
2020年4月1日13:40:14新人阅读柯博拉推特更新|是团结的时候了,放下分歧,助力4/4,5日冥想已关闭评论1.3K22字数 2080阅读6分56秒阅读模式


I would say no matter what happens I would urge everybody to meditate because this meditation can really determine how things will develop.It can determine finally.


This virus is a bio-weapon which was released by the dark forces and not by some higher spiritual entity.


And now with this global mass isolation,global quarantines,global lockdowns,people are isolated and those entities cannot be transmitted to other people like the virus.So they will starve out and die.


Fear that is now being triggered was always there.It was subconscious.So what is happening now is an active purification of that fear,and much of the fear is actually entities which are co-existing in human energy fields.


This endtime scenario,the endtime madness,endtime is actually a very good thing.It's the end of a certain type of cycle.It is the end of the old cycle of darkness and the beginning of a new cycle of light.


But people staying at home–this can actually have some very good effects because people will have time to calm down,slow down,to reconnect with their own self,with their Higher Self,and with nature.


We are not just removing the virus,we are also removing all those entities,as well as much of the global fear which has been suppressed throughout history and has been through generational trauma transmitted from parents to children,from generation to generation;forever.


So I will publicly invite Corey Goode,I will publicly invite David Wilcock to promote this and to set aside their,if they have any,blockages towards me for whatever reason.It is not time now for something like this.It's time now to unite and to to do this.


中/港/马/台:4月5日上午 10:45



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