2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

2022年8月11日19:32:21新人阅读2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球已关闭评论8152字数 9011阅读30分2秒阅读模式
 August 10, 2022 2022年8月10日

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

It will be September before we know it, and while we are not yet where we need to be, we are in a far different world than just a few years ago. It’s satisfying to see indicators of the level of awareness just walking around the neighbourhood like bumper stickers that say “Let’s Go Brandon”.


In Japan, they are experiencing a tectonic shift in leadership. Santa Surfing thinks it’s GESARA-related. Link to Telegram.

在日本,他们正在经历领导层的结构性转变。圣诞老人冲浪认为这与 GESARA 有关。链接到电报。

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

Japan’s government resigns in its entirety


Some of the Fox news hosts are hammering away at the normies and Jesse Watters is really animated and holding nothing back in this segment. After the 3:30 mark he has Senator Lindsey Graham on and lets loose over the Trump home breach, saying this country is on a precipice and why aren’t people setting their hair on fire?

福克斯电视台的一些新闻主持人正在努力打击那些普通人,杰西 · 沃特斯在这个环节中表现得非常活跃,毫无保留。三点半之后,他让林赛 · 格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)参议员开始讲话,并对特朗普入室行窃事件发表了看法。他说,这个国家正处于悬崖边缘,为什么人们不把自己的头发点燃呢?


The fallout from the illicit RAID executed by the feds on Mar-a-Lago…

联邦调查局在马阿拉歌实施的非法 RAID 的后果..。


Looks like AG Merrick Garland has his orders, thanks to Judicial Watch. Click the blue box to read the full text.

看起来司法部长梅里克 · 加兰德接到了命令多亏了司法观察。单击蓝色框阅读全文。


Great minds think alike. I also see this notice. Link to Telegram.


BREAKING: Brendan Lyons, Managing Editor of the Times Union out of Albany, NY has filed a letter motion to unseal the warrant and related documents in the Trump Raid . The judge has asked the government to respond to the motion by 8/15.

爆炸性新闻: 纽约州奥尔巴尼时报联盟的总编辑布兰登 · 莱昂斯提交了一份动议书,要求解密特朗普突袭行动中的逮捕令和相关文件。法官要求政府在8月15日之前对动议作出回应。

And this article reveals that the FBI itself felt compelled to get down and dirty. I believe Sean Hannity was right, that we are witnessing the implosion and death of the corrupt, rogue agencies.

这篇文章揭示了联邦调查局自己也觉得不得不做些肮脏的事。我相信 Sean Hannity 是对的,我们正在目睹腐败的,流氓机构的内爆和死亡。

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI

巨大的进展: 报告声称 FBI 在马阿拉歌突袭特工中“有个人利益”,特朗普持有的间谍文件可能与 FBI 有牵连

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

We just can’t seem to get past the Covid scamdemic. Looks like Communist China is the nation to emulate. They have the tyranny all figured out and the people well under control.



2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球


This last-minute update from Juan O Savin, one of our top “17’s”, with Michael Jaco is excellent. No one has better background knowledge or perspective on what is currently happening. Little has changed over the centuries; the systems and networks are the same and the world is run by maniacs who are master illusionists. Part of the conversation involves the CIA ops in Oklahoma City and 9/11 and the explosives involved, the families; Clintons, Bill Barr, Epstein, the Bushes, Walmart, and the death of Seth Rich a couple of times.

来自 Juan O Savin 的最新消息,他是我们的17强之一,和 Michael Jaco 一起,非常棒。没有人对当前发生的事情有更好的背景知识或观点。几个世纪以来几乎没有什么变化; 系统和网络是一样的,世界是由精通幻术的疯子运行的。谈话的一部分涉及到中央情报局在俄克拉荷马城的行动和911事件,以及涉及到的爆炸物、家庭成员; 克林顿、比尔 · 巴尔、爱泼斯坦、布什、沃尔玛,以及塞思 · 里奇的几次死亡。

Juan says we are now watching something that is so much bigger than we can imagine and the “snap” of the rubber band will be very soon with instantaneous results. I believe I heard Juan say that Trump’s arrest will be the gut-punch and they reiterate that we all need to remain calm and not play into the hands of the enemy who want to ignite violence and the appearance of an insurrection. The website Juan mentions is https://107daily.com/. This is a tightly packed 1 h r. 15 min. Listen right to the lighter side of the end.

胡安说,我们现在看到的东西比我们想象的要大得多,橡皮筋的“断裂”很快就会产生即时的效果。我相信我听胡安说过,特朗普的被捕将是一记重击,他们重申,我们都需要保持冷静,不要让想要引发暴力和暴动表象的敌人得逞。Juan 提到的网站是 https://107daily.com/。这是一个紧密包装1小时 r15分钟。仔细听结尾轻松的一面。

Juan O Savin weaves the whole picture behind Trumps FBI raid. Gitmo televised coming!

胡安 · 奥 · 萨文为特朗普 · 联邦调查局的突袭编织了整个画面。关塔那摩监狱电视转播来了!

Yes, the deep state wants to create a civil war in America. Not happening. Link to Telegram.


#OperationMockingbird in full affect. “知更鸟行动全面展开”

Next move in the playbook: come after the Trump SUPPORTERS and further declare them extremists. Fake news media is declaring war on Patriots for criticizing the FBI raid.

战术的下一步: 对特朗普的支持者采取行动,进一步宣布他们是极端分子。假新闻媒体因为批评联邦调查局的突袭而向爱国者宣战。

Operation Mockingbird: They're Building the Narrative & Coming After Trump Supporters

They're Building the Narrative & Coming After Trump Supporters Truth Seeker in my Spare Time Telegram is my home base of Operations- follow me at t.me/candlesinthenight Truth Social at @MJTruth Gab ht

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球 Carolyn Dowdy

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

We’ve only just begun to hear the news we don’t want to hear. Link to Telegram.


NASCAR fans will be interested to know that Brian Vickers’s wife was Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime scheduler. Who was Sarah Kellen represented by in litigation? Bruce Reinhart, the magistrate judge who approved the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

全国汽车比赛协会的粉丝们一定很想知道布莱恩 · 维克斯的妻子是杰弗里 · 爱泼斯坦的长期日程安排人。Sarah Kellen 的代理律师是谁?布鲁斯 · 莱因哈特,批准突袭马阿拉歌庄园的地方法官。

• jalopnik.com/one-nascar-drivers-wife-was-jeffrey-epsteins-alleged-s-1848185282
• dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10951033/Ghislaine-Maxwells-ex-right-hand-woman-Sarah-Kellen-strolls-carefree-Manhattan.html
• courtlistener.com/docket/5574054/parties/doe-ii-v-epstein/

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

When will the world be briefed on the pedophilia/pedovoria? When will they have their eyes pried open and told that the following is not a freakish aberration—it’s the norm! It’s common and it’s in every community but they all protect themselves. Link to Telegram.


Absolutely horrible…. 太可怕了2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球
#SaveTheChildren # 拯救孩子

“According to court documents, from 2016 until 2021, Stephen Wilson sexually abused at least three minors between the ages of 7 and 16. Stephen had video cameras inside his home, including his bedroom, and used those cameras to document and create videos and still images of the abuse. He also filmed and photographed the sexual assault of the minor children with his cell phone.

“根据法庭文件,从2016年到2021年,史蒂芬 · 威尔逊性虐待了至少三名7到16岁的未成年人。斯蒂芬家里有摄像机,包括他的卧室用这些摄像机记录并制作虐待的视频和静态图像。他还用手机拍摄和拍摄了对未成年儿童的性侵犯。

In one incident, Stephen drugged a minor victim with alcohol and ecstasy and raped the victim while she was semi-conscious-to-unconscious. He created a 22-minute video depicting that sexual assault. In another incident, Stephen used a handheld camera to film his penis near the face of a seven-year-old child while he showed the minor adult pornography of himself and Jessica Wilson.”

在一起事件中,斯蒂芬用酒精和摇头丸麻醉了一名未成年受害者,并在受害者半昏迷到不省人事的时候强奸了她。他制作了一段22分钟的视频,描述了那次性侵犯。在另一起事件中,斯蒂芬用一台手持摄像机在一个7岁孩子的脸旁边拍摄他的阴茎,同时展示他自己和杰西卡 · 威尔逊的未成年色情作品

Quick trial. 快速审判
Death Penalty for pedophiles. 恋童癖者的死刑
Source (https://breaking911.com/couple-sentenced-to-prison-after-husband-gave-minor-alcohol-and-ecstasy-and-raped-her-in-home-filled-with-cameras/) 来源( https://breaking911.com/couple-sentenced-to-prison-after-husband-gave-minor-alcohol-and-ecstasy-and-raped-her-in-home-filled-with-cameras/)

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球

Have you noticed the strong women stepping up recently? We have seen Gov. Christie Noem in South Dakota stand up to the deep state and reject the tyrannical edicts. She kept her people relatively free from Covid masking, lockdowns and business closures with extremely low transmission rates.

你有没有注意到最近有很多强壮的女人挺身而出?我们已经看到南达科他州州长克里斯蒂 · 诺姆(Christie Noem)站出来反对极权政府,并拒绝接受专制法令。她让她的人民相对自由,不受冠状病毒疾病遮蔽、封锁和传播率极低的企业倒闭的影响。

Marjorie Taylor Greene has been a powerhouse of truth in Congress and in front of the cameras. How can you tell the deep state hate her?

玛乔丽 · 泰勒 · 格林一直是国会和摄像机前的真理发电机。你怎么知道深层政府讨厌她?

Marjorie Taylor Greene, also known by her initials MTG, is an American politician, businesswoman, and far-right conspiracy theorist who has served as the U.S. representative for Georgia’s 14th congressional district since 2021.Wikipedia

Marjorie Taylor Greene,又名 MTG,是一位美国政治家、女商人和极右翼阴谋论者,自2021年以来一直担任乔治亚州第14个国会选区的美国代表。维基百科

In Arizona we were fortunate to see spicy Lt. Col. Senator Wendy Rogers come out for the Trump team and keep the liars in line and in the short time since Kari Lake has been campaigning she has been a ferocious adversary of the mobsters and won the hearts and minds of Arizonans in every county in last week’s primary election which will doubtless propel her to Governor.

在亚利桑那州,我们很幸运地看到辣妹中校、参议员温迪 · 罗杰斯(Wendy Rogers)站出来支持特朗普团队,让撒谎者守规矩。自从卡莉 · 莱克(Kari Lake)参加竞选活动以来,在很短的时间内,她就成了黑帮的劲敌,并在上周的初选中赢得了亚利桑那州每个县民的心,毫无疑问,这将推动她成为州长。

At the Wyoming MAGA rally we saw intimidating attorney Harriet Hageman deliver an inspiring monologue and the crowd almost drowned her out.

在怀俄明州的 MAGA 集会上,我们看到令人生畏的律师哈里特 · 哈格曼(Harriet Hageman)发表了一段鼓舞人心的独白,人群几乎把她淹没了。

The crew shared this modified version of Harriet’s address with additional images. With women like these on stage, America will be back very soon and the deep state criminals will be cowering in the footlights. Video at the link.



我们受够了! Harriet Hageman 主演怀俄明州历史上最佳竞选视频ー再见 Liz Cheney!

I try to keep things light and leave you with a laugh so if you’re on Telegram, check out this very clever musical commentary on former FBI chief James Comey [Corney] and his statement on the email investigation of Hillary Clinton. Well done. Link to Telegram.

我试图让事情变得轻松,给你留下一个笑容,所以如果你在《每日电讯报》上,看看这个非常聪明的音乐评论,关于前联邦调查局局长詹姆斯 · 科米(James Comey)和他关于希拉里 · 克林顿(Hillary Clinton)邮件调查的声明。干得好。链接到电报。

If you’re not on Telegram, I saved this for you. It’s the FBI boys after ransacking Melania’s wardrobe. I’m sure you know they always wear khakis, golf shirts and shades and you can spot ’em a mile away.


Enjoy the show, folks, and buckle up. Get ready, stay ready, make popcorn, and let’s show the mob who’s really the boss.  ~ BP

观众朋友们,请系好安全带。准备好,准备好,做爆米花让大家看看谁才是真正的老大。~ BP

2022年8月10日: 跟上变化和深层国家策略|星际飞船地球


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