
2020年4月11日13:50:34新人阅读纽约市的万人坑——Sierra(NZ)已关闭评论1K18字数 3865阅读12分53秒阅读模式



Firstly,before discussing the story behind the headline,Happy Easter IDC family from your Kiwi friends.


And a shout out to Kat for her lovely tribute.And Kat-that tweet from President Trump is first up on my post notes for today!

还有对 Kat 可爱的贡品的欢呼。还有 Kat——特朗普总统的推文首先出现在我今天的帖子里


Now to the subject of the post headline-'Mass Graves in NYC'...


Coach Jerry forwarded me the video link he included in his own post.This Fake News video is so disturbing that it cannot go unacknowledged by me...



Firstly,note the attire of the'presenter'.Does she look like a professional news anchor?Her midriff is showing and she looks dressed for night clubbing instead of presenting the news.


Secondly,read the video summary:'While the rate of corona virus hospitalization may have fallen in New York City,NYC's morgues are so crowded that crews are digging mass graves on Hart Island...for bodies that have been unclaimed for more than two weeks.'

Thirdly,listen to what the'presenter'says:'This is a mass grave being dug for corona virus victims at NYC's Potters Field where unclaimed bodies are laid to rest.'She CATEGORICALLY STATES that the mass grave is for corona virus victims.Where is the official verification that those are corona virus victims being buried in that mass grave?

第三,听听"主持人"是怎么说的:"这是在 NYC's Potters Field 为冠状病毒受害者挖的一个乱葬坑,无人认领的尸体被安放在那里。"她明确表示,万人坑是为冠状病毒感染者准备的。官方在哪里验证那些被埋在那个万人坑里的是冠状病毒受害者?

Fourthly,watch the reporter standing in front of the Comfort hospital ship.He is standing outside in fresh air,no one in sight,yet he is talking through a mask.Ridiculous-and fear mongering.Then there is footage of the white coffins being placed in mass graves.The reporter describes corona virus deaths and funerals,ending with the words,'This is the NEW NORMAL in America.'


I am taking time to dissect this appalling Fake News video to help people understand the depth of corruption of the mainstream media.Sure,the video also talked about the corona virus curve flattening and the number of cases decreasing.BUT-that GOOD news was totally buried within a massive OUTRIGHT LIE.The lie?That mass graves are being dug in NYC for corona virus victims.


Yes,it is shocking and TRUE that mass grave are being dug in NYC.However it is much more likely those graves are for the dead children being taken from the tunnels.They have no parents,no one to claim them.THAT is the heartbreaking story,right there.The story you will not see in the mainstream media.


I have a hunch that the Alliance may have forced the production of that video.It is almost a parody of the worst of mainstream media.


Why might the Alliance have done that..?


Two reasons.One:To prove that the mainstream media is corrupt.PROOF.Two:To have that shocking image of stacks of white coffins engraved in the minds of people when they learn the truth about the children in the tunnels.


The last paragraph is entirely my own opinion-no one else's.Please use your OWN discernment when following intel.


Finally,I want to end with President Trump's tweet from today...


'The Invisible Enemy will soon be in full retreat.'


He is wearing a pink tie today.Every time President Trump wears a pink tie,I know his heart is with those severely traumatized and deceased children.Imagine his heartbreak.他今天打了一条粉红色的领带。每次特朗普总统打粉色领带,我知道他的心里都是那些受到严重创伤和死去的孩子。想象一下他的心碎吧

It has always been about the children.


Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light





  • 本文由 发表于 2020年4月11日13:50:34
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