X22报道|第3154集: 失业率上升,审判即将开始

2023年9月5日13:51:44最新动态X22报道|第3154集: 失业率上升,审判即将开始已关闭评论72阅读模式

[DS] 认为他们是在审判特朗普,但实际上这是他们的审判。这是一场关于他们如何在选举中作弊并推翻美国政府的审判。爱国者们正在向全世界展示他们正在接受审判。

X22报道|第3154集: 失业率上升,审判即将开始

Ep. 3154a – Unemployment Is Rising, People Are Getting It, Economic Precipice


Ep. 3154b – [DS] Never Saw It Coming, Trials Are About To Begin, World Is Watching, Down She Goes


X22 Report
Streamed on: Sep 3, 10:17 pm EDT

X22 ReportStreaming on: Sep 3,10:17 pm EDT 流媒体报道: 美国东部时间9月3日晚10:17


The [WEF]/[CB] plan is failing, every step they take exposes their plan, and the people see it. The economy is a lot worse than anyone realizes, the country is most likely in a deep recession heading towards a depression. The people are getting it, the system doesn’t work and the people are about to see a new system born out of the ashes.


X22 Report
Streamed on: Sep 3, 10:45 pm EDT

流媒体: 9月3日,美国东部时间下午10:45


The [DS] believes they are putting Trump on trial, but in reality this is their trial. It’s a trial on how they cheated in the election and over threw the US government. The patriots are putting the [DS] on trial for the world to see. Their entire system is about to come crashing down, this is why they are preparing the riots and war, but this won’t work in the end. Trump and the military are in complete control of the situation.

[DS] 认为他们是在审判特朗普,但实际上这是他们的审判。这是一场关于他们如何在选举中作弊并推翻美国政府的审判。爱国者们正在向全世界展示他们正在接受审判。他们的整个系统即将崩溃,这就是为什么他们正在准备暴乱和战争,但这最终不会起作用。特朗普和军方完全控制了局势。


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年9月5日13:51:44
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