Several developments in the world that were reported in the mainstream media caught my attention recently. One is the increasing pressure on chemical companies to clean up their mess and reduce the pollution they are causing that is also endangering the health of citizens living nearby production plants. In the Netherlands the branch of Chemours DuPont has received strong criticism about PFAS (per- and polyfluoralkyl substances) emissions. Also Tata Steel has been under fire for their emissions of heavy metals, naftalene and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Statistics show a significantly higher incidence of cancer and other chronic illnesses in people living in the region directly around the Tata Steel complex. But these companies don't necessarily take responsibility for their impact on the environment and people's health. I can still remember the Bhopal disaster when a large amount of poisonous gas escaped from the plant of Union Carbide in central India. Those kind of peak exposure events show how dangerous and harmful poisonous substances really are.
最近,主流媒体报道的世界上的一些事态发展引起了我的注意。一是化工企业面临越来越大的压力,要求它们收拾残局,减少它们造成的污染,这也危及生产厂附近居民的健康。荷兰杜邦化学公司(Chemours DuPont)的分公司受到了针对 PFAS (每个和多氟烷基物质)排放的强烈批评。此外,塔塔钢铁因排放重金属、萘和多环芳烃而受到抨击。统计数据显示,直接生活在塔塔钢铁公司附近地区的人们患癌症和其他慢性疾病的发病率要高得多。但是这些公司不一定要为他们对环境和人们健康的影响负责。我仍然记得 Bhopal 的灾难,当时大量有毒气体从印度中部的 Union Carbide 工厂泄漏出来。这些峰值暴露事件显示了有毒物质的危险性和有害性。
A bit in line with this subject a documentary is showing the staggering number of sudden deaths due to the cojona vaccinations. If you don't feel like watching the entire documentary, then just skip to the 36 minutes mark and watch from there.
The frequency of erratic and extreme weather events in the world continues to rise, hurricane here, flooding there, megasize hailstones, record heat and abnormally high seawater temperatures elsewhere, all on offer. When I ask the light beings from beyond how much of the extreme weather is caused by the diminishing strength of the Earth's magnetic field, the answer I hear is roughly between 50 and 75 percent depending on exactly how you define extreme weather. And this will continue to increase until the pole shift. Those authorities who know what's coming are either unwilling or very hesitant to put this out in the public domain, out of concern what panic and dysfunctional behavior it will cause among the masses. I can understand that. We are being asked to trust the light forces in doing what is needed even if the perfect scenarios are out the window, if there ever were any at all.
世界上不稳定和极端天气事件的频率继续上升,这里的飓风,那里的洪水,大冰雹,创纪录的高温和异常高的海水温度,所有这些都可以提供。当我问来自地球之外的光生命极端天气有多少是由地球磁场强度的减弱引起的时候,我听到的答案大约是50% 到75% ,这取决于你如何精确地定义极端天气。这将继续增加,直到极移。那些知道即将发生什么的当局,要么不愿意,要么非常犹豫,不愿将此事公之于众,因为他们担心这会在群众中造成恐慌和不正常的行为。我能理解。我们被要求去相信光明势力,去做我们需要做的事情,即使完美的场景在窗外,如果曾经有任何的话。
But the one thing that caught my attention most of all is this: this universe has not been created by Source according to the recent article by Cobra. Instead it has come about as a result of the dynamic tension between Source and the subquantum anomaly. That is a head scratcher for sure, I must say this is new to me. It does explain a good deal of things, but it also raises many new questions.
但是最吸引我注意的是: 根据 Cobra 最近的文章,这个宇宙并不是由源头创造的。相反,它是源与亚量子异常之间的动态张力的结果。这肯定是一个令人头疼的问题,我必须说这对我来说是新的。它确实解释了很多事情,但也提出了许多新的问题。
One realisation that has grown in me is this: the fall of the archangels that ultimately became the Chimera overlords of darkness was actively enticed by the Lurker entity. At the time it was unknown what the results would be of the risky and dangerous experiments that some of the archangels planned to do. They were simply very curious and that curiosity was stimulated and manipulated by the Lurker. The Lurker was silent but not inactive in this period and it sought a way to share its trauma. One could say these curious archangels were the canal for that and in that sense they were innocent. Mind you, I posed this question to Zadkiel and this is the answer I am getting. It will take me some processing to integrate this new perspective.