
2022年2月1日15:52:41光明时代报告改变你的频率|Kejraj 已关闭评论4751字数 1777阅读5分55秒阅读模式


改变你的频率|Kejraj Greetings friends of the New Earth. From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj(KayRy).

新地球的朋友们,你们好。在这一刻,我们从心到心说话,我是 Kejraj (KayRy)。

A beautiful day it is to claim your power and divine right of freedom. To share what you know so that your wisdom may ignite the spark of awakening in others around you. Rise like the sun, and let the world know the days of darkness are over.


Do not participate in the Collective fear relating to any of the dark’s tactics, that of viruses in particular. If you do, you too will become entangled deep in the matrix. You are a unique, sovereign being. Decide your own fate. Nothing and no one can put an expiration date on your existence. You are an eternal Soul.


Shift your focus, shift your frequency, experience a new reality. What do you want to see in the future? How do you want to feel? What type of a reality and world do you want to be a part of? Focus your thoughts and energies on your Soul’s desire. Peace, love, joy.


It is time to become fully aware and accept that you are the eternal Soul. You are the Higher Self. Live in this reality knowing that powerful truth. Think, speak, be as the Soul is. With this realization, you move from the law of “attraction” to the law of “creation.” You are a creator. Start creating the reality you want for the world you exist in.


Imagine you are in the etheric realms, where you exist as a whole pure light being, with no limitations, full access to all of your spiritual gifts. Now see this being also anchored in this reality here and now. This is You.


From heart to heart, Kejraj!



  • 本文由 发表于 2022年2月1日15:52:41
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