain in this video clip. Link to Telegram.

卡车司机和加拿大皇家骑警之间正在进行一些讨论,因为美国和加拿大之间的道路已经被封锁,而且早些时候警方也不愿意谈判。卡车司机在视频片段中解释道。链接到 Telegram。

Queen Romana is heading to the capital taking the same route as the convoy. Link to Telegram.

罗曼娜女王正在前往首都的途中,与护卫队走同一条路线。链接到 Telegram。

Itinerary for Queen Romana’s “Peace and Prosperity ” Convoy to Ottawa.


Please, keep in mind this schedule can change at any moment.


Feb. 3. 2022 (Ottawa local time)
1) Arrive in Ottawa @1:00 pm
2) @1:30 pm Queen Romana addresses the We The People
3) @3:00 pm, Queen Romana hoists the Kingdom of Canada Flag with We The People.

注: 2022年2月3日(渥太华当地时间)

Agent A1 talked about it, and Queen Romana asked admins to remove “staged” videos from her Telegram channel so… take it with a grain of salt.

特工 a1谈到了这个问题,罗曼娜女王要求管理员从她的 Telegram 频道中删除“舞台”视频,所以... ... 对此持保留态度。

I heard the GoFundMe total is over $9Million now and the truckers/protestors can afford to occupy Ottawa for 4 – 6 years. Just passing on what I saw.

我听说 GoFundMe 的总额现在已经超过900万美元,卡车司机/抗议者可以负担得起占领渥太华4-6年的费用。只是把我看到的传递下去。

Organizers say they have enough food and fuel to keep the truckers in place as long as they need to be there. The convoy ends when the vaccine passports and all vaccine mandates are gone.

Until Gerald Butts returns from his publicity tour with MSM, Justin Trudeau will not be speaking to the freedom Truck convoy. pic.twitter.com/5urYpN8E9Q

I just came upon this German language Telegram channel some of you may wish to follow for current real news if English is not your thing. Link to Telegram.

我刚刚来到这个德语电报频道,你们中的一些人可能希望跟随当前的真实新闻,如果英语不是你的事情。链接到 Telegram。

Dr. Ryan Cole speaks of the staggering increase in cancers in the video linked below. He sees it in Humans; many of us also see it in our animal friends. It is alarming and we have heard from some in the medical field that there are intentionally cancer-causing agents in vaccines—for Humans and animals.

在下面的视频中,Ryan Cole 博士谈到了癌症发病率的惊人增长。他在人类身上看到了这一点; 我们中的许多人也在动物朋友身上看到了这一点。令人震惊的是,我们从一些医学界人士那里听说,疫苗中存在故意造成人类和动物致癌的物质。

What appears to be happening is that the vaccines attack the immune system, opening the door for cancers to proliferate at an accelerated rate. Six months ago we were enjoying a healthy life. What kind of evil was seething just below the surface we don’t know, but just under two months after my dog was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer he was gone.


We found out too late—and that is partially due to the weeks it takes to get veterinary appointments because of the scamdemic. It’s also probably due to the fact that veterinarians push vaccines for Big Pharma and America makes it difficult to have a pet that hasn’t been vaccinated due to all the fear-mongering about the diseases they could catch. Meanwhile, we continue to wait for this nightmare on Earth to end.


If you think there isn’t an organized plot to make us sick and kill us while the psychopaths profit hugely, you’re in denial.


Listen to this short video clip about cancer and the related autoimmune conditions prevalent now. Link to Telegram.

请收听这个关于癌症和相关自身免疫疾病的短视频剪辑,链接到 Telegram。

For those who view the pickle we’re in from a purely one-dimensional aspect, you need to innerstand the Big Picture. We are where we are because we have been the prey of advanced species for a very long time. We are no match for them and had to have help to get to the point we now find ourselves—just to survive.


Alex Collier explains in this 11-minute video clip from many years ago. Obviously, little was done back then and so things have come to a head and we must be informed. Many people “don’t believe in ETs”. For crying out loud—they are at the very root of our problem! As he says, the apathy has to stop. Humanity has to wake up and acknowledge the threat to vanquish the enemy. Link to Telegram.

亚历克斯 · 科利尔在这个11分钟的视频片段中解释了多年前的情况。很明显,当时几乎没有采取什么措施,所以事情已经到了紧要关头,我们必须了解情况。许多人“不相信外星人”。他们才是我们问题的根源!正如他所说,冷漠必须停止。人类必须清醒过来,承认消灭敌人的威胁。链接到 Telegram。

Alex Collier talks about the Reptilian ET’s which he refers them to the ‘Alpha Draconians’

亚历克斯 · 科利尔谈到了爬虫外星人,他把他们称为阿尔法龙人

Next weekend should be interesting in Ottawa and around the world as truckers everywhere unite to raise the awareness of Humanity and give them the courage to stand up for their rights.


The average person has been bludgeoned with lies, fear-inducing propaganda, and manipulated with fake science for two years. They have no idea what the truth is any more. It has to end.


I will leave you with a smile. Link to Telegram.

我会带着微笑离开你。链接到 Telegram。

Until next time. ~ BP

下次见。 ~ BP


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