
2021年10月31日09:35:05揭露宇宙你永远不会孤单|星际之门通讯已关闭评论651字数 2299阅读7分39秒阅读模式

 Stefan from Germany posted such an uplifting positive comment, I wanted to share it with all of you.

来自德国的 Stefan 发表了这样一个令人振奋的正面评论,我想和大家分享。

 I can report to you from Germany that for weeks, yes months, the military of different alliance nations is brought into position here. Besides DUMB scans, arrests are already taking place behind the scenes, just last Monday General Christopher Cavoli became Governor of Bavaria. Another military takeover and the end of the occupation. Piece by piece, Germany is being liberated. So the occupation construct FRG is ended more and more. Only few see and feel it! But that is no longer important! The confidence, the faith, the knowledge of a patriot, no matter where in the world, is enough for thousands of indoctrinated. Let us all keep our light upright and bright, then others can follow us! I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are, like me, exactly in the place where the Creator and the Alliance have placed us!!!! Blessings to you from Germany.

我可以从德国向你们报告,几个星期,甚至几个月,不同联盟国家的军队都在这里就位。除了愚蠢扫描,逮捕已经在幕后发生,就在上周一,将军克里斯托弗卡沃利成为巴伐利亚州州长。另一次军事接管和占领的结束。一点一点地,德国正在被解放。因此,联邦德国的职业建设越来越被终结。只有少数人能看到和感觉到它!但这已经不重要了!一个爱国者的自信、信仰和知识,无论在世界的哪个角落,都足以灌输成千上万的思想。让我们都保持我们的光明正直和明亮,然后其他人可以跟随我们!我从心底感谢你,你和我一样,正处在造物主和联盟把我们放置的地方! ! ! !德国祝福你。

It is SO important to  remember that everything is happening behind the scenes. We may be seeing little evidence of it in our daily lives. That's why our Light Warrior connections are vital at present. Voices For Freedom is keeping me sane!


I am currently in Christchurch for the weekend and it seems surreal that life goes on as 'normal' in this city while the Alliance takes down the [D]eep [S]tate worldwide. I went to a big supermarket yesterday and was the only un-masked person. No one said anything - but I felt like an alien on a strange planet. The bizarre double life that we Light Warriors lead can be confronting at times but WE PREVAIL.


I will post again later. Love and Light to all you beautiful people as you fight your battles. Please always remember that, despite appearances, you are NEVER alone.


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Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light




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