迪克 · 切尼被捕

2022年1月5日08:10:45其他揭露迪克 · 切尼被捕已关闭评论507字数 4537阅读15分7秒阅读模式

迪克 · 切尼被捕

Disgraced former Vice President Dick Cheney was arrested Christmas Eve while trying to discretely reenter the United States to spend the holiday with his daughters—Liz and Mary–at the latter’s home in Virginia, said a Judge Advocate General’s Corps representative speaking under terms of anonymity.

一位不愿透露姓名的军法署代表说,颜面扫地的前副总统迪克 · 切尼(Dick Cheney)在平安夜试图悄悄进入美国,与他的两个女儿——利兹(liz)和玛丽(Mary)——在利兹和玛丽位于弗吉尼亚州的家中度假时被捕。

As Real Raw News reported previously, the 9/11 mastermind had on 11 November fled the U.S. for New Zealand after discovering, apparently, that he, like his former boss George W. Bush, was the target of a military arrest warrant. Bush was apprehended that night, but Cheney had a sophisticated escape and evasion plan that aided his getaway.

正如《真实原始新闻》之前报道的那样,这位911事件的策划者于11月11日逃离美国,前往新西兰,显然是因为他发现,自己和他的前老板乔治 · w · 布什(George w. Bush)一样,成了军方逮捕令的目标。布什当晚被逮捕,但切尼有一套精密的逃跑计划,帮助他逃跑。

“JAG and OMC received actionable intelligence that Cheney was returning to the U.S. aboard an unscheduled and undeclared CIA Boeing 777-200 headed to Miami. When the intel came in, he’d already been in the air for some time, and the flight was scheduled to touch down sometime around 4:00 p.m., Christmas Eve. He was already halfway here, so we had only hours to get in motion,” our source said.

“ JAG 和 OMC 收到了可靠情报,说切尼乘坐一架计划外的、未申报的中情局波音777-200飞往迈阿密。当情报传来时,他已经在空中飞行了一段时间,飞机预计在圣诞前夜下午4点左右着陆。他已经在半路上了,所以我们只有几个小时的时间开始行动。”。

Without disclosing specific operational details, he said plainclothes U.S. Special Forces had staked out the airport in advance of Cheney’s arrival. At a quarter past four, spotters with binoculars saw the unmistakable profile of the twin-engine, widebody on final approach. It landed on Runway 9 but did not taxi to either of the airport’s international terminals, as is customary for flights arriving from overseas; instead, the plane taxied to and came to a stop outside a maintenance hanger north of the terminals. The engines spooled down, and a pushback tug towed mobile ramp stairs alongside the jumbo jet. When the door opened, only one person deplaned. It was Richard Bruce Cheney.


Cheney immediately entered a black limousine with diplomatic license plates that had pulled up near the ramp stairs only seconds after he had left the plane.


“Special Forces had two choices: Take him there or tail the vehicle. They didn’t want to create a scene and chose to follow the limo,” our source said.

“特种部队有两个选择: 要么带他过去,要么跟踪车辆。他们不想制造场面,所以选择跟着豪华轿车。”我们的消息来源说。

In civilian vehicles the SF team shadowed the limo several miles from the airport to an underground parking garage at the Hilton Miami Airport Blue Lagoon Hotel, ostensibly where Cheney planned to stay the night or switch vehicles to avoid potential pursuers.


Special Forces blocked the limo, trapping it motionless between their innocuous-looking Range Rovers, and then surrounded it with weapons drawn, ordering the occupants to at once exit the vehicle. The driver complied and handed over his credentials. He identified himself as Yusuf Hamza, a Pakistani national and CIA asset, claiming he was on a diplomatic assignment, transporting a VIP from Miami International to Miami Regional Airport. He said that he, his vehicle, and any passengers had full diplomatic immunity against searches, seizures, and arrests.

特种部队封锁了这辆豪华轿车,把它一动不动地困在他们看起来无害的远程漫游车之间,然后拿出武器包围它,命令乘客立即下车。司机照办并交出了他的证件。他自称是 Yusuf Hamza,一个巴基斯坦国家和中央情报局的线人,声称他正在执行一项外交任务,将一名重要人物从迈阿密国际机场运送到迈阿密地区机场。他说他和他的车以及任何乘客对搜查、扣押和逮捕都享有完全的外交豁免权。

“Immunity revoked,” the SF commander purportedly told him.

据称,特种部队指挥官告诉他: “豁免权取消。”。

When Cheney refused to exit the vehicle, SF lowered the plexiglass partition separating the driver and passenger compartments and held a pistol directly to his forehead.


“Cheney eventually got out, but not before giving the usual Deep State spiel: ‘Do you know who I am? I own you. Your lives are over.’ That sort of hype. Then he said he was just trying to get to Virginia to see his family for Christmas. Probably not the Christmas he wanted. One thing’s for sure, he’ll be spending New Year’s at Guantanamo Bay,” our source said.

“切尼最终脱身了,但他还是像往常一样发表了深州演说: ‘你知道我是谁吗?我拥有你。你们的生命结束了。这种炒作。然后他说他只是想去弗吉尼亚看望他的家人过圣诞节。可能不是他想要的圣诞节。有一件事是肯定的,他将在关塔那摩湾度过新年。

Both Cheney and Hamza have been taken to a detention center for processing, our source said in closing.


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