胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新

2021年11月8日09:55:34新人阅读胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新已关闭评论4462字数 3617阅读12分3秒阅读模式


胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新

Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3

In response Doq Holliday to his Publication

作为对 Doq Holliday 出版物的回应

Once again, thank you, Doq.

Juan O Savin

“When we look at the “Q” project
in light of what’s happening in our country right now,
we have to remember that the central focal point
of the whole operation
is to reverse the effects of a coup
that occurred at the killing of President Kennedy.
And in order to do so,
it’s not just a political issue or military fight;
& not only a way to wake up the American people
to what’s really happening.
It’s also about removing the sharp teeth
of these money monsters;
getting their fangs out of us as a country
that is being bled dry by vampires
as they take the wealth out of America
to make themselves stronger,
in order to do their globalist mischief around the planet.”

再次感谢你,Doq。胡安 · 奥· 萨文第13页,路边的孩子“当我们根据我们国家目前发生的情况来看“ q”项目时,我们必须记住,整个行动的中心焦点是扭转肯尼迪总统遇刺时发生的政变的影响。为了做到这一点,这不仅仅是一个政治问题或军事斗争,也不仅仅是唤醒美国人民认识到正在发生的事情的一种方式。这也是为了拔掉这些金钱怪物的锋利牙齿,把他们的尖牙从我们身上拔掉,因为我们的国家正在被吸血鬼榨干,他们把美国的财富拿走,让自己变得更强大,以便在全球各地对全球主义者进行恶作剧。”

胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新

胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新

Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3

In response Penny Blake to her Publication

佩妮 · 布莱克对她的出版物的回应

I will keep posting this until everyone on Earth has read it.

The Biden Crime Family’s Water Island
is right next to Epstein Island.

7-9-20 Colleen & Charlie Freak
“Wonder why Jos Biden is always smelling children?
The Biden Crime Family is known for many things
they’re a despicable, uncouth crime family
known for one thing more than anything else
— the procurement of children.
That’s why Joe Biden has his son involved 
with this gas/propane company in the Ukraine.
That is a front for what they’re really doing.
Hunter is over there procuring children in war-torn areas,
helping George Soros create constant havoc 
so you constantly have children separated from parents.
THAT’S Hunter Biden’s job.
What a name, right? Hunter/predator.
That’s what he is.
He’s a hunter-of-children to be extracted then
for adrenochrome
& sex slavery.
The Biden crime family were taking 
hundreds of thousands of children 
every single year 
out of Eastern Europe.”

我会继续发布这篇文章,直到地球上的每个人都读过它。拜登犯罪家族的水岛就在爱泼斯坦岛旁边。7-9-20科琳和查理怪胎“不明白为什么乔斯 · 拜登总是闻孩子的气味?拜登犯罪家族因许多事情而闻名,他们是一个卑鄙、粗野的犯罪家族,以一件事而闻名,那就是收买儿童。这就是为什么乔 · 拜登让他的儿子参与了乌克兰的这家天然气/丙烷公司。这是他们真正在做的事情的掩护。亨特在那里为饱受战争蹂躏的地区招募儿童,帮助乔治 · 索罗斯制造持续不断的破坏,所以你不断地让孩子与父母分离。这是亨特 · 拜登的工作。多好的名字啊,不是吗?猎人/捕食者。这就是他。他是一个猎人的孩子,然后提取肾上腺素红和性奴隶。拜登犯罪家族每年从东欧带走数十万儿童。”

胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新

Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3


In response Law & Physics to her Publication


Brilliantly put, L & P.
The Military Tribunals may be frustrating for many
& incomprehensible to most
but we have to slog through that stage
just as we’ve slogged through this one.
Q Team are intent on doing EVERYTHING “by the book”
so this Victory will stand for the ages.

In the end, the deep state demons will face justice
on Earth & in Heaven
& likely execution for their unspeakable horrific crimes.

I learned a phrase the other day I really like.
The demons are so evil they’re going to be

That means ZERO possibility they can EVER exist again.
Praise God!

军事法庭可能会让很多人感到沮丧,大多数人无法理解,但是我们必须艰难地度过这个阶段,就像我们艰难地度过这个阶段一样。Q 团队致力于做一切“按照书”,所以这个胜利将代表的时代。最终,这些深沉的恶魔将在人间和天堂面对正义,并可能因为他们不可言喻的可怕罪行而被处决。前几天我学了一个我很喜欢的短语。恶魔是如此邪恶,他们将被“消灭”这意味着它们再也不可能存在了。赞美上帝!

胡安 · 奥·萨文,拜登家族,军事法庭,奥巴马|Kat 更新

Kat IstheSea3 @katisthesea3

In response Joyce Chandler to her Publication

作为对乔伊斯 · 钱德勒出版物的回应

Barry ‘barack obama’ Soetoro


18 U.S. Code 2381 – Treason
18 U.S. Code 2382 – Misprision Of Treason
18 U.S. Code 2383 – Rebellion Or Insurrection
18 U.S. Code 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy
18 U.S. Code 2385 – Advocating Overthrow Of Government
18 U.S. Code 1091 – Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity


“Every ‘president’ after Jack 
but Reagan & Trump, are all CIA.”
~ John McAfee




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