2022年2月23日: 曝光和解放任务|星际飞船地球

2022年2月24日18:24:08新人阅读2022年2月23日: 曝光和解放任务|星际飞船地球已关闭评论8482字数 4750阅读15分50秒阅读模式
 February 23, 2022 2022年2月23日

2022年2月23日: 曝光和解放任务|星际飞船地球

The flood of information coming out about many aspects of our reality is overwhelming at this point. Facts, figures, testimonials, documents and even mainstream news reveal the treachery of those who claimed to represent us and have our best interests in mind.


Any thinking person can look at it and see we’ve been betrayed but there’s no time to wallow in our shame and anger; we must act.


We need to keep pumping out the evidence of the conn and demand justice. We also need to provide direction to change the system and shut it down.


From a new perspective, all of us together must think different, do different, be different. There’s no room now to expect others to do it for us. When we all work together we can effect great change—even in small increments as we are able. Ban apathy.


Information can be a dangerous thing; a weapon. The powers-that-were will do whatever they can to silence the exposure of their crimes and deter anyone from speaking out or taking actions counter to their narrative.


We currently don’t know this brave man’s whereabouts.


Ottawa: Respected epidemiologist Dr Paul Alexander possibly arrested while speaking to protesters

渥太华: 受人尊敬的流行病学家保罗 · 亚历山大博士可能在与抗议者交谈时被捕

The situation in the Ukraine is very interesting, particularly after hearing the real story in the video we shared yesterday. The residents were elated at their liberation from the cabal/mafia. And now… more empowerment for the People.

乌克兰的局势非常有趣,特别是在听了我们昨天分享的视频中的真实故事之后。居民们为从阴谋集团/黑手党手中解放出来而兴高采烈。现在... 给人民更多的权利。

Move comes in wake of Russia’s decision to recognize 2 breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine as ‘independent’ states


Ukrainian parliament votes to allow civilians to carry firearms


I thought this to be some good, wry humour.


Ukraine just declared a state of emergency.  There’s either a huge potential for war, or some trucks have been honking in their Capitol.




Here in the West, we will have justice. Whether it is mercenaries or domestic terrorists in police uniforms, we will ensure appropriate consequences for inhumane, unconstitutional and unlawful actions.


Vancouver Officers Under Investigation Regarding Response To Protests In Ottawa


Of course the prosecutions regarding the scamdemic and experimental injections will take time.


FDNY Union Head Seeks Investigation Into Recent Dept. Deaths And COVID Jabs


We’re hearing a lot of announcements about state of emergency, martial law, shelter at home, etc. in various countries. Sounds like a possible mass arrest scenario to me. Link to Telegram.

我们听到很多关于国家紧急状态、戒严令、家庭避难所等的公告。听起来像是大规模逮捕。链接到 Telegram。

BREAKING – Ukraine State Of Emergency To Start From Midnight, 24 February For 30 Days.


Gene Decode/Co Sensei has a new update with Nick Veniamin from February 21 if you like those.

如果你喜欢这些,Gene Decode/Co Sensei有一个2月21日与Nick Veniamin的新更新。

Gene Decode Discusses Latest Updates with Nicholas Veniamin

吉恩与尼古拉斯 · 韦尼阿明讨论最新更新

Eli is 8 weeks old today and he is a going concern now that he’s not shy about exploring his new home. When I do my job and anticipate his needs, we have no accidents. If I let my guard down and he surprises me, we might have a miss but it’s no biggie and not his fault.


He loves all our dog beds. It’s odd to see a little dot in the middle when Mica’s legs and head used to hang off the sides. It’s almost impossible to get a photo when Eli is not asleep because he’s usually moving—esp. if he sees me pointing the phone at him and I take too long.


It’s uncanny, though, how he stops what he’s doing when I’m in the kitchen and start getting things out to prepare a meal—before there is any food open or smells. He either does a sit and watches me, or he comes and lies down at my feet while I’m preparing something—exactly like Mica used to do. I didn’t expect a new puppy to do that. Where did he learn it? It took Mica a long time to develop that habit because we never gave him our food for many years and never fed him at table.


2022年2月23日: 曝光和解放任务|星际飞船地球

We’re off to the vet this afternoon for a first time checkup, a fur analysis and a nutritional match on the food. It will be an interesting change from the usual vets. Eventually I’ll have to get one, though.


Over and out for today.  ~ BP

今天结束。 ~ BP

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