
2020年6月1日14:29:39新人阅读1 90210字数 5110阅读17分2秒阅读模式


风暴中需要保持冷静|保险范围的澄清Based on emails we're receiving,I think I need to clarify what I'm posting on the blog and what not.


I'm not necessarily staying away from certain subjects as a result of Archangel Michael's request of me.


For the most part,I'm staying away from certain arguments.


As a class those arguments are called ad hominem.They include the use of memes,slogans,insinuations,ridicule,etc.,in lieu of factual proof.


Covering Accountability without being dragged into polarization and fear is tricky,but it's the path we're following–rather than shunning Accountability altogether.


For me to approach things by"not going down the rabbit hole"would not be practical.When some rabbit holes open up like the pandemic or race riots,we may need to go down them to a certain extent.They're news and need to be covered on a limited basis.


An area that's tricky to report is false-flag operations that the cabal wants us to post on in order to generate fear and apprehension among people.



I regard the riots that are breaking out across the States right now as false-flag operations designed to make us afraid.(1)In publicizing them,I have to avoid doing what the cabal hopes I'll do–stir up fear and induce people to turn to corrupt officials and ask for protection.The cabal then provides protection that curbs people's basic,civil rights.


We've been through false flags since time immemorial.(2)We need to start taking the cabal's intentions into consideration rather than playing the role in their operations that they anticipate we'll play.


So I'm watching what we do and don't post on right now so as to serve the public good rather than the cabal's agenda.



Our ongoing job is to remain in the middle,if at all possible,in turbulent times and report what affects the fields we choose to follow.


The fields we choose to follow are Ascension,Disclosure,Abundance,but also Accountability.


The blog restricts its attention to these fields.We give a special but not exclusive place to the messages of the Company of Heaven(the Mother,celestials,galactics,and ascended masters).


Every blog decides what field they want to operate in.If you don't find your own field of interest covered–say,it's art–then you'll need to find a blog on art rather than criticize us because we don't cover art.I think that just makes sense.



The present riots may flare up even more but eventually they'll subside.


Hopefully the white hats of the Alliance are doing their job behind the scenes rounding up the people paying the rioters.I leave that to them and stay out of their way.


I like a notion that Judy Byington says:"People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it."I agree.The Alliance is"doing it"and my job is not to impede them.

我喜欢朱迪拜因顿(Judy Byington)说的那句话:"那些说不可能做到的人,不应该打断那些正在做这件事的人。"我同意。联盟正在"行动",我的工作不是阻止他们。

Finally,a note to us as lightworkers communicating with each other:As the Company of Heaven have said repeatedly,all ugliness and bitterness is rising to the surface right now to be removed.This is a time for us not to be projecting those vasanas or core issues onto others.


To respond to our inner baggage by looking at present company and exploding at them is not going to help anything and does not reflect the reality of what's occurring.


We need to process those vasanas:name the feeling,ask the mind for the original incident in which the vasana was created,experience everything about that incident through to completion,and let it go.THAT is productive.(3)


We're riding the waves of a tumultuous sea right now.Participating in the riots is simply adding to the storm.


Unlike most other people,we know the outcome of this battle.


Because of that,I say that I hope everyone remains safe and secure while this turbulence passes over us.




(1)We are now back at Kent State in May 1970,where protesters facing off peacefully against the National Guard got shot at and killed.But it rallied the nation,as these riots will as well.


(2)In recent times,false flags have been used to start the Spanish American War,the Japanese invasion of China,the 1939 invasion of Poland,the Vietnam War,the first Gulf War,9/11(and therefore the Second Gulf War),etc.


(3)See"How to Handle Unwanted Feelings:The Upset Clearing Process,"December 29,2018,at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2018/12/29/how-to-handle-unwanted-feelings-the-upset-clearing-process-2/




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