
2022年5月29日16:46:13其他揭露乐施会执行干事在世界经济论坛致辞全文-「冠状病毒疾病是有史以来最赚钱的产品之一」(短片)已关闭评论6502字数 2863阅读9分32秒阅读模式



Oxfam International at the World Economic Forum called for the wealthiest beneficiaries of the COVID pandemic to be taxed to finance childcare, education, and work opportunities for women in Global South, Economic Times reported.


According to Oxfam’s website, “Oxfam: The future is equal,” a global movement of people working together to end the injustice of poverty.

根据乐施会的网站,“乐施会: 未来是平等的”,这是一个全球性的运动,人们共同努力,结束贫穷的不公正。

Speaking at Davos Annual Meeting 2022 during Equitable Responses to Ending the Pandemic on Monday, Oxfam International’s executive director Gabriela Bucher said billionaires were arriving at the summit to “celebrate an incredible surge in their fortunes.”

本周一,在达沃斯2022年年会上,乐施会执行董事加布里埃拉 · 布彻(Gabriela Bucher)表示,亿万富翁们出席达沃斯年会是为了“庆祝他们财富的惊人增长”

According to a report from CNBC, Buche added, “The pandemic and now the steep increases in food and energy prices have, simply put, been a bonanza for them.”

根据 CNBC 的一份报告,Buche 补充道,“简单地说,流感大流行以及现在食品和能源价格的急剧上涨对他们来说是一个巨大的财富。”

“Meanwhile, decades of progress on extreme poverty are now in reverse and millions of people are facing impossible rises in the cost of simply staying alive,” Bucher said.

布赫说: “与此同时,数十年来在解决极端贫困问题上取得的进展现在出现了逆转,数百万人仅仅为了生存而付出的代价正在不可能的上升。”。

Bucher also mentioned that Covid has been one of the most profitable products.


“Billionaires has been, you know, unprecedented during the pandemic. And there’s been several sectors where that has been mostly concentrated. And one is, in fact, the pharma sectors, because Covid has been one of the most profitable products ever. So that’s one point to discuss in our report,” Bucher said.


Watch via @Covid19vaccinevictims:


More from CNBC:

更多来自 CNBC:

A new billionaire emerged every 30 hours during the Covid-19 pandemic, and nearly a million could fall into extreme poverty at around the same rate in 2022. Those are the sobering statistics recently released by Oxfam.


There were 573 more billionaires in the world by March 2022 than in 2020, when the pandemic began, the global charity said in a brief that was published on Monday, the first day of the World Economic Forum summit in Davos, Switzerland. That equates to one new billionaire every 30 hours, Oxfam said.

截至2022年3月,全球亿万富翁人数比疫情开始时的2020年增加了573人,这家全球慈善机构在周一发布的一份简报中表示。周一是瑞士达沃斯世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)峰会的第一天。乐施会表示,这相当于每30小时就有一位新亿万富翁加入。

On top of that, it estimated that 263 million people could be pushed into extreme levels of poverty in 2022 because of the pandemic, growing global inequality and rising food prices that have been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. That’s the equivalent of nearly a million people every 33 hours, Oxfam said.



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