2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

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随着越来越多的人看到我们星球上发生的事情,冷漠正在溶解; 不仅仅是在他们自己的国家,而是在所有地方。

 May 10, 2022 2022年5月10日

2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

The apathy is dissolving as more and more Humans see what has been happening on our planet; not just in their own country, but everywhere. Parents are more active in their communications with the school boards, many are learning about their nation’s constitution and common law, elections are in our face and folks want to make sure their votes count, and the awareness of the poisonous nature of the air, food, and water—not to mention Big Pharma is gaining top of mind awareness, as well.

随着越来越多的人看到我们星球上发生的事情,冷漠正在溶解; 不仅仅是在他们自己的国家,而是在所有地方。家长们在与学校董事会的沟通中更加积极,许多人正在学习他们国家的宪法和普通法,选举就在我们面前,人们想要确保他们的选票有价值,以及对空气、食物和水有毒性的认识ーー更不用说大型制药公司也正在获得最高的心灵意识。

Skies and Rivers Turning Red Around The World As Biblical End Times Prophecy Fulfilled《圣经》末世预言实现,天空和河流全球变红

If you didn’t listen to Phil G’s show from Monday night called ‘Prism’, you might want to do that. [see below] In my mind it confirms our supposition that Phil worked for the NSA and was the original “Edward Snowden”, the character created to tell that story.

如果你没有收听菲尔 · g 周一晚上的节目“棱镜”,你可能会想要收听。(见下文)在我看来,这证实了我们的猜测,即菲尔为美国国家安全局工作,是最初的“爱德华 · 斯诺登”,这个角色就是为了讲述这个故事而创造的。

Phil all but said “I wrote the Prism programme for the NSA”. He did not utter those exact words, but very close and it is evident in everything said and shown to us. That’s why he speaks of tasks that only he can do.


He coded the programme to be used for good, to track people suspected of being terrorists and stop them before they could hurt innocent people. When the deep state used it for their own nefarious ends to purposely harm innocents, he left the organization, as he related in his story a week or so ago about “the boy”.


We knew damn well who “the boy” was and that it was an allegory for Phil’s life. We also knew why he was relentlessly attacked and still is. The NWO knows who he is and they don’t want us listening to him—the 4 million plus who tune in to his live shows. That will likely increase again now.


PRISM – May 9th, 2022 PRISM-2022年5月9日

Phil also pointed out that in Dinesh D’Souza’s movie 2000 Mules, the White Hats are mocking the Illuminati. Very interesting points, he made, right down to the odd angel over the head of Dinesh in the studio as he spoke with Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips—the man Phil says is not working for True the Vote but is an NSA guy.

菲尔还指出,在迪内希 · d’souza 的电影《2000头骡子》中,白帽子们是在嘲笑光照派。他提出了非常有趣的观点,甚至在演播室里与凯瑟琳•恩格尔布雷希特(Catherine Engelbrecht)和格雷格•菲利普斯(Gregg phillips)交谈时,迪内什头顶上的那个奇怪的天使。菲尔说,这个人不是为“真实投票”(True the Vote)工作,而是一个国家安全局的人。

Perhaps I got ahead of myself when I assumed the NSA and the Earth Alliance had this all wrapped up. I assumed they have everything on everyone surveillance-wise and would use that information in many ways to expose the dark deeds of the globalists in their quest to subjugate and eliminate us. Since Q said, “we have it all”, I just assumed the election material was all recorded and would make its way to the public at the perfect time so this isn’t terribly surprising. What was surprising was the colossal scale of the steal, but…

也许当我以为国家安全局和地球联盟已经搞定这一切的时候,我有点操之过急了。我以为他们对每个人都有监视,并会在许多方面利用这些信息来揭露全球主义者的阴暗行径,他们试图征服和消灭我们。因为 q 说“我们什么都有”,我只是假设选举材料都被记录下来了,并且会在最佳时间公布于众,所以这并不是特别令人惊讶。令人惊讶的是盗窃的规模之大,但是..。

…it was evident from Phil’s demeanor that he was genuinely shocked, thrilled, and humbled to see the technology used by True the Vote to track mules, locate stash houses, etc. He recognized it immediately as “his programme” and showed us how the data displayed on screen when using that programme.


Related… Phil covered the three possible scenarios which could unfold with respect to the Supreme Court and overturning the election results and closed the show with five little words folks may find soothing. “Help. Is on. The Way.” In Gematria it has some interesting connotations but I don’t know if that was Phil’s intent. The Q drops indicated may be relevant.

相关... ... 菲尔涵盖了三种可能的情况,这些情况可能会发生在最高法院和推翻选举结果之间,并以五个小字结束了这场演出,人们可能会觉得这些小字令人宽慰。“救命。开始了。方式。”在 Gematria,它有一些有趣的内涵,但我不知道这是否是菲尔的本意。指示的 q 滴可能是相关的。

By the way, here is the 4-year delta Q drop for today, May 10.

顺便说一下,这是今天5月10日4年的 q 值下降。


May 10, 2018 11:15:01 AM EDT
10,201811:15:01 AM EDT
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 429643 No. 1358706 
4pRcUA0lBE ID: 429643 no. 1358706
Names? 名字?
No Name prev meeting(s)? 没有名字的会议?
Panic? 恐慌?
Discussions of death/funeral? 关于死亡/葬礼的讨论?
Medical or escape? 医疗还是逃跑?

If you saw all the attacks, “fact checking” and toxic articles on the Internet about Dinesh D’Souza, 2000 Mules, and the veracity of the information presented, it’s obvious the panic is stampeding through the deep state. This is part of the “pain” Q spoke of. The Earth Alliance are going to let it fester every day while they unpack their Plan to end the evil regime once and for all. Google is doing everything it can to cast a dark shadow on the 2000 Mules revelations and the character of D’Souza and True the Vote.

如果你看到互联网上所有关于迪内什 · d’苏萨、2000头骡子的攻击、“事实核查”和有毒文章,以及所提供信息的真实性,很明显,恐慌正在深入人心。这就是 q 所说的“痛苦”的一部分。地球联盟将让它每天溃烂,而他们打开他们的计划,以结束邪恶的政权一劳永逸。谷歌正在尽一切努力给2000年的骡子揭秘和 d’souza 和 True the Vote 这两个角色投下阴影。

Those who report honestly and factually might publish something like the following, which is the fallout from exposing the organized crime that defines America and most other countries. They’re trying to cover their tracks. Too late.


Wisconsin Election Commission Takes Down Voter Roll List and Voting History of 7.2 Million Voters After Release of “2000 Mules” Documentary


“Maintenance issue.” Un-huh. They know we know.


And how about this? We are forcing them to respond, folks, and they are running scared but there’s nowhere to hide. The truth will out.


BREAKING News from New Mexico – Live Stream Press Conference of Issues Identified in Recent 2020 Election Audit — 6:00 PM MST

来自新墨西哥州的突发新闻-直播新闻发布会2020年选举审计中发现的问题ー6:00 PM MST

The exposure of the “system” will continue until no one has any false ideals about how elections have been conducted in the past or the efforts underway to steal the upcoming ones. Case in point—and we already know that some parties at the USPS interfere with mail delivery after many stories about mail that doesn’t get delivered and comes down to political leanings.


Everything is broken. Everything.


2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

Perhaps this post from Cognitive Carbon on Telegram would shed light on additional terror struck into the minds of the psychopaths.

也许Telegram上的Cognitive Carbon的这篇帖子会让人了解到在精神病患者的头脑中造成的额外恐怖。

Since cell phone tracking is suddenly in the public consciousness again, here is a post I wrote (linking to a Tweet thread from 2019) about the NYTimes and Seth Rich.

由于手机追踪又一次突然出现在公众意识中,我写了一篇关于《纽约时报》和赛斯 · 里奇的帖子(链接到2019年的一条推文)。


Substack (https://cognitivecarbon.substack.com/p/cell-phone-data-seth-rich-and-the?r=bgo58&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct)

堆叠下( https://cognitivecarbon.Substack.com/p/cell-phone-data-seth-rich-and-the?r=bgo58&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&utm_source=direct )

Cell Phone Data, Seth Rich, and the New York Times
In December of 2019, the New York Times wrote a special piece about the abuse of cell phone location data. They may have unwittingly been given evidence to the murder of Seth Rich

2019年12月,《纽约时报》写了一篇关于手机定位数据滥用的特别文章。他们可能在不知情的情况下获得了谋杀 Seth Rich 的证据

We heard Seth Rich had been shot but was lucid at the time he was transported to hospital. We also heard he died suddenly in the hospital from a non-life-threatening GSW after a visit from a couple of female Democrats from Washington who showed up there in the middle of the night immediately after Rich was admitted.

我们听说赛斯 · 里奇中枪了,但是当他被送往医院的时候,他神志还是清醒的。我们还听说他在医院里突然死亡,死因是一对来自华盛顿的女民主党人在半夜里造访了他,在里奇入院后立即出现在医院里,导致他的枪伤没有生命危险。

We covered that back in the day. [2017] I think it was obvious what happened to Seth Rich. We keep saying it: hospitals are places you go to die, not get well. Sorry, but that’s my opinion, for many reasons.

我们以前谈过这个问题。[2017]我认为发生在赛斯 · 里奇身上的事是显而易见的。我们一直在说: 医院是你死去的地方,而不是康复的地方。对不起,这是我的观点,原因有很多。

2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

You may wish to refresh your memory on the demise of Seth Rich with this article, or use what came up with search tool here on Starship Earth and start there.

你可以通过这篇文章来唤起你对赛斯 · 里奇死亡的记忆,或者使用星际飞船地球上的搜索工具从那里开始。

2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

Will this divert attention away from the MOABs dropping on the cabal? They desperately want to start another war. Link to Telegram.

这是否会转移人们对黑社会分子的注意力?他们迫切希望发动另一场战争。链接到 Telegram。

BREAKING: Kiev just shut off Russian natural gas to Europe, citing “force majeure,” this will immediately devastate Western Europe’s economy

突发新闻: 基辅刚刚以“不可抗力”为由切断了俄罗斯对欧洲的天然气供应,这将立即摧毁西欧的经济

– #Russia says it is still delivering all gas, but KIEV shut it off (pipelines to Europe run through Ukraine)
– Probably a contrived emergency schemed up by #Ukraine / NATO / USA to blame Russia

- # 俄罗斯说它仍在输送所有的天然气,但基辅切断了它(通往欧洲的管道穿过乌克兰)-可能是乌克兰/北约/美国策划的一个人为的紧急计划,目的是指责俄罗斯

Jetson White did a video about some of the subtle codes, dates, and theories behind the timing of The Plan. It’s short and very interesting in these “biblical” times as we cruise toward… whatever is next. The way Q repeatedly said “the military is the only way”, and knowing that they see in advance how most things will unfold, it sounds like we may be headed for more visible military involvement. I’m sure the psychopaths won’t go quietly and we will not allow them to ride off into the sunset. They’re going to GITMO or worse. 10 min.

杰特森 · 怀特制作了一个视频,介绍了这个计划背后的一些微妙的代码、日期和理论。在这个“圣经”时代,当我们朝着... ... 无论接下来会发生什么,它都是短暂而有趣的。Q 反复强调“军队是唯一的出路”,而且他们事先知道大多数事情会如何发展,这听起来像是我们正朝着更明显的军事介入前进。我相信这些精神病患者不会安静地离开,我们也不会让他们消失在夕阳中。他们要去关塔那摩或者更糟。10分钟。

4/11 Takeover: Where We Are

4/11收购: 我们在哪里

The tyranny is stunning.


2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

2022年5月10日: 教育过程接近完成|星际飞船地球

There has been so much happening I can’t cover it all but wanted to raise awareness for this little sleight-of-hand in the Great White Gulag—as if running something through a council has any clout. “Laws” must be reviewed and passed in the legislature, but the cabal knows most Canadians are ignorant of the law and they write their own as they go, just as in many other countries. That is why the “plague” hoax/scamdemic was so successful. People were uninformed and simply complied… year after year. Sad.

发生了太多的事情,我无法全面报道,但我想提高人们对“大白人古拉格”(Great White gulag)中这种小花招的认识——就好像通过一个委员会管理什么事情有什么影响力似的。“法律”必须经过立法机关的审查和通过,但阴谋集团知道大多数加拿大人对法律一无所知,他们就像其他许多国家一样自己制定法律。这就是为什么“鼠疫”骗局/骗局如此成功的原因。人们被蒙在鼓里,年复一年地简单地服从命令。真可悲。

Rebel News reported yesterday:

叛军新闻》(Rebel News)昨日报道:

Justin Trudeau’s government has quietly imposed new firearms laws, including a backdoor gun registry, which will take effect in 10 days.

贾斯汀 · 特鲁多的政府悄悄地实施了新的枪支法律,包括一个将在10天内生效的后门枪支注册。


The new laws, coming into force on May 18, 2022, were introduced outside of Parliament through two separate orders in council.


People are still talking about looming food shortages. It’s an old threat, folks. Seven years of fake news that never materialized worth mentioning in most countries. It’s best to stock up a little and then relax.


Globalists have been planning to starve the world with food scarcity since at least 2015


However, the food and water supply must be cleaned up. For awhile this past year or two we were getting a Kroger/Fry’s deli sliced turkey pastrami which was very tasty, but for the past three months or so it’s been unavailable. No stores have any at all. And now I’m starting to wonder… what if it wasn’t turkey? Why else would they stop making a popular product? We did think it was darker in colour than one would expect turkey to be.

但是,食物和水的供应必须清理干净。在过去的一两年里,有一段时间我们吃到了 Kroger/Fry 的熟食店的火鸡片熏牛肉,味道很好,但是在过去的三个月里,我们一直没有买到。没有一家商店有这样的服务。现在我开始怀疑... 如果不是火鸡怎么办?否则他们为什么不再生产一种受欢迎的产品?我们确实认为火鸡的颜色比人们想象的要深。

Are you up for a new prophecy? This one from Julie Green comes recommended. 20 min.

你准备好迎接一个新的预言了吗? 朱莉 · 格林推荐的这本书。20分钟。



Saw this floating around in the Twittersphere. JJ spotters on the job.

看到这个消息在 twitter 上四处传播,JJ 就开始关注这项工作。

And on that cheery note, I will leave you until next time. Thanks to the crew for passing on the info via comments. Always interesting.  ~ BP

说到这里,我要离开你们,直到下次。感谢船员通过评论传递信息。总是很有趣。~ BP

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