
2021年3月8日15:13:33揭露宇宙胜利是我们的已关闭评论1.2K13字数 692阅读2分18秒阅读模式


the announcement, to be confirmed by President Donald Trump tomorrow 28/2: “Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Russian television – last night – that the New World Order had collapsed, arguing that the world was now – in its – final contraction after the death of the elite regime – Octopus head has been removed a month ago – Putin told the Russian broadcaster NTV that the new global world order had failed because people around the world had awakened who had realised the insidious truth about the plans of the elite.”

这一声明将于明天28/2由唐纳德·特朗普总统证实:“俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)昨晚在俄罗斯电视上宣布,世界新秩序(New World Order)已经崩溃,他辩称,在精英政权死亡后,世界正处于最后的收缩之中--章鱼头已于一个月前被摘除--普京告诉俄罗斯国家电视台(NTV),新的全球秩序之所以失败,是因为世界各地的人们已经觉醒,他们意识到了精英们计划中隐秘的真相。”


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