Compiled Fri. 4 Aug. 2023 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities"
编辑于2023年8月4日星期五东部时间上午12:01朱迪拜因顿,MSW,LCSW,治疗师,记者,作者: “二十二张面孔: 珍妮希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活内部”
The Black Swan Blackout Shutdown is Now
Soon You Will Find on Twitter a Trump Post Saying That
很快你就会在 Twitter 上找到一篇特朗普的帖子
"The Storm is Upon Us"
We are finally there.
Everyone knows and nobody can stop it.
…JFK Secrets on Telegram
The Canadian West Coast Common Law Court of Justice
is offering rewards and immunity from prosecution for information leading to how
Harriett Nahanee, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Ricky Lavallee, Harry Wilson and Edna Brass died. With a secret Canadian government and Vatican pledge to eliminate Canadian Indian Tribes in order to take over their land, these deceased Patriots had questioned the deaths of over 60,000 children in 80 government and mainly Catholic owned Boarding Schools across Canada that the children were forced to attend after having been ripped from arms of their loving parents. or
哈里特·纳哈尼、威廉·库姆斯、约翰尼·“宾果”·道森、里基·拉瓦利、哈里·威尔逊和埃德娜·布拉斯去世。由于加拿大政府和梵蒂冈秘密承诺要消灭加拿大印第安部落,以接管他们的土地,这些已故的爱国者质疑了加拿大各地80所政府和主要由天主教拥有的寄宿学校的6万多名儿童的死亡,这些儿童在从慈爱的父母的怀抱中被夺走后被迫就读。 或
天主教徒,政府,精英绑架,折磨,杀害土著妇女,儿童-超过6万人 | 加拿大 | 新闻之前( )
God Bless America (by Irving Berlin, 2019) | The Tabernacle Choir - YouTube
上帝保佑美国(作者: 欧文 · 柏林,2019) | 会幕合唱团-YouTube
Judy Note: This week major countries abandoned the fiat US Dollar for the gold/asset backed currencies of the BRICS nations, plus the GOP Congress refused to add to the national debt by not funding government agencies. Add that to a Stock Market crash that happened without anyone knowing and you have, my friends, solid evidence that the US was officially broke.
Judy Note: 本周,主要国家放弃了法定美元,转而使用金砖国家的黄金/资产支持货币,加上共和党国会拒绝通过不为政府机构提供资金来增加国家债务。再加上发生在没有任何人知道的情况下的股市崩盘,我的朋友们,你们有确凿的证据证明美国正式破产了。
None of which news was covered by the Mainstream Media. But then this week they also refused to report on allegations made in a Congressional Hearing that Joe Biden was engaged in criminal bribery schemes with foreign nationals – clear grounds for impeachment.
这些新闻都没有被主流媒体报道。但本周,他们还拒绝报告在国会听证会上提出的指控,即乔•拜登(Joe Biden)参与了与外国人的贿赂犯罪计划——这是弹劾的明确理由。
What the media did fully cover this week was the arrest of Donald Trump, charged with invoking his Freedom of Speech as he talked of fraud in the 2020 election – the trial of which will give Trump a chance to finally bring forth tons of evidence showing that he actually did win that election. It's a Win-Win.
媒体本周全面报道的是唐纳德 · 特朗普(Donald Trump)被捕一事,他被指控在谈论2020年大选中的欺诈行为时援引了言论自由——这场审判将让特朗普有机会最终拿出大量证据,证明他确实赢得了那场选举。这是双赢。
Sat. 14 Nov. 2020: Pelosi-Owned Programming That Threw Election to Biden Was Before the Supreme Court | Politics | Before It's News (
2020年11月14日: 在最高法院前,佩洛西拥有的程序将拜登的选举推向了
From Telegram: It's not that the Majority was silent, it's that the Media was silent about the Majority
来自电报: 不是多数派沉默,而是媒体对多数派沉默
在“自由之声”之后蒂姆 · 巴拉德采访了特朗普总统。( )
- The Biden Presidency is a charade. The Military White Hats were in Charge
- 拜登的总统任期只是个幌子,当时是军方的白帽子在掌权
- It's a good thing White Hats were in charge because according to Mike Adams on Thurs. 3 Aug. Biden declared a Climate Emergency and intended to seize all energy and food production.
- 这是一件好事,白帽子是负责,因为根据迈克亚当斯在星期四8月3日。拜登宣布了气候紧急状态,并打算控制所有能源和粮食生产。
- As of Thurs. 3 Aug. the Dutch government (Netherlands) has fallen, with leaders having resigned from office.
- 截至8月3日星期四,荷兰政府(荷兰)已经倒台,领导人已经辞职。
- The Federal Reserve and US Capitol were closed, boarded up.
- 美联储(Fed)和美国国会大厦被关闭,用木板围起来。
- The Obamas were indicted, found guilty of Treason and died at GITMO. You were looking at doubles or clones.
- 奥巴马夫妇被指控犯有叛国罪,死在了关塔那摩监狱。你看到的是复制人或克隆人。
- "The Corona PCR "test" harvests DNA while implanting Nanites – a bioweapons payload for the brain." …FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum
- “电晕 PCR 测试”在植入纳米机器人时收集 DNA,纳米机器人是大脑的生物武器有效载荷... 联邦应急管理局告密者 Celeste Solum
- The fake Mainstream Media was controlled by the Cabal's BlackRock, Vanguard & State Street – and now was in a rapid downward spiral
- “假主流媒体”由阴谋集团旗下的贝莱德(blackRock)、先锋(Vanguard)和道富(State Street)控制,目前正处于迅速下滑的螺旋状态
- China, Russia, India and the Middle East have abandoned the fiat US Dollar.
- 中国、俄罗斯、印度和中东已经放弃了法定美元。
- NATO and the UN were on the verge of Bankruptcy.
- 北约和联合国处于破产的边缘。
- The GOP Congress has said no to increasing the national debt and funding the US Inc. Government. We're broke.
- 共和党国会已经拒绝增加国家债务和资助美国公司政府,我们破产了。
- Banks around the Globe were collapsing.
- 全球的银行都在崩溃。
- Thurs. 3 Aug. Latest Indictment Against Trump BACKFIRES; Gives Trump Ability to Re-Litigate ENTIRE 2020 Election; PROVE FRAUD - American Media Group (
- 8月3日星期四。最新起诉特朗普事与愿违: 让特朗普有能力对整个2020年大选重新提起诉讼; 证明欺诈——美国媒体集团(
- An FBI record allegedly reveals then-VP Biden was engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national – clear grounds for impeachment.
- 美国联邦调查局(FBI)的一份记录显示,时任副总统的拜登参与了一项贿赂犯罪计划,而且有明确的弹劾理由。
- Biden's presidency was nothing more than a
charade anyway, orchestrated by the Deep State, while the real power rested in the hands of the White Hats. Amidst Military Operations led by White Hats, the continuity of government was at play, with a shadow government running parallel to the facade. - 拜登的总统任期不过是 不管怎样,这都是“深层政府”精心策划的骗局,而真正的权力掌握在“白帽子”的手中。在白帽子领导的军事行动中,政府的连续性在发挥作用,一个影子政府与正面平行运行。
- Thurs. 3 Aug. BOOM! Game Theory Military Operations - White Hats, Donald Trump Indictment, Deep State, and the Shocking Revelations That Shook the Nation (video) - American Media Group (
- 8月3日星期四。砰!博弈论军事行动-白帽子,唐纳德 · 特朗普起诉,深层国家,震惊全国的令人震惊的启示(视频)-美国媒体集团(
- In Washington DC the Federal Reserve and US Capital were closed and boarded up.
- 在华盛顿特区,美联储(Fed)和美国资本管理公司(US Capital)被关闭并关闭。
- China, Russia, India and the Middle East have abandoned the US fiat money banking system, refusing to sell oil to the US. Hundreds of US banks, along with major US stock agencies controlled by BlackRock [Rockefellers], were collapsing. NATO and the UN are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. The GOP has blocked a bill to fund the US Inc. government and raise the debt limit.
- 中国、俄罗斯、印度和中东已经放弃了美国的法定货币银行体系,拒绝向美国出售石油。数百家美国银行,以及由贝莱德(BlackRock,洛克菲勒)控制的美国主要股票代理机构,正在倒闭。北约和联合国正在破产的边缘摇摇欲坠。共和党否决了一项为美国公司政府提供资金并提高债务上限的法案。
- Criminal Complaint filed against US Attorney General Merrick B.
Garland and Judge Nancy Baskin for violations of their oaths of office, dereliction of duty and complicity with Idaho Child Protective Services in the kidnap of Baby Cyrus. - 对美国司法部长梅里克 · B 提起刑事诉讼。 Garland 和 Nancy Baskin 法官因违反职务宣誓,玩忽职守和与爱达荷儿童保护机构共谋绑架婴儿 Cyrus。
- Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill Gates, John Kerry, George Soros, Maxine Watters, Andrew McCabe, CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James Comey were among 71,000 named in Federal Indictments, many of whom have been arrested, found guilty of Treason in Military Tribunals and hanged at GITMO.
- 巴拉克和米歇尔 · 奥巴马、比尔 · 盖茨、约翰 · 克里、乔治 · 索罗斯、玛克辛 · 沃特斯、安德鲁 · 麦凯布、中央情报局局长约翰 · 布伦南和联邦调查局局长詹姆斯 · 科米在联邦起诉书中提到的7.1万人中,其中许多人已被逮捕,在军事法庭被判叛国罪,并在关塔那摩监狱被绞死。
- The fake Mainstream Media controlled by BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street was in a rapid downward spiral. The truth was breaking through their web of deception, causing their empire to crumble.
- 由贝莱德(BlackRock)、先锋集团(Vanguard)和道富银行(State Street)控制的假主流媒体正迅速陷入恶性循环。真相打破了他们的谎言,使他们的帝国崩溃。
- Trump fearlessly takes on the CIA in a public showdown, exposing their covert operations to the world.
- 特朗普无所畏惧地与中情局公开摊牌,将他们的秘密行动公之于众。
- Thurs. 3 Aug. SHTF, Nuclear Standoff, World Collapse, and the Secrets of the Storm Arrest Wars: A Prophecy Unfolding Before Our Eyes - American Media Group (
- 8月3日星期四。SHTF,核对峙,世界崩溃,风暴逮捕战争的秘密: 我们眼前展开的预言-美国媒体集团(
There were reports that some were asking you to hand over your foreign currencies and/or Zim Bonds to them saying they would exchange or redeem them for you. DO NOT give in to this scam. Only the purchaser of the currency or bond can legally exchange or redeem that currency or bond at a Redemption Center for the higher rates. Exceptions were that if you had given someone currency or bonds, along with a notarized gift letter saying you did so, or if you gave someone Power of Attorney over your affairs. The bottom line: If someone tried to turn in your currency or bonds without your authorization, they could be arrested.
警告: 有报道说,一些人要求你交出你的外币和/或 Zim 债券给他们,说他们将为你兑换或兑换这些债券。不要向这个骗局屈服。只有货币或债券的购买者才能在赎回中心合法地兑换或赎回该货币或债券以获得更高的利率。例外情况是,如果你给了某人货币或债券,连同一封公证过的礼物信,说明你这样做了,或者如果你给某人授权代理你的事务。底线是: 如果有人试图未经你的授权交出你的货币或债券,他们可能会被逮捕。
Judy Note: If you were reading this Update as posted on Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of this Update on Operation Disclosure Official.
朱迪注: 如果你正在阅读本更新作为行动披露官员张贴,请注意,一些信息已被编辑。有关完整的未编辑版本,请参阅本更新操作披露官方 PDF 副本结束。
A. Global Currency Revaluation:
- Thurs. 3 Aug Bruce: Liquidity for the GCR was intended to be released yesterday Wed, 2 Aug, but didn't because three things still needed to be done: (1) takedown of the Biden Administration, (2) EBS emerged with the Global Financial System for disclosure and (3) announcement of NESARA and GESARA. The EBS would be emerged with the Global Financial System by Thurs. 3 Aug. evening. NESARA/GESARA will be announced sometime between when we begin our appointments and the middle of August. Bond Holders will be liquid and paid on Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug. and our exchanges will begin Tues.8 Aug. or Wed. 9 Aug. You will be under an NDA for 30-60 days. You cannot talk about your exchange to anyone. If you want certain people as exclusions to the NDA, have their names typed up on a paper to hand in at your exchange.
- 8月3日星期四布鲁斯: GCR 的流动性原定于8月2日星期三发布,但没有发布,因为还有三件事需要做: (1)推翻拜登政府; (2) EBS 与全球金融体系一起出现,以供披露; (3)宣布 NESARA 和 GESARA。EBS 将在8月3日周四晚上与全球金融体系一起出现。NESARA/GESARA 将在我们开始预约到八月中旬之间的某个时间宣布。债券持有人将在8月7日或8月8日星期二获得流动性支付。Tier4b (我们,互联网集团)将于8月7日或8月8日星期二接到通知,我们的交易将于8月8日或8月9日星期三开始。你将在保密协议下工作30-60天。你不能和任何人谈论你的交易。如果你希望某些人作为保密协议的例外情况,把他们的名字打印在一张纸上交给你。
- Thurs. 3 Aug. MarkZ: "I am still hearing the rumor that we will see the new rate when they issue and publish the instructions for the budget…which has already been passed. They have done a great job of keeping this under wraps and secret. I know a number of very connected people who are traveling to be in place by Fri. 4 Aug.
Getting mixed reports as to whether this will be Saturday or Monday/Tuesday. Personally I think this is going to be "IT." - 8月3日星期四。MarkZ: “我仍然听到传言说,当他们发布和公布预算指示时,我们将看到新的利率... ... 这已经通过了。他们把这件事保密得很好。我认识一些非常有关系的人,他们将在8月4日星期五之前到达目的地。 关于这是星期六还是星期一/星期二的报道喜忧参半。我个人认为这将是“ IT”
- Tues. 1 Aug. Captain Marvel Jr.: "Received word that the EBS could go off any time between now and the end of the weekend."
- 8月1日星期二。小惊奇队长: “收到消息,从现在到周末结束的任何时候 EBS 都可能爆炸。”
- On Sun. 30 July
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the Global Currency Reset and on Mon. 31 July, signed a digital ruble bill into law, approving the use of its central bank digital currency for payments starting from Aug. 1, 2023. - 7月30日,星期日 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔 · 普京宣布全球货币重置,并于7月31日签署了一项数字卢布法案,批准从2023年8月1日起使用俄罗斯央行的数字货币进行支付。
- Mon. 31 July Bearded Patriot: "Just got off a call and can confirm that the first wave of liquidity starts Tues. 1 Aug. There were multiple steps regarding the payout pecking order: Beneficiary Accts, Fines & Penalties, Whales, etc. There were an extreme amount of funds and groups that needed to get paid. It will take a few days. Once it's starts nothing can stop it. Iraq's desire was to have this completed and published in the Gazette on Sat. 5 Aug."
- 星期一7月31日胡子爱国者: “刚刚接到一个电话,可以确认第一波流动性将于8月1日星期二开始。关于支付优先顺序有多个步骤: 受益人行为,罚款和处罚,鲸鱼等。有大量的基金和组织需要获得报酬。需要几天时间。一旦开始,没有什么可以阻止它。伊拉克希望完成这项工作,并在星期六的公报上公布。8月5日。”
- Mon. 31 July Ranga Rao Konuganti
Tom RV/GCR Updates: "Money is moving, large amounts from Singapore to the Philippines, from the Windsor Fund (one of the top six global collateral accounts) to the Chinese Elders, so that they can execute the Financial Transition."
- 星期一7月31日 Ranga Rao Konuganti Tom RV/GCR 最新消息: “资金正在流动,大量资金从新加坡流向菲律宾,从温莎基金(全球六大抵押账户之一)流向中国老人,以便他们能够实施金融转型。”
- Sun. 30 July Texas Snake: Text received 10:10 this morning from a Banker: "All indications are from high sources is that this coming week will have positive news in light that all 209 countries have approved the required protocols. So will advise ASAP after I receive the news."
- 7月30日德克萨斯之蛇: 今天上午10:10收到一位银行家的短信: “所有迹象都来自高层,本周将有积极的消息,所有209个国家已经批准了所需的协议。我收到消息后会尽快通知你们
- Sun. 30 July Wolverine: "Very early today I received Intel from a very high Contact. I can't tell you what they said other than things are progressing. Everything is ready. It won't happen today but we may have very good news this week."
- 7月30日金刚狼: “今天很早我就收到了来自一位高级联系人的情报。我不能告诉你他们说了什么除了事情在进展之外。一切都准备好了。这种情况今天不会发生,但本周我们可能会有非常好的消息。”
B.Thurs. 3 Aug. 2023
Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (
667-770-1866, pin123456#
- Liquidity for the GCR was intended to be released yesterday Wed, 2 Aug, but didn't because three things still needed to be done: (1) takedown of the Biden Administration, (2) EBS emerged with the Global Financial System for disclosure and (3) announcement of NESARA and GESARA.
- GCR 的流动性原定于8月2日(星期三)公布,但没有公布,因为还有三件事需要做: (1)推翻拜登政府; (2) EBS 与全球金融体系一起出现,以供披露; (3)宣布 NESARA 和 GESARA。
- The EBS would be emerged with the Global Financial System by Thurs. 3 Aug. evening.
- EBS 将在8月3日周四晚上与全球金融体系一起出现。
- NESARA/GESARA will be announced sometime between when we begin our appointments and the middle of August.
- NESARA/GESARA 将在我们开始预约到八月中旬之间的某个时间宣布。
- Bond Holders will be liquid and paid on Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug.
- 债券持有人将在8月7日或8月8日星期二获得流动性支付。
- Tier4b will be notified Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug. and exchanges will begin Tues.8 Aug. or Wed. 9 Aug.
- Tier4b 将于8月7日或8月8日星期二接到通知,交易将于8月8日或8月9日星期三开始。
- Currency was trading and their rates were changing at the bank every day.
- 货币在交易,银行的利率每天都在变化。
- BRICS nations have dumped the fiat US Dollar.
- 金砖国家已经抛弃了法定美元。
- As of midnight Tues. 1 Aug. the Black Hats in the Military were no longer a problem.
- 从8月1日午夜开始,军队里的黑帽子已经不再是个问题了。
- The Alliance was in full control of HAARP – the system that could control the weather.
- 联盟完全控制了 HAARP ——一个可以控制天气的系统。
- All Zim will be redeemed through the Wells Fargo Redemption Centers – which will close after two weeks. After that the Zim would have to be redeemed at a Wells Fargo Bank.
- 所有的津姆都将通过富国银行赎回中心赎回——这些中心将在两周后关闭。之后,津巴布韦将不得不在富国银行赎回。
- You can only have three banks connected to your Quantum Account.
- 你只能有三家银行连接到你的量子账户。
- You will be getting a 55 page book showing who you cannot give money to.
- 你会得到一本55页的书,上面写着你不能把钱给谁。
- You will be given a $1,000 coupon to be used to purchase a new computer that works with the Quantum Financial System.
- 你将获得一张1000美元的优惠券,用于购买一台可以与量子金融系统协同工作的新电脑。
- You will be under an NDA for 30-60 days. You cannot talk about your exchange to anyone. If you want certain people as exclusions to the NDA, have their names typed up on a paper to hand in at your exchange.
- 你将在保密协议下工作30-60天。你不能和任何人谈论你的交易。如果你希望某些人作为保密协议的例外情况,把他们的名字打印在一张纸上交给你。
C. Global Financial Crash:
- People are Packing up and Leaving Canada, even the new immigrants are going back when they see what Canada is really like. CGI's Morgan:
- 人们正在收拾行李离开加拿大,即使是新移民,当他们看到加拿大真正的样子时,也会回去。
- Thurs. 3 Aug.
Social Security Increase of $5,000... Testimony, From the Greatest Depression in History to Nesara! (Video) | Resources | Before It's News ( - 8月3日星期四。 社会保障增加 $5,000... 证词,从历史上最大的萧条到 Nesara!(视频) | 资源 | 新闻之前( )
D. Apparent Timeline:
- The EBS would be merged with the Global Financial System by Thurs. 3 Aug. evening.
- EBS 将于8月3日星期四晚上与全球金融体系合并。
- NESARA/GESARA will be announced sometime between Tues. 8 Aug. and Tues. 15 Aug.
- NESARA/GESARA 将于8月8日星期二至8月15日星期二之间宣布。
- Bond Holders will be liquid and paid on Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug.
- 债券持有人将在8月7日或8月8日星期二获得流动性支付。
- Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified Mon. 7 Aug. or Tues. 8 Aug. and our exchanges will begin Tues.8 Aug. or Wed. 9 Aug.
- Tier4b (我们,互联网集团)将于8月7日或8月8日星期二接到通知,我们的交易将于8月8日或8月9日星期三开始。
- Sometime soon the Supreme Court would announce their decision on the Brunson Case and another 2020 Voter Fraud case before the Court. That decision was likely to reverse the 2020 Election due to massive Election Fraud. Such would then dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress and likely be accompanied by activation of the Emergency Broadcast System where the Military would take over for a short period of time until new elections could be held.
- 不久之后,最高法院将宣布他们对 Brunson 案和另一起2020年选民欺诈案的裁决。由于大规模选举舞弊,这一决定很可能逆转2020年的大选。这将解散拜登政府和整个国会,并可能同时启动紧急广播系统,军方将在短期内接管,直到举行新的选举。
- The NESARA/GESARA announcement also was expected very soon, along with how to get your Med Bed appointment.
- NESARA/GESARA 的公告也预计很快,以及如何得到你的医疗床位预约。
- Wed. 23 Aug. 2023: BRICS to formally announce Global Currency Reset at their Summit meetings.
- Aug. 2023: Exposure, arrests of major and local Satanic Child Sacrifice and Pedophile Groups.
- When Trump's presidency ended, JFK Jr. would come in as President, while Trump would be elevated to Global Financial Ambassador to make the GESARA changes around the Globe according to Bruce.
- Fall 2023 Massive protests and riots were forecasted to shake Canada's core, ushering in a winter of discontent in the latter part of 2023 and early 2024.
- 2023年秋天大规模的抗议和骚乱预计将撼动加拿大的核心,在2023年下半年和2024年初将迎来一场不满的冬天。
U.S. (public) Tribunals slated for 2026 would coincide with Canadian Tribunals and World Tribunals that would connect everything from Deep State Human Trafficking, to World Plandemic Deep State Operations, to creation of the Virus.
2026年: 美国(公共)法庭定于2026年与加拿大法庭和世界法庭将连接一切从深州人口贩卖,世界流行病深州行动,创造病毒。
E. Restored Republic: Three ongoing battles for Freedom of the American People were being waged by Patriots on their own Dime:
重建共和国: 三场正在进行的争取美国人民自由的战斗由爱国者自己发动:
- Freedom to exercise our right to Fair Elections: The Brunson Brothers were trying to make Congress adhere to concepts of our Constitution by suing Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
- 行使公平选举权的自由: 布伦森兄弟起诉国会没有调查2020年选举中选民舞弊的指控,试图使国会遵守我国宪法的概念。
- Freedom from harassment and being incarcerated by the IRS: For over five years
Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling the Goliath IRS which took away their fully paid for home and all their possessions even after they had won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS. - 免受国税局的骚扰和监禁: 超过五年 芭比娃娃和肯 · 克罗马尔一直在与巨人国税局作斗争,国税局拿走了他们全部支付的房屋和所有财产,即使他们在联邦税务法院赢得了他们的案件,裁定他们没有欠国税局的钱。
- Freedom of Parents to have control over and raise their own children: Ammon Bundy, Diego Rodriguez and Tom Fairbanks were battling a corrupt legal system including Child Protective Services who were ripping children away from their parents without a legal basis to do so.
Donations were Needed in these Battles for our Freedom - But you get COOL Liberty stuff!
父母有控制和抚养自己孩子的自由: 阿蒙-邦迪(Ammon Bundy)、迭戈-罗德里格斯(Diego Rodriguez)和汤姆-费尔班克斯(Tom Fairbanks)正在与包括儿童保护服务机构在内的腐败法律体系作斗争。
- Tom Fairbanks, who filed the Criminal Complaint for Defendants Bundy and Rodriguez, is a good friend of "Barbie & Ken" Cromar, who are friends with the Brunson Brothers - Raland, Deron, Gaynor and Loy, whose case is at the US Supreme Court charging Congress with treason for certifying the 2020 election without reviewing 100+ allegations of fraud and election violation.
- 汤姆-费尔班克斯(Tom Fairbanks)是被告邦迪和罗德里格斯的刑事起诉人,也是 "芭比和肯 "的好朋友。克罗默是布伦森兄弟--拉兰德、德隆、盖诺和洛伊--的朋友,美国最高法院正在审理他们的案件,指控国会在没有审查 100 多项舞弊和违反选举法的指控的情况下认证 2020 年大选,犯有叛国罪。
- All try to help each other financially by sharing donations
pay for the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. Your donation can help to make miracles happen! See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page: - 所有人都试图通过分享捐款在经济上互相帮助 那个 为犯罪分子和法院印刷、邮资、旅行、邮寄和送达法律文件支付费用。您的捐赠可以帮助创造奇迹!看看奇迹捐赠能给你带来什么好东西。购物页面: Http://
F. Thurs. 3 Aug. 2023 Update "Barbie and Ken vs. Goliath IRS"
- For over five years Barbie & Ken Cromar have been victims of a weaponized terror organization called IRS Inc. led by Commissioner Charles P. Rettig.
- 五年多来,Barbie & Ken Cromar 一直是由专员 Charles P. Rettig 领导的一个名为 IRS 公司的武器化恐怖组织的受害者。
- Ken was a former elected Cedar Hills City Councilman
whistle-blower who discovered a wide array of corruption in his local government. For that a 75-man SWAT Team, snipers, two tanks and two helicopters twice descended on Barbie & Ken's home. - 肯是前雪松山市议员 发现当地政府存在大量腐败现象的告密者。为此,一支75人的特警队、狙击手、两辆坦克和两架直升机两次降落在芭比和肯的家中。
- The Cromar's sued Rettig - and against all odds, WON! Though, they still lost their home, life, possessions, property, reputation – everything – because they stood up to the corruption in their local community.
- 克罗马尔起诉了雷蒂格,再看我一眼胜诉!尽管如此,他们仍然失去了他们的家园、生活、财产、财产、名誉——所有的一切——因为他们反对当地社区的腐败。
- The Cromars have had some recent satisfaction from their ordeal. On Fri. 28 July United States Marines arrested Rettig on charges that alleged he took a 1% cut of every federal income tax payment for the 2021 fiscal year and sheltered the cash in anonymous offshore accounts.
Military Arrests Former IRS Director Charles Rettig | Real Raw News Read more about it: - 克罗马人最近从他们的折磨中得到了一些满足。7月28日星期五,美国海军陆战队逮捕了 Rettig,指控他从2021财年的每一笔联邦所得税中扣除1% ,并将现金存入匿名的海外账户。 军事逮捕前美国国税局局长查尔斯 · 雷蒂格 | 真实原始新闻阅读更多:
Judy Note: The Cromars have had to face a corrupt legal system here in Utah that is infiltrated with Satanic followers. The below is a report on David Leavitt, a Utah County Attorney who filed against the Cromars. By his own admission Leavitt has been accused of the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children.朱迪注意: 克罗马人不得不面对一个腐败的法律系统在犹他州这里是渗透与撒旦的追随者。以下是一份关于犹他州检察官大卫 · 莱维特的报告,他对克罗马尔夫妇提起了诉讼。莱维特自己也承认,他被指控犯有虐待儿童的邪教仪式。
BREAKING IRA REPORT: "Why did Homeland Security Protect David Leavitt?"国土安全部为什么要保护 David Leavitt
To Barbie and Ken -- all three "law enforcement" officers Utah AG Sean Reyes, Sheriff Mike Smith and Utah County Attorney David Leavitt the Cromars desperately needed JUSTICE from, had failed them, -- and all of Utah. It's apparent that all three were Constitutionally AWOL in protecting their rights to due process and hearing BEFORE trying to take their home via the weaponized IRS. After the 75-man SWAT and denying Barbie & Ken due process of law, they turned on each other. They acted more likely competing power cabals of questionable character. This especially obvious when considering that AFTER Leavitt unceremoniously and ignominiously was thumped in the GOP primary -- ironically during the fake trial against the Cromars he didn't even bother to attend -- that all the public accusation of harming the children and Satanic Ritual Abuse stopped. Leavitt was apparently allowed to flee the country. Why? I thought AG Reyes and Sheriff Smith cared about protecting the children? What skeletons might they have in their closet?
对于芭比和肯来说,这三个“执法人员”都是犹他州检察长肖恩 · 雷耶斯、治安官迈克 · 史密斯和犹他州检察官大卫 · 莱维特,克罗马尔家族迫切需要正义的伸张,却辜负了他们——以及整个犹他州。很明显,这三个人在试图通过武器化的美国国税局收回他们的房子之前,在保护他们的正当程序和听证权利方面都违反了宪法。在75人的特警队和拒绝芭比和肯的正当法律程序之后,他们互相攻击。他们的行为更有可能是相互竞争的、性格可疑的权力阴谋集团。当考虑到莱维特在共和党初选中被毫不客气和不光彩地击败——讽刺的是,在对克罗马夫妇的假审判期间,他甚至懒得参加——所有关于伤害儿童和恶魔仪式虐待的公开指控都停止了,这一点尤其明显。莱维特显然被允许逃离这个国家。为什么?我以为雷耶斯总检察长和史密斯警长会关心孩子们的安危?他们有什么不可告人的秘密?
The following IRA report on Leavitt's alleged human trafficking, pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse was just released. Why Did Homeland Security Protect David Leavitt?以下是爱尔兰共和军刚刚发布的关于莱维特涉嫌人口贩卖、恋童癖和撒旦仪式虐待的报告。国土安全部为什么要保护 David Leavitt?
IRA Investigates Leavitt's Federal Connection: Over the past month, Investigations in Ritual Abuse received information from three separate sources that the Department of Homeland Security instructed the Utah County Sheriff's Office to back off of their original target in the Hamblin case, none other than Utah County Attorney David Okerlund Leavitt. Despite Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith's public assertions to the contrary, David Leavitt was the original and primary target of the current UCSO investigation into allegations of ritual abuse. Leavitt's June 2022 press conference was allegedly spurred by his receipt of a 150 plus page victims statement from a reporter who asked him about the allegations within that statement.
爱尔兰共和军调查莱维特与联邦政府的关系: 在过去的一个月里,“仪式虐待调查”从三个不同的来源收到信息,国土安全部指示犹他州郡治安官办公室放弃他们在汉布林案件中的原始目标,不是别人,正是犹他州县检察官大卫 · 奥克伦德 · 莱维特。尽管犹他州警长迈克 · 史密斯的公开声明与此相反,大卫 · 莱维特仍然是 UCSO 当前调查仪式虐待指控的原始和主要目标。莱维特2022年6月的新闻发布会,据称是因为他收到了一名记者长达150多页的受害者陈述,这名记者向他询问了陈述中的指控。 -
The reality is that David Leavitt's name appears
in the police reports from the Provo Police Department's 2012 to 2014 investigation of David Lee Hamblin as a person of interest. The original GRAMA release by the Provo Police is incomplete, in that it omits the sections of police reports referring to David Leavitt's role in the allegations against Hamblin and the alleged LDS Church of Satan. Additionally, the Victims Statements clearly have omissions, as subject matter is missing between paragraphs. IRA has filed GRAMA requests with various law enforcement agencies to recover the omitted sections.事实上,大卫 · 莱维特的名字出现了 在普罗沃警察局2012年到2014年对大卫 · 李 · 汉布林的调查报告中。由普罗沃警方发布的 GRAMA 原始版本是不完整的,因为它省略了警方报告中提到大卫 · 莱维特在对汉布林和所谓的 LDS 撒旦教会的指控中所扮演的角色的部分。此外,受害人陈述明显有遗漏,因为主题在段落之间缺失。爱尔兰共和军已向各执法机构提出 GRAMA 请求,要求收回被遗漏的部分。 -
The sources IRA has spoken to are in agreement that David Leavitt was the target of the investigation, and that David Hamblin's arrest was a strategic effort on the part of the UCSO and the prosecutors to potentially flip Hamblin on Leavitt. However, the Department of Homeland Security interfered and ordered UCSO to back off of David Leavitt as a target of the criminal investigation, and two of the sources reference David Leavitt's work in Ukraine as the stated reason for DHS's interference.爱尔兰共和军的消息来源一致认为大卫 · 莱维特是调查的目标,大卫 · 汉布林的被捕是 UCSO 和检察官的战略行动,有可能让汉布林背叛莱维特。然而,国土安全部介入并命令 UCSO 放弃将 David Leavitt 作为刑事调查的目标,其中两个消息来源将 David Leavitt 在乌克兰的工作作为国土安全部介入的理由。
WHY haven't AG Reyes and Sheriff Smith protected the children? Or prosecuted or exonerated Leavitt? Are they all protecting each other's dark secrets, while trying to keep power? Who really cares about the children enough to protect them? Not Utah County "law enforcement"!为什么雷耶斯法官和史密斯警长没有保护孩子们?或者起诉或者赦免莱维特?他们都在保护彼此的黑暗秘密,同时试图保持权力吗?谁会真正关心孩子们来保护他们呢?不是犹他郡的“执法部门”!
For the complete story please see:完整故事请参阅: Http://
G. Thurs. 3 Aug. Treason Criminal Complaint For Treason and Declaration of War Filed Against US Inc., David Wilcock on Telegram
8月3日星期四。针对美国公司的叛国罪和宣战投诉电报上的大卫 · 威尔科克
- A Criminal Complaint/Referral for Misprision of Treason, Treason for Violations of Oath of Office, and Declaration of War against the United States was submitted to the US Military Judge Advocate General by Tom Fairbanks who filed the Complaint today on behalf of Ammon Bundy and Diego Rodriguez.
- 美国军法署署长汤姆费尔班克斯今天代表阿蒙邦迪和迭戈罗德里格斯向美国军法署署长提交了一份针对叛国罪、违反誓言叛国罪和针对美国的宣战的刑事投诉/转介。
- Fairbanks, who has been actively involved with Intelligence Support Activity (ISA), as a military asset in undercover operations and exposing the Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) of children in Cache Valley in the State of Utah, took the opportunity to file the Criminal Complaint against Judge Nancy Baskin and US Attorney General Merrick B. Garland for violations of their oaths of office and dereliction of duty.
- 费尔班克斯一直积极参与情报支持活动(ISA) ,作为一名秘密行动的军事资产,并揭露了在犹他州的 Cache Valley 对儿童的撒旦仪式虐待(SRA) ,借此机会对法官南希 · 巴斯金和美国司法部长提起刑事诉讼,指控他们违反职务宣誓和玩忽职守梅域·加兰。
- The Criminal Complaint states, "The violation of one's oath of office is an act of treason and anyone having knowledge of the commission of treason, who conceals or does not, as soon as possible, disclose and make known the same is also guilty of misprision of treason.
- 刑事投诉指出: “违反就职誓言即属叛国行为,任何人如知悉有人犯叛国罪,而又隐瞒或没有尽快披露或公布,亦属犯了不当的叛国罪。”。
- A long and laborious legal battle for Ammon Bundy and Diego Rodriguez began against the corrupt legal system when Idaho Child Protective Services ripped Baby Cyrus from his loving family – for no legal reason.
- 阿蒙 · 邦迪(Ammon Bundy)和迭戈 · 罗德里格斯(Diego Rodriguez)之间一场漫长而艰苦的法律斗争,始于爱达荷州儿童保护服务中心(Idaho Child Protection Services)无缘无故地将小塞勒斯(Baby Cyrus)从他亲爱的家人身边夺走。
- It was found that US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Justice (DOJ), Idaho Health and Welfare, St. Luke's Medical Center, Child Protective Services, Ada County Sheriff's Department and Ada County Courts all became part of the illegal abduction.
- 调查发现,美国司法部长梅里克 · 加兰德、司法部、爱达荷州健康与福利部、圣卢克医疗中心、儿童保护服务部、艾达县警察局和艾达县法院都成为非法绑架的一部分。
- Fortunately the mother had the presence of mind after they ripped her baby out of her arms and began posting on Facebook Livestream the whole ordeal.
- 幸运的是,这位母亲在他们把孩子从她怀里抢出来并开始在 Facebook 上发布整个经历之后,还是镇定自若的。
- American Frontline Doctors exposed the incompetence, wickedness, corruption, and illegal nature of the Baby Cyrus' story in a letter to Dave Jeppesen, the director of Idaho Health and Welfare.
- 美国前线医生在一封写给爱达荷州健康与福利局局长戴夫 · 杰普森的信中揭露了小塞勒斯故事的无能、邪恶、腐败和非法本质。
- This nightmare has been a continuous violation of rights for the Defendants, resulting with Judge Norton's Declaration of War when she issued a warrant for Ammon Bundy's arrest. Judge Norton then filed a default judgment against Ammon Bundy for $52 Million and $700,000 in legal fees right before she recused herself from the case.
- 这场噩梦一直是对被告权利的持续侵犯,导致诺顿法官在签发阿蒙•邦迪逮捕令时的宣战。诺顿法官随后对阿蒙 · 邦迪提出了缺席判决,要求赔偿5200万美元和70万美元的法律费用,随后她要求回避此案。
- In response to this egregious behavior, Tom Fairbanks filed a Criminal Referral to the Judge Advocate General (JAG) against Merrick Garland as US Attorney General, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and Judge Norton's replacement Judge Nancy Baskin.
- 为了应对这种恶劣的行为,汤姆 · 费尔班克斯向军法署署长(JAG)提交了一份刑事诉讼案,指控梅里克 · 加兰德(Merrick Garland)担任美国司法部长、司法部(DOJ)以及诺顿法官的接替者南希 · 巴斯金(Nancy Baskin)法官。
H. Judy Note: The Ammon Bundy Diego Rodriguez Case regarded the Idaho State Child Protective Services kidnap of Baby Cyrus from his loving parents.
朱迪注: 阿蒙邦迪迭戈罗德里格斯案件涉及爱达荷州儿童保护服务机构从他亲爱的父母那里绑架婴儿塞勒斯。
- The kidnap was supported by a corrupt US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Justice (DOJ), Idaho Health and Welfare, St. Luke's Medical Center, Ada County Sheriff's Department and Ada County Courts which succeeded in ripping Baby Cyrus from his loving family – for no legal reason.
- 这起绑架案得到了腐败的美国司法部长梅里克 · 加兰德、司法部、爱达荷州健康与福利部、圣卢克医疗中心、艾达县警察局和艾达县法院的支持,他们成功地将小塞勒斯从他亲爱的家人身边夺走——没有任何法律理由。
- The baby was only returned after American Frontline Doctors exposed the incompetence, wickedness, corruption and illegal nature of the Baby Cyrus' story in a succinct article—which was actually a series of 20 questions sent to Dave Jeppesen (the director of Idaho Health and Welfare) that demanded answers:
- 直到美国前线医生用一篇简洁的文章揭露了小塞勒斯故事的无能、邪恶、腐败和非法本质之后,这个婴儿才被归还。这篇文章实际上是发给爱达荷州健康与福利部主任戴夫 · 杰佩森(Dave jepesen)的一系列问题,要求他给出答案:
- Baby Cyrus was lucky. With a corrupt Child Protective Services, government and courts involved in a lucrative international Child Sex Trafficking Ring that used babies, children and teens in Satanic rites that extracted their Adrenochrome and organs, how many other children have been victims that never return to a loving home?
- 小塞勒斯很幸运。腐败的儿童保护机构、政府和法院卷入了一个利润丰厚的国际性贩卖儿童集团,该集团利用婴儿、儿童和青少年进行邪教仪式,摘取他们的肾上腺素和器官,还有多少儿童成为永远回不到充满爱的家庭的受害者?
I. Help Save Our Constitution – It's Hanging By A Thread:
(VIDEO 1.08.46) Flight of the Brunson Brothers - A Nick Alvear Film (
帮助拯救我们的宪法——它岌岌可危: (视频1.08.46)布伦森兄弟的飞行-尼克 · 阿尔维尔电影( )
- Notify the Supreme Court your letter of support for the Brunson Case:
Loy Brunson NEW SCOTUS RULE 11 CASE #22-1028 ~ Your Letter is Mightier Than The Sword ! ( - 通知最高法院你对 Brunson 案件的支持信: 洛伊 · 布朗森新的最高法院规则第11条案例 # 22-1028 ~ 你的信比剑更有力量! (
- SCOTUSLetter.pdf ( ( )
- The Brunson Brothers have filed a number of petitions that
sued members of Congress and the Biden Administration for violating their Oath of Office by not protecting the People's Right to Fair Elections through certifying the 2020 Election before investigating 50 formally filed allegations of voter fraud. - Brunson 兄弟已经提交了一些请愿书 起诉国会议员和拜登政府违反其就职誓言,在调查50项正式提出的选举舞弊指控之前,没有通过认证2020年大选来保护人民的公平选举权。
- "Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin,
this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction." …Joseph Smith, March 10 1844, from Archives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - ”即使是这个国家也将处于崩溃的边缘当宪法濒临崩溃的时候, 这些人民将成为国家赖以生存的工作人员他们将带领宪法远离毁灭的边缘”约瑟夫・史密斯1844年3月10日耶稣基督后期圣徒教会档案馆。
- Add Your Letter of support of the Brunson Cases to the Supreme Court:向最高法院递交你对 Brunson 案件的支持信:
Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…布朗森兄弟音乐请愿最高法院..。
J. The Real News for Thurs. 3 Aug. 2023:
- Food Crisis: Thurs. 3 Aug. Biden has declared a CLIMATE EMERGENCY and will seize all energy, food and production …Mike Adams
- 粮食危机: 8月3日星期四。拜登已经宣布气候紧急状态,并将控制所有的能源、食品和生产... ... 迈克 · 亚当斯
- Collapse of American Cities:
- 美国城市的崩溃:
- Biden has literally taken 363 vacation days since taking office. That's one full year of time off. He's only been in office for three. It's no secret that someone else is running the country. He's the worst president in US history. …Inside the QAnon Conspiracy on Telegram.
- 拜登上任以来实际休假363天。那是一整年的假期。他才上任三年。大家都知道是别人在管理这个国家。他是美国历史上最差劲的总统。QAnon 电报阴谋的内幕。
- Mon. 31 July Fulford Report: First Hand Experiences: Fulford full newsletter 7/31: "First hand experiences with various secret societies that control the world: updated" (
- 星期一7月31日富尔福德报告: 第一手经验: 富尔福德完整通讯7/31: “与控制世界的各种秘密社团的第一手经验: 更新”( )
- Newsmax: A CNN Poll 69% of GOP voters doubt Biden got the vote because of irregularities in the 2020 presidential election.
- 美国有线电视新闻网民调显示,69% 的共和党选民怀疑拜登是否因为2020年总统大选中的违规行为而获得选票。
- SORCHA 8/3: "Terrified Elites Ask "What If We're The Bad Guys?" As Americans Continue Historic Gun Buying Spree" (忧郁症8/3: “恐惧的精英们问: 如果我们是坏人怎么办?”美国人继续历史性的枪支购买狂欢( )
- Former Editor of Wikipedia Says CIA is moderating Wikipedia: - 维基百科前编辑说中情局正在管理维基百科: Https://
K. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican:
- A Reminder on The Evergreen Ship That Blocked the Suez Canal: 1200 kids rescued; 1,350 kids found dead; six stories of weapons (WMDs) guns, bombs, missiles found; two million vials of fake deadly vaccines found; Nuke warhead heading to Romania seized; ship was rigged with explosives; 120 $billion Evergreen cargo seized. Q knew, and so did Anons and so did HRC, Obama, Gates, Fauci, Biden, Klaus Schwab, Merkel, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, CIA, Khazarian Mafia, Mossad. Thurs. 1 April 2021: Trafficked Children, Bodies, Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal | Politics | Before It's News
- 封锁苏伊士运河的长荣号提醒: 1200名儿童获救; 1350名儿童被发现死亡; 6层楼高的大规模杀伤性武器枪支、炸弹、导弹被发现; 200万瓶假的致命疫苗被发现; 前往罗马尼亚的核弹头被扣押; 船上装有炸药; 1200亿美元的长荣号货物被扣押。Q 知道,Anons 也知道,人权委员会、奥巴马、盖茨、福奇、拜登、克劳斯 · 施瓦布、默克尔、罗斯柴尔德、洛克菲勒、中央情报局、哈扎尔黑手党、摩萨德也知道。2021年4月1日星期四: 在阻塞苏伊士运河的常青船上发现被贩卖的儿童、尸体和武器
- Oprah used her private jet eleven times to traffick children from her school in Africa to Epstein Island.
- 奥普拉十一次使用她的私人飞机将孩子们从她在非洲的学校贩卖到爱泼斯坦岛。
- Journalism professor claims children should be exposed to adult GENITALIA to prepare them for seeing naked trans people in locker rooms - in shocking jab at swimmer Riley Gaines:
- 新闻学教授声称,孩子们应该接触成年人生殖器,让他们准备好在更衣室里看到裸体的变性人——这是对游泳运动员莱利•盖恩斯(Riley Gaines)令人震惊的
- The CIA Funds a Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican: CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican | Politics | Before It's News (
- 美国中央情报局资助儿童性交易邪教组织——消失于梵蒂冈: widebridge 中央情报局资助儿童性交易邪教组织——消失于梵蒂冈 | 政治 | 新闻之前( )
- The FBI found 200 sex trafficking victims and more than 125 suspects during a two-week child exploitation operation in July, federal officials say. (via NBC) Meanwhile the media: Child trafficking is a QAnon conspiracy.
- 联邦官员说,联邦调查局在7月份一次为期两周的儿童剥削行动中发现了200名性交易受害者和超过125名嫌疑人。(通过 NBC)与此同时,媒体: 拐卖儿童是 QAnon 的阴谋。
- Abortion Vendors at Taxpayer Funded Facilities: - 纳税人资助的堕胎设施:
L. Biden Crime Family:
- Newly released internal documents show the Biden administration unconstitutionally pressured Facebook to rig the media for favorable outlets, suppress critical journalists, and censor citizens.
- 最新公布的内部文件显示,拜登政府违宪地向 Facebook 施压,要求其操纵媒体以获得有利的渠道,压制批评性的记者,并审查公民。
- FBI record allegedly reveals then-VP Biden was engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national.
- 美国联邦调查局的记录显示,当时的副总统拜登曾与一名外国人进行贿赂犯罪活动。
- NY Mayor Put Joe Biden on Notice:
- 纽约市长提醒拜登注意 :
M. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrail/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoax:
- They're making $60 billion a year selling
us vaccines, but they're making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for injuries caused by the vaccines. - 他们每年卖出600亿美元 美国的疫苗,但他们每年赚5000亿美元出售疫苗造成的伤害的补救措施。
- Dr. Peterson Pierre MD, has confirmed a miscarriage link to the Covid Vaccine.
- 彼得森皮埃尔医生已经确认流产与冠状病毒疾病疫苗有关。
- Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR "test" is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR "tests" were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are. It's at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe they are knocking out people's senses with these Bioweapons and killing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us. They're knocking out our senses.
- 前联邦应急管理局告密者 Celeste Solum 解释说,电晕 PCR“测试”正在植入一个微芯片。因此,鼻咽部新冠病毒19 PCR“检测”根本就不是检测。他们植入芯片,将纳米机器人(Nanites)与生物武器有效载荷一起植入大脑,同时收集 DNA。聚合酶链反应棉签直接插入鼻咽后面和前额的地方你的眼睛。在血脑屏障和松果体旁边。我相信他们正在用这些生化武器摧毁人们的感官,扼杀人类的直觉和你的认知能力,看到他们正在对我们做什么。他们在摧毁我们的感官。
- Dr. Judy Mikovits: Deadly 'Chinese' Bio-Lab?
- 朱迪 · 米科维茨博士: 致命的“中国”生物实验室? Https://
- Nurse confirms everyone who has had the vaccine is a "ticking time bomb for cancer."
- 护士证实每个接种过疫苗的人都是“癌症的定时炸弹”
- STUDY finds Moderna's COVID
booster shots caused 3,000X more heart damaging than initially thought:
- 研究发现摩登冠状病毒疾病 加强剂注射造成的心脏损害比最初想象的多3000倍:
- Dr. Peter Glidden "You kill cancer with nutrition. Now you are aware Selenium can kill it. Starve the cancer's food source which is sugar and glutamate."
- Peter Glidden 博士“你用营养杀死癌症。现在你知道硒可以杀死它。让癌症的食物来源——糖和谷氨酸——挨饿。”
N. Med Beds:
- A Quantum Entanglement:
- 量子纠缠: Https://
- Quantum Healing is Here:
- 量子治疗在这里:
O. A Military Tribunal: List of Those Believed Named in Over 71,000 Federal Indictments, The Son of JFK, Telegram
军事法庭: 超过71,000份联邦起诉书中提到的人员名单,肯尼迪之子,电报
- The Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces.
- 涉及贩卖儿童、侵犯人权、腐败和邪教仪式的重要人物组成的深州国际网络正在接受调查、拘留,并通过美国特种部队强制执行的密封起诉书被带走。
- The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound.
- 这些正在发生的事件对于泄露与秘密太空计划有关的机密技术、隐藏在冰盖下的南极基地和外星生命的影响是深远的。
- Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades-long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet.
- 将他们从强大的全球领导地位上赶下来,将大大有助于结束他们几十年来拒绝让其他人享受先进技术带来的好处的政策,这些先进技术将彻底改变地球上所有的生命。
- Some global and political elites named in the indictments would be tried in federal courts, some faced Military Tribunals, while others would go before international courts. A partial LIST of those believed named in over 71,000 federal indictments:
- 起诉书中提到的一些全球和政治精英将在联邦法院受审,一些将面临军事法庭的审判,而另一些将面临国际法庭的审判。超过71,000份联邦起诉书中的部分嫌疑人名单:
•米歇尔•奥巴马(BIG MIKE)被捕并处决
比尔 · 盖茨去世
• JOHN KERRY 被捕终身监禁
- 麦辛-沃特斯被捕
- 前中央情报局局长约翰-布伦南
- 前联邦调查局局长詹姆斯-科米
- 杰弗里-爱泼斯坦和吉斯林-马克斯韦尔
P. Charlie Ward and Friends on Telegram:
- Explosive Revelations: Rothschilds and Rockefellers in Free Fall as Banks Collapse!, Charlie Ward on Telegram
- 爆炸性的启示: 罗斯柴尔德家族和洛克菲勒家族因银行倒闭而自由落体!,查理-沃德在电报上的报道
- In a stunning turn of events, the corrupt [DS] regime of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers is crumbling before our eyes. Desperate to conceal their massive corruption, they are resorting to private banks and covert tactics. The aftermath is becoming painfully clear as hundreds of banks in the US, along with major US stock agencies controlled by BlackRock [Rockefellers], are collapsing.
- 令人震惊的是,罗斯柴尔德家族和洛克菲勒家族的腐败[DS]政权正在我们眼前崩溃。为了掩盖他们的巨额腐败,他们不惜动用私人银行和秘密手段。随着美国数百家银行以及由贝莱德(洛克菲勒家族)控制的主要美国股票机构的倒闭,其后果正变得痛苦而清晰。
- NATO and the UN on the Brink of Bankruptcy
- 濒临破产的北约和联合国
- As the dust settles, it becomes evident that the collapse of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers has far-reaching consequences.
- 随着尘埃落定,罗斯柴尔德家族和洛克菲勒家族的崩溃显然会产生深远的影响。
- NATO and the UN are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, with their financial lifelines severed. Shockingly, even the US military, the backbone of NATO, declines to support them in a potential war against Russia. Classified military reports reveal that without US military backing, NATO and the UN would crumble within a month.
- 北约和联合国濒临破产边缘,财政命脉被切断。令人震惊的是,就连北约的中流砥柱美国军方也拒绝在潜在的对俄战争中支持它们。机密军事报告显示,如果没有美国的军事支持,北约和联合国将在一个月内崩溃。
- Closed and Boarded Up: The Federal Reserve and the US Capital. Unprecedented scenes unfold as the US Federal Reserve remains closed and boarded up, while the US Capital sits behind barricades.
- 关闭和封锁:美联储和美国首都。美国联邦储备局仍然关闭,大门紧闭,而美国首都则位于路障之后,前所未有的场面正在上演。
- China, Russia, India and the Middle East have abandoned the US fiat money banking system, refusing to sell oil to the US. The global financial landscape is shifting, and the implications are profound.
- 中国、俄罗斯、印度和中东已经放弃了美国的法币银行体系,拒绝向美国出售石油。全球金融格局正在发生变化,其影响是深远的。
- Inside Military Operations – unmasking the Truth: For two and a half years, we've been warning you that we are amidst military operations led by White Hats. The continuity of government is at play, with a shadow government running parallel to the facade.
- 军事行动内幕--揭开真相:两年半来,我们一直在警告你们,我们正处于白帽子领导的军事行动之中。政府的连续性正在发挥作用,一个影子政府与幕后黑手并行不悖。
- Patriots, Anons, and Q were the first to expose the fake White House studio where Biden is filmed. The truth is being concealed behind the fortified fences of the White House, where even the State of the Union address was never filmed.
- 爱国者、匿名者和 Q 最先揭露了拍摄拜登的白宫假摄影棚。真相被掩盖在白宫坚固的栅栏后面,甚至连国情咨文演讲都从未在这里拍摄过。
- The Military's Silent Stand: Biden Left Isolated: The plot thickens as it becomes clear that Biden is an isolated figurehead. The military never escorted him in Air Force One to the White House after his supposed election. He lacks access to the prestigious Cheyenne Mountain military base, and top US generals refuse to engage or brief him. Biden's presidency is nothing more than a charade orchestrated by the Deep State, while the real power rests in the hands of the White Hats.
- 军方的沉默立场: 拜登被孤立: 随着拜登是一个孤立的傀儡这一事实变得越来越明显,情节也就越来越复杂。在他所谓的选举结束后,军方从未护送他乘坐空军一号进入白宫。他无法进入这个享有盛誉的夏延山核战碉堡军事基地,美国高级将领也拒绝与他接触或向他做简报。拜登的总统任期只不过是“深层政府”精心策划的一场骗局,而真正的权力掌握在白帽子手中。
- Mainstream Media in Meltdown – the Fall of the Cabal: The fake mainstream media, controlled by BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, is in a rapid downward spiral. The truth is breaking through their web of deception, causing their empire to crumble.
- 主流媒体在崩溃-阴谋集团的衰落: 由贝莱德、先锋集团和道富银行控制的假主流媒体正在迅速下滑。真相就是打破他们的骗局,让他们的帝国崩溃。
- Meanwhile, Trump fearlessly takes on the CIA in a public showdown, exposing their covert operations to the world.
- 与此同时,特朗普无所畏惧地与中情局公开摊牌,将他们的秘密行动公之于众。
- The Unseen Battles Behind the Scenes: A whirlwind of events is unfolding behind the scenes. Nothing is a coincidence in this grand chessboard of power. The military, standing as the last line of defense for truth and justice, holds the key to our salvation.
- 幕后看不见的战斗: 一场旋风般的事件正在幕后展开。在这个权力的大棋盘上,没有什么是巧合。军队,作为捍卫真理和正义的最后一道防线,掌握着拯救我们的关键。
- Stay vigilant as the world transforms before our eyes. The military's silent revolution is the only path to reclaiming our freedom and dismantling the deep state's stranglehold on our society.
- 随着世界在我们眼前的变化,保持警惕。军队的沉默革命是唯一的途径,以收回我们的自由,并解除深层国家对我们的社会的束缚。
Q. Corporation vs. Sovereign
- The inner standing of the true meaning of being born as a "Spiritual Sovereign Soul" as opposed to being incorporated at birth into "The Evil Corporation System of Enslavement" is the first step to regaining your sovereignty.
- 作为“灵性至尊灵魂”出生的真正意义的内在地位,而不是在出生时就被纳入“邪恶的奴役合作体系”,这是重新获得你的主权的第一步。
- To fund their New World Order, they incorporated using our birth certificates by which we became debt slaves in their system for a debt they incurred and will never be paid off.
- 为了资助他们的新世界秩序,他们利用我们的出生证明,将我们变成他们体系中的债务奴隶,以偿还他们所欠下的、永远无法偿还的债务。
- Their plan was to impose the Covid-19 False Flag Event and then force vaccinate ("Mark Of The Beast") all of us with the goal of reducing the world population to 500 million from 7.4 billion.
- 他们的计划是强加一个2019冠状病毒疾病的假旗事件,然后强迫我们所有人接种疫苗(“野兽标记”) ,目标是把世界人口从74亿减少到5亿。
- Their goal of a New World Order is not new; it has been planned for hundreds of years and has been passed down from generation to generation through the 13 blood line families who answer to their overlords, never to be spoken of as they knew that if we found out, they would be hunted down and dealt with swiftly. Thus, "The Great Awakening." "The New World That God Has Always Intended for Us"
- 他们建立世界新秩序的目标并不新鲜; 这个目标已经计划了几百年,并且通过13个血统家族代代相传,这些家族听命于他们的领主,从未被提及,因为他们知道,如果我们发现了,他们会被追捕并迅速处理。因此,“大觉醒。”“上帝一直为我们准备的新世界”
- We only need to travel back in time 152 years when the Organic Act Of 1871 was enacted and then move forward to the current day. Their plan extends much further back than 1871; this was not the first time they have executed a reset of humanity here on this realm we call earth.
- 我们只需要回到152年前1871年《组织法》颁布的时候然后再回到现在。他们的计划可以追溯到1871年以前; 这不是他们第一次在我们称之为地球的这个领域执行人类的重置。
- I encourage you to RESEARCH everything that I am providing. The "Act Of 1871" was the instrument they used after the US lost the Revolutionary War; it was at this time that the Rothchild's and the global bankers infiltrated countries throughout the world. The US Treasury was financially exhausted due to the war that the global bankers had orchestrated, as they always have. The global bankers have started every war, funding both sides to control humanity.
- 我鼓励你研究我提供的一切。“1871年法案”是美国独立战争失败后他们使用的工具; 正是在这个时候,罗斯柴尔德家族和全球银行家渗透到世界各国。由于全球银行家一如既往地策划了这场战争,美国财政部在财政上已经筋疲力尽。全球银行家发动了每一场战争,资助双方控制人类。
- The global bankers then pulled us into their web of deceit and lies through a loan which allowed them to infiltrate not only the US through our governments but worldwide. The execution of this plan allowed them to infiltrate banking, courts, medical, educational systems, churches worldwide. They had gained control of everything. The Central banks, IMF, Federal Reserve, IRS, Corporations are not our friends folks.
- 然后,全球银行家通过一笔贷款将我们拉入他们的欺骗和谎言之网,这笔贷款不仅让他们通过我们的政府渗透到美国,还让他们渗透到全世界。这个计划的执行让他们渗透到银行,法院,医疗,教育系统,全世界的教堂。他们已经控制了一切。中央银行,国际货币基金组织,美联储,国税局,公司都不是我们的朋友。
- The Act Of 1871 was a treasonous act against humanity; it was passed by The 41st Congress unlawfully against the original US Constitution. This treasonous act enabled the global bankers to take away our sovereignty and dissolved the Republic For America.
- 1871年法案是一项反人类的叛国行为,它是由第41届国会非法通过的,违反了美国宪法的原则。这一叛国行为使得全球银行家夺走了我们的主权,解散了美利坚共和国。
- The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation. They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law - God's Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.
- 全球的银行家们把我们的国家变成了美利坚合众国,公司,并在我们的大旗周围画上了代表他们公司的金边。他们渗透到我们的法律体系中,使我们从普通法——上帝的自然法(土地、空气、水)到公司海事法,使用英语语言(法律宽松)来对抗人民,他们的雕像、法令、政策和命令不是上帝我们神圣的创造者所创造的土地法。
- Maritime Law is conducted by The BAR Association - British Accredited Register and NOT constitutional law. So, with all of these facts presented, this is "The Great Awakening"... The British Crown along with the Vatican has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters and we no longer comply.
- 《海商法》由英国律师协会-英国认可注册机构主持,而非宪法。所以,在所有这些事实呈现之后,这就是“大觉醒”... ... 英国王室和梵蒂冈通过美利坚合众国公司的强大武器控制了全人类,在所有大写字母中,我们不再遵守。
R. Must Watch Videos:
- Thurs. 3 Aug. Situation Update:
Situation Update: EBS Delayed But Now Ready, FEMA on Notice, 3 GORGES Dam, GITMO Executions - MORE (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
- 8月3日星期四情况更新: 情况更新: EBS 延迟但现在准备就绪,联邦应急管理局通知,3峡大坝,关塔那摩执行-更多(视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( )
- Thurs. 3 Aug. New ShariRaye Shocking News Update Today - Patriot Movement 8.3.2023 | Prophecy | Before It's News (
- 2023年8月3日,星期四,新沙里雷令人震惊的新闻今天更新-爱国者运动8.3.2023 | 预言 | 新闻之前( )
- Thurs. 3 Aug. New Juan O Savin & Michael Jaco in Rare Form Delivers the Goods on: Trump Arrest, Election Theft, Sound of Freedom | Prophecy | Before It's News (
- 8月3日星期四。返回文章页面新版胡安 · 奥 · 萨文和迈克尔 · 雅克以罕见的形式传递商品: 特朗普被捕,选举盗窃,自由之声 | 预言 | 新闻之前( )译者:
- Thurs. 3 Aug. SG Anon & Patriot Underground: This is Major Intel, Folks! Interview #7! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (
- 8月3日星期四。SG 匿名者和爱国者地下组织: 这是主要的情报,伙计们!7号采访!(视频) | 选择 | 在它成为新闻之前( )
S. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈流出。
There's certainly no
help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
当然没有 来自美国或其他国家政府机构的帮助,包括联邦调查局或中央情报局的肇事者。这些法律实体甚至成功地否认了对儿童的仪式性虐待和谋杀案件的立案,更不用说进行有效的调查了。
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.
T. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》作者: 朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言作者: 科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士: 科林 · 罗斯博士-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 YouTube 视频
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁的时候如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看一场儿童献祭并被神圣介入拯救而几乎自杀——与其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没有什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈第九圈儿童祭祀教会,以及克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的少年巫师团。它们的资金来自于管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团——正是这个组织因启动全球货币重置和恢复共和国而正在走下坡路。难怪特朗普总统说“这些人都病了”
U. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重组、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
V. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们站在另一边,在那里,我们将一起为所有人创造更美好的生活。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy