May 15, 2022 2022年5月15日
Relentless Truth has two excellent posts. Recommended reading.
Relentless Truth (@Lebronsonroids) *
The latest Gabs from Relentless Truth (@Lebronsonroids). God is in control. I'm just along for the ride...and sometimes I yell out the window.
It's hilarious that some people have such a hard time accepting that Trump CONSTANTLY does and says things on the surface which seem odd, but behind the scenes or in hindsight were absolutely brilliant.
He's been doing this his entire life, folks...and he's quite good at it.
他一辈子都在做这个,伙计们... ... 而且他很擅长这个。
How many of you were aware that Trump was an FBI informant back in the day?
The current military operation that we are living through wasn't the first time Trump had been asked to help take down a massive crime syndicate.
NYC mafia 纽约黑手党 ✔
Atlantic City mafia 大西洋城黑手党 ✔
Global Satanic Cabal...let's see what happens.全球撒旦阴谋集团... 让我们看看会发生什么。
He's brilliant, charismatic, rich, patriotic, highly connected and clean as a whistle.他才华横溢,魅力十足,富有,爱国,人脉广泛,干净利落。
That's a deadly combination for his enemies.这对他的敌人来说是致命的组合。
Nobody trusts the MSM anymore. 没有人再相信 MSM 了
Nobody trusts the politicians anymore (D or R)没有人再相信政客了(民主党或共和党)
Nobody trusts Big Pharma anymore. 没有人再相信大型制药公司了
Nobody trusts the CDC, WHO or Bill Gates anymore.没有人再相信疾病控制中心、世卫组织或比尔 · 盖茨了。
Nobody watches sports anymore. 没有人再看体育比赛了
Nobody watches movies anymore. 没有人再看电影了
Nobody watches award ceremonies anymore. 现在没人看颁奖典礼了
Trump and Q pulled back the curtain and exposed the underbelly of evil and corruption to the entire world.
特朗普和 q 拉开了帷幕,向全世界暴露了邪恶和腐败的阴暗面。
This is why nothing can stop what is coming.
This is why "We The People" awake and unified is [their] biggest fear.
We are no longer enamored with flashy celebrities.
We no longer blindly trust people in positions of power to dictate our freedoms and regulate how we live our lives.
We are no longer blind to their schemes. Playbook known.
We are no longer blind to the fact that WE elect THEM to work for US.
This is the greatest country in the history of this planet and we almost let it slip through our fingers and into the hands of a small group of satanic globalists because we became complacent. We took what we had for granted.
The more I look back on this past year, the more I realize how important and necessary it truly was.
The country as a whole had a laundry list of lessons to learn. We played a part in this and we don't get to pretend that isn't true. The truth can be harsh sometimes and this past year was all about coming to terms with that.
Q and Trump took the boot off our neck.
Q 和特朗普从我们的脖子上卸下了靴子。
Then they taught us how to expose corruption and fight back with relentless truth and righteous indignation.
The ball is now in our court.
We The People are more awake than ever and not a damn thing can stop us.
Because where we go one...
...We Go All. ...
Love and Light