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28th January 2021
Thérèse Zumi Sumner
In the time immediately after The Event has taken place you will discover that there is a sense of knowing what you ought to do at each moment.You will know exactly what to do because you will be Guided at all times by unseen Divine Presence assisting you at this time.You will find yourself handling your situation in a very calm and correct way and you will discover that things are simply falling into place.
You will not know exactly what's taking place initially.There will be radio silence...and a lack of outside information,and this situation can continue for approximately 60 hours.So much will now be developing and taking place behind the scenes.Those arrests for one thing!Many among you will be busy anchoring Light at this time.You will be pretty tired and require quite a lot of rest during this timeframe.
You should remain indoors for that 60 hour period.
When the media comes back I am referring to radio and TV...there will be some kind of general information available explaining in short what is taking place so that people can remain calm.They will be informed about what facilities are available regarding food depots,care facility requirements,how to connect to local crises information etc.
The Internet will not be functioning until it can come online again in a safe and secure manner for everyone involved.The average approximate timeframe for this would be 7 days.
The entire banking system will of course be down until it is restored free of all manner of corruption within a timeframe of approximately 8 days.
Your Whole Life Is About to Change Utterly and Completely
After this time of Transition~nothing will ever be the same again on this planet.
You are going to find yourself parting ways with former inferior elements in your life.You will soon discover that you are in contact with worthwhile persons and ideals that coincide with your own feelings of what is important.
You will finally~finally be in a position to assume responsibility for a long needed reform of your life in every possible positive way.The sky's the limit.
You will make this reform of your life in great joy.Those people who will surround you will be supportive of your efforts and those efforts will be seen as acceptable in the eyes of your new peers.
As you then continue with this new development of your life you will also become an inspiration to others who will begin to mimic your new way of life.
There is simply nothing else to do right now than to relax and enjoy the moment until the moment of Compression Breakthrough.