X22报告|第2671集: 经济体系的最后一根钉子已经就位,深层国家的最后喘息

2022年1月8日17:38:34最新动态X22报告|第2671集: 经济体系的最后一根钉子已经就位,深层国家的最后喘息已关闭评论6421字数 1367阅读4分33秒阅读模式


X22报告|第2671集: 经济体系的最后一根钉子已经就位,深层国家的最后喘息

Ep. 2671a – The Final Nail In The [CB] Economic System Is In Place

Ep. 2671a-[ CB ]经济体系已就位的最后一根钉子

Ep. 2671b – What We Have Witnessed Is The Last Gasps Of The [DS],Let’s Finish What We Started

Ep. 2671b-我们所见证的是最后的喘息[ DS ] ,让我们完成我们开始的



The US economy under the [CB]/[JB] is completely falling apart. The people can see this very clearly, jobs have not come back, actually the opposite is happening. Black unemployment is rising under the Biden administration. The [CB] is now pushing forward with their CBDC. The people are seeing the truth and this will be the end of the [CB].

[ CB ]/[ JB ]统治下的美国经济正在彻底崩溃。人们可以很清楚地看到这一点,工作没有回来,实际上正在发生相反的事情。在拜登执政期间,黑人失业率不断上升。[ CB ]现在正在推进他们的 CBDC。人民看到了真相,这将是[ CB ]的终结。


The [DS] is struggling, they don’t have the narrative, the public sees through their lies, sees their crimes. Trump is now signaling that is now time to take back our country. We are going to finish what we started. The [DS] will fight back but this will be a losing battle, the months ahead will be intense as the bull horn is ripped from the puppet masters, they will not let it go easily. 



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