Turn off your smart meters, folks. They work in tandem with the DEWs to burn your homes. Word also is that the 5G is helping to create these fires as well. By the way, you can still get internet that’s not 5G. I do.
James Gilliland: The social engineering and cognitive dissonance of the masses was underestimated along with the depth of infiltration. Unfortunately, it will take some real hard lessons to shake many of the socially engineered out of their denial.
Free will must be honored. This is why you are still seeing heinous acts like Directed Energy Weapons being used, fires in the middle of winter in frozen snow-covered mountains, steel melting (which is impossible under normal conditions), a stepping up in chemtrails, psychotronics, and other actions to silence the awakened and the awakening. There are the lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, and extreme population control measures. This will persist until the people awaken, rise and resist. Far too many people are still participating in these draconian measures (willingly or in ignorance), and lack the courage and integrity to stop participating. This is why the harsh lessons continue.
自由意志必须得到尊重。这就是为什么你仍然看到令人发指的行为,如定向能武器被使用,在冬季冰雪覆盖的山区火灾,钢铁熔化(这是不可能在正常条件下) ,在化学试验,精神电子学,和其他行动,以沉默觉醒和觉醒。有封锁,面罩和疫苗的强制要求,和极端的人口控制措施。这将持续下去,直到人民觉醒、站起来反抗。太多的人仍然在参与这些严厉的措施(无论是自愿还是无知) ,并且缺乏勇气和正直来停止参与。这就是为什么残酷的教训还在继续。
Simon Parkes reported that Big Ben, the large clock tower on the British Parliament Buildings, did not chime on New Year’s. This could have many interpretations, even such that the British Parliament is no longer alive. This could also be indicative that the global British Commonwealth is dead, because it is. The Queen is dead and her son Charlie is not interested in the crown. Why? Because there’s no power in the crown anymore, and because his brother Andrew will soon draw a lot of negative attention to the royal family. I don’t think it’s by chance that Prince William and Prince Harry chose more down scaled lifestyles, choosing to live more like the rest of us than their elders. I believe even at that time, the royals were aware that the jig was up. None of this is happening by surprise for them.
西蒙 · 帕克斯报道说,大本钟,英国国会大厦上的大钟塔,没有在新年的钟声响起。这可能有许多解释,甚至英国议会已不复存在。这也可能意味着全球英联邦已经死亡,因为它已经死了。女王已经死了,她的儿子查理对王冠不感兴趣。为什么?因为王室里已经没有权力了,而且他的兄弟安德鲁很快就会引起皇室的负面关注。我不认为威廉王子和哈里王子选择了更低调的生活方式,选择了比他们的长辈更像我们其他人的生活方式是偶然的。我相信即使在那个时候,王室成员也已经意识到一切都完了。对他们来说,这一切都不是意外。
Besides, after murdering the unfortunate lightworker that got incarnated into this family, Diana, who obviously was there to expose to the world what was up with them, I’m sure the Alliance did not take that lying down. The weekend I found out she’d died I literally cried for days. Upon being asked by someone later on who was awake why I was so upset over her death, I said I didn’t know. But I did know. It wasn’t just that she was a breath of fresh air injected into their putrid system, I knew at a soul level that they had just murdered another lightworker. Just like they rigged 9/11, tried to kill President Reagan, murdered President Kennedy and have tried to assassinate President Trump. They got two of his clones, the real Trump is still alive. The Light is learning and adapting. We have to get it right this time, because there will be no more chances.
So, Ashtar, do you have anything to tell us on Diana?
Ashtar: Hello Sharon. Hello viewers. As for Diana, the link to the Alliance was her body guard, Trevor Reese-Jones. Diana did not grow up understanding who she was, it was Jones who schooled her. As they spent much time together, they did end up having an affair however they did not have any children together as is speculated. Prince Harry is Charles’ son.
阿斯塔: 你好,莎伦。观众朋友好。至于戴安娜,与联盟有关的是她的保镖特雷弗 · 里斯-琼斯。戴安娜从小到大都不知道自己是谁,是琼斯教育她的。由于他们在一起的时间很长,他们最终确实发生了婚外情,但据推测,他们并没有生育任何孩子。哈里王子是查尔斯的儿子。
Diana was indeed a starseed who was born into a black nobility family and she was destined to become a royal through her acquaintance with other nobility families. Her marriage to Charles was partially arranged, however she was fond of him. Of course, he had Camilla so it was only an act on his part and something he did for duty’s sake. The royals cannot love. Their frequency is too low. For this reason, they entertained the idea of new breeding in the family and allowed their sons to mate outside of royal choice. This, of course, led to many problems, starting with Diana. They continually underestimate humans, thinking they have such control over your minds you could not possibly object to them. They are fascinated by their own arrogance, and believe everyone else to be as well.
Me: LOL My father sure wasn’t. He couldn’t stand them. I know he was telling my mother about what was going on even back then.
我: 哈哈,我父亲肯定不是。他无法忍受他们。我知道即使在那个时候,他也在告诉我妈妈发生了什么。
Ashtar: Diana was connected to white nobility families after her introduction to Reese Jones. She began to understand what it was she was to do and of course, this made her nervous.
阿斯塔: 戴安娜被介绍给里斯琼斯后,与白色贵族家庭联系在一起。她开始明白自己要做什么,当然,这让她很紧张。
Me: Yes, poor thing. Knowing what they were and how they saw humanity and having to live that huge lie they were living right there along with them. Wow! What a task.
我: 是的,可怜的家伙。知道他们是什么,他们如何看待人类,他们不得不生活在一个巨大的谎言中,他们就生活在他们身边。哇!多么艰巨的任务啊。
Ashtar: She was murdered by Prince Philip Mountbatten who simply wanted her “out of the way,” and it was done in typical mafia style, made to look like an accident. There is symbology in the date of her death.
阿斯塔: 她是被爱丁堡公爵菲利普亲王王子谋杀的,他只是想让她“滚蛋”,这是典型的黑手党风格,伪装成一场意外。她的死亡日期有象征意义。
Me: What was the point of putting there?
我: 放在那里有什么意义?
Ashtar: To bring down the British Monarchy and to reveal to all in the world the truth of it. The Alliance has had many come to lead in the monarchies as well as in politics who have tried to open the eyes of the people. Diana failed in this task, however Reese Jones is still alive and is safe in hiding for now. He will reveal her story to the public.
阿斯塔: 打倒英国君主制度,向世界上所有人揭示它的真相。联盟已经有很多人来领导君主政体和政治,他们试图打开人民的眼界。戴安娜没有完成这项任务,但里斯琼斯仍然活着,目前安全地躲藏着。他将向公众揭露她的故事。
Me: That’ll be interesting. Can’t wait!
我: 那会很有趣的。我等不及了!
Ashtar: Yes, it will be. The sons are of mixed loyalties and can’t be depended on to inform the public.
阿斯塔: 是的,将是这样。儿子们的忠诚度不一,不能依靠他们来通知公众。
Simon Parkes is expecting his Zim funding by the looks of it, very shortly. Within the next two weeks, by the looks of it.
西蒙帕克斯期待他的 Zim 基金,看起来,很快。看起来在接下来的两周内。
Ashtar, Why did President Trump change his speech day from the 6th to the 8th or 15th of January?
Ashtar: For the same reason he changes other dates – it makes it less easy for plans to be made to kill him. He has also changed many things such as walking away from the presidency, telling people to go home when they came to capitol hill, and this was to protect them from the rumors the deep state would circulate about them. He was aware of the false flag they had cooked up, and protected the people by telling them to leave capitol hill.
阿斯塔: 出于同样的原因,他改变了其他日期——这使得杀死他的计划变得不那么容易。他还改变了许多事情,比如离开总统职位,在人们来到国会山时让他们回家,这是为了保护他们免受深州传播的关于他们的谣言。他意识到他们制造的假象,并通过告诉人们离开国会山来保护他们。
Me: Yes, I see that the first hit I get is Microsoft News, which is incredibly biased against him. Apparently Trump has set up an insurrection last year on January 6… yeah, that’s actually funny.
我: 是的,我看到我收到的第一条热门消息是微软新闻,这条消息对他有着令人难以置信的偏见。很显然,特朗普去年1月6日策划了一场叛乱... ... 是的,这确实很有趣。
From Microsoft News: ‘On Tuesday night, Trump took to his non-Twitter to announce: “In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday.” Instead, he will discuss “many of those important topics” he intended to touch on during the address at a rally scheduled in Arizona on January 15. ‘
来自微软新闻的报道: “周二晚上,特朗普在他的非推特网站上宣布: “鉴于1月6日民主党非特别委员会(Unselect Committee of Democrats)的完全偏见和不诚实,两名失败的共和党人和假新闻媒体,我将取消1月6日在 Mar-a-Lago 举行的新闻发布会。”相反,他将在1月15日在亚利桑那州举行的一场集会上发表讲话时,讨论他打算触及的“许多重要话题”。“
I love the way they diss him because he can’t have a twitter account. So what? They kicked me off too and I don’t care. People really need to stop falling for their superficialities. They’re so easy to see through.
Simon Parkes reports: “The three big corporations: the Corporation of America, the Corporation of the Vatican and the Corporation of the City of London, all are dead now, Parkes reports. Davos climate change conference is cancelled due to lack of funds. They’re being starved of money.”
西蒙 · 帕克斯报道说: “美国公司、梵蒂冈公司和伦敦金融城公司这三家大公司现在都已经死亡。达沃斯气候变化会议因缺乏资金而取消。他们缺钱。”
Me: What about Jerusalem? I know there are the big three but the Zionists are in this as well.
我: 耶路撒冷怎么样? 我知道有三大城市,但是犹太复国主义者也在其中。
Ashtar: They are the last we’re seeking.
阿斯塔: 他们是我们寻找的最后一批人。
Me: How do we take them down? We got the religion, the money and the military arm of the Globalists, what do the Zionists represent?
我: 我们怎么把他们拿下来?我们得到了全球主义者的宗教、金钱和军事武器,犹太复国主义者代表了什么?
Ashtar: The morals… they’re the brains of the whole outfit. The Zionists, as you know, are spread across the entire world. America, Europe, Russia… they fund the mafia style operations of the Deep State. Yes, they’re the bankers. These bankers live all over, though, not just in Israel. You’ll see the Middle East is working at a peace treaty, and this includes Israel. There are many white nobility families in the area that are brokering deals with the Zionists … yes, peace deals, Sharon.
阿斯塔: 道德... ... 他们是整个部队的头脑。犹太复国主义者,如你所知,遍布全世界。美国,欧洲,俄罗斯... ... 他们资助黑手党式的深层国家行动。是的,他们是银行家。不过,这些银行家遍布各地,而不仅仅是以色列。你会看到中东正在努力达成一项和平协议,其中包括以色列。这个地区有很多白人贵族家庭在和犹太复国主义者做交易... 是的,和平交易,沙龙。
Me: Why? Why not just arrest them?
我: 为什么? 为什么不直接逮捕他们?
Ashtar: They still have power, Sharon. They let it be known that there will be consequences, which they can make good on, if they are arrested. It was important to get the puppets first before the puppeteers. The puppeteers are still in charge of much, particularly corporations, and the media as well as some military.
阿斯塔: 他们还有权力,莎伦。他们让人们知道,如果他们被逮捕,将会有他们可以补偿的后果。在木偶师之前先拿到木偶是很重要的。木偶师仍然掌管着很多事情,特别是公司、媒体和一些军事。
Me: Okay. So they still have to barter with them to make peace. What if they don’t want to make peace? I think I’ve heard that about them anyway.
我: 好吧。所以他们仍然不得不与他们进行交易来达成和平。如果他们不想讲和怎么办?反正我也听说过他们。
Ashtar: Then they set a trap for themselves. It will be difficult to get weapons and an army when all the rest of the world is opposed to the idea. Remember, all countries are working towards GESARA compliance. We have the right people in power and the ones who are DS have capitulated. This is why you’re seeing such a great exit from businesses, corporations, television, movies, but politics basically looks the same as it always has: because they are capitulating to us.
阿斯塔: 然后他们为自己设了一个陷阱。当世界上所有其他国家都反对这一想法时,获得武器和军队将是困难的。请记住,所有国家都在努力实现 GESARA 的合规。我们有正确的当权者,而 DS 已经投降了。这就是为什么你看到这么多企业、公司、电视、电影的巨大退出,但政治看起来基本上和以往一样: 因为他们向我们屈服。
France saying it has a new variant.
Ashtar: Eventually, nobody will pay attention. What will happen is, yes, unfortunately, you will have a die off from the vaccines. However, people will stop dying even of the vaccines.
阿斯塔: 最终,没有人会注意。接下来会发生的是,是的,不幸的是,你会死于疫苗。然而,人们甚至不会因为疫苗而死亡。
Me: How is that possible?
我: 这怎么可能?
Ashtar: The Light, the higher Light will protect all of those of higher frequency. The vaccines are evil; they cannot work above a certain frequency which you are quickly approaching. Dr Faucci knows this. Also, people will hear about hydroxy chloraquine and other solutions that will help to guard against the virus.
阿斯塔: 光,更高的光将保护所有更高频率的人。疫苗是邪恶的,它们不能工作在你正在快速接近的特定频率之上。福奇博士知道这一点。此外,人们将听说羟基氯喹和其他解决方案,将有助于防止病毒。
You see, people still believe that there is a viral problem. They believe it is the virus they should guard against. When these actual solutions become more available, either through black market or through alternative sellers, then they will turn to these rather than vaccines.
Me: But they’re saying we can’t work unless we get jabbed.
我: 但是他们说我们不能工作,除非我们被注射。
Ashtar: Then people will stop working and find other ways to live. America is headed for an economic collapse. Even Canada is lacking some things in the grocery stores but the States is far ahead of where you are. They have many shortages and now not enough staff to staff businesses. With the QFS up and running, dispensation of the St Germain funds will be able to help them. When these funds are paid out, bosses demanding compliance with mandates will be put out of business.
阿斯塔: 那么人们将停止工作,寻找其他的生活方式。美国正走向经济崩溃。甚至加拿大的杂货店也缺少一些东西,但是美国远远领先于你。他们有许多人手短缺,现在没有足够的员工来为企业提供服务。随着 QFS 的建立和运行,圣日耳曼基金的分配将能够帮助他们。当这些资金得到支付时,要求遵守命令的老板们就会被赶下台。
Me: I love that!
我: 我喜欢!
New Matrix movie, Matrix 4 will load you with etheric tags and implants. Don’t recommend you watch this.
Ashtar: They have many ways of mind numbing you. You must suspect all technology right now.
阿斯塔: 他们有很多方法让你麻木。你现在必须怀疑所有的技术。
Parkes seems to be saying that we can expect fresh elections, presumably U.S. Elections, he didn’t specify within 3 or 4 months. With the quantum system which is now the dominant financial system with the Corporation of America having declared bankruptcy on December 31 (and the Fiat American dollar thereby having no value any longer) fair elections can be processed, he seems to think. However, he has noted that the deep state is still alive and have some tricks up their sleeve and so I’m sure they’ll try to hit the election in some way. I’m guessing they may well put in a candidate and attempt to falsify election results like they did in 2020.
帕克斯似乎在说,我们可以期待新的选举,大概是美国选举,他没有具体说明在3或4个月内。他似乎认为,随着12月31日美国公司(Corporation of America)宣布破产(菲亚特美元因此不再具有任何价值) ,量子体系成为当前占主导地位的金融体系,公平选举可以进行。然而,他已经注意到深度政府仍然存在,而且他们还有一些锦囊妙计,所以我确信他们会试图以某种方式影响选举。我猜他们很可能会安插一个候选人,试图伪造选举结果,就像他们在2020年那样。
By the way has anyone else noticed that the G8 countries that predominate world politics were also the predominant countries fighting in World War 2? Yes, how about that, eh?
There is a large push by the Deep State now because of our resistance. Many are expecting retribution for the progress we’ve made so far so make sure you keep your homes stocked and have money on hand.
Parkes says that he and Charlie Ward were sent letters by youtube, telling them that their lifetime bans were reversed and they can now be on youtube again.
帕克斯说,他和查理 · 沃德收到了 youtube 发来的信件,告诉他们他们的终身禁令被取消了,现在他们又可以上 youtube 了。
I’m not sure that this is really the good news Parkes thinks it is, because they’ll still shadow ban them. I have only 7,000 followers on my youtube account after five years of being on there, I’m expecting my Rumble account will surpass that quickly.
我不确定这真的是帕克斯所认为的好消息,因为他们仍然会影响禁令的颁布。在我的 youtube 账户上只有7000个粉丝,我已经在上面工作了五年,我期待着我的 Rumble 账户会很快超过这个数字。
By the way, Betty White apparently isn’t as “white” as she’s been made out to be. She is a long time Hollywooder, so you know what that means. Of course there are video’s and shows with many accolades to White’s career, but I think they love tricking us into idolizing their demons.
顺便说一句,贝蒂 · 怀特显然并不像她被认为的那样是个“白人”。她是一个长期好莱坞人,所以你知道这意味着什么。当然,有很多视频和节目对怀特的职业生涯赞誉有加,但是我认为他们喜欢哄骗我们崇拜他们的恶魔。
**Channel: Sharon Stewart