Today's mini QTSR Telegram compilation, thanks to Stephen. All QTSR compilations are welcome, even mini ones...!
今天的迷你 QTSR 电报汇编,感谢史蒂芬。所有的 QTSR 汇编是受欢迎的,即使是迷你的... !
Post 1
from @TruthPups
This is only the beginning... It Will come out 😉这只是开始... 它会出来的 Post 2 (the white hats are just preparing the U.S. for the coming DROP. )(白帽党正在为美国即将到来的降级做准备。) Lots of panic as DNC try to block the logs民主党全国委员会试图封锁日志,引发大量恐慌 FBI Director GRILLED for Helping Democrats PROTECT Epstein Clients:联邦调查局局长为帮助民主党人保护爱泼斯坦委托人:
from @TruthPups
We are the NEWS<我们是新闻 < Post 3 (You are the news)(你就是新闻) Mainstream is dying and alternative media is bringing the real news主流媒体正在消亡,另类媒体正在带来真正的新闻 _ Carlson confirms Q post卡尔森确认 Q 贴 Also one thing that scares Tucker Carlson is the Alien agenda that is connected to the darkest operations让塔克-卡尔森感到恐惧的还有与最黑暗行动有关的外星人议程
from @TruthPups
[ THEY] are preparing the world for one of the hugest EVENTS to take place.
“It’s Predictive Programming” Doe Obama’s Netflix Movie (‘Leave the World Behind’) Warn of an Impending Cyberattack?
"这是预测性编程",奥巴马的 Netflix 电影(《把世界抛在后面》)是否警告网络攻击即将来临? Post 4
Hunter Biden shows up at the hill to Congress and says he will answer all questions.. then runs off without answering any questions.亨特•拜登(Hunter Biden)出现在国会山上,表示他将回答所有问题。�.然后不回答任何问题就跑了。 Things are heating up 🔥事态正在升温
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light