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2023年3月22日16:45:14新人阅读重置|Kat Anonup 最新消息已关闭评论499阅读模式
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KatIstheSea3 @katisthesea3

21 March, 11:09


JUAN O SAVIN w/ Pryme Minister, et al

胡安 · 奥·萨文/首相等

Juan 胡安 
20:24 The NESARA / GESARA stuff20:24 NESARA/GESARA 的东西
& there IS going to be resets (一定会重新开始) 
there IS an RV side to this 这是房车的一面 
but it’s not what people are imagining.但这不是人们想象的那样。
That whole plan for the monetary reset / collapse etc.整个货币重置/崩溃的计划等等。
was intended to happen during a Hillary administration.在希拉里执政期间发生。
It was dialed in to happen in the 2018 range.这是在2018年的范围内发生的。
There were going to be disasters 会有灾难发生 
that would damage the country会损害这个国家
that would look like we got hit by看起来就像我们被
the ‘unexpected’ nuke in your back yard [Seattle]你家后院里的“意外”核武器[西雅图]
a disease [C-19]一种疾病[ C-19]
a drug problem [Fentanyl]毒品问题〔芬太尼〕
a terrorist problem [wars] — 50 different things.恐怖主义问题[战争]ーー50种不同的东西。
But they didn’t get that但他们不明白
so now they’re playing catch-up.所以现在他们在玩追赶游戏。
How much of what’s happening to America 美国发生了什么 
is happening without God being part of the equation?没有上帝参与的情况下会发生什么?
America has been attacked systematically美国受到了系统性的攻击
by a very evil crew.被一群非常邪恶的船员。
At the end of the day the real fight we’re in到最后,我们才是真正的战斗
is Good vs Evil是善与恶的较量


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