X22报道|第3235集: 国家陷入萧条,这不仅仅是另一场选举

2023年12月15日15:52:29最新动态评论0字数 1714阅读5分42秒阅读模式


X22报道|第3235集: 国家陷入萧条,这不仅仅是另一场选举

Ep 3235a – Biden Pushing The Country Into A Depression, Trump Will Reverse It Quickly


Ep 3235b – This Is Not Just Another Election, This Is The Greatest Political Movement In History


X22 Report
Streamed on: Dec 14, 6:00 pm EST

X22 ReportStreaming on: Dec 14,6:00 pm EST X22报道于美国东部时间12月14日下午6:00


The green new deal is moving forward and the [WEF] is showing the people their entire plan. Now they are saying that breathing is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. This is all setup to control and tax you. The economy is breaking down and Biden is pushing it into a depression. Trump will turn it all around.

绿色新政正在向前推进,(世界经济论坛)正在向人们展示他们的整个计划。现在他们说,呼吸是导致温室气体排放的原因之一。这一切都是为了控制你,向你征税。经济正在崩溃,拜登正在把它推向萧条。Trump 会扭转局面的。

X22 Report
Streamed on: Dec 14, 6:30 pm EST

X22 ReportStreaming on: Dec 14,6:30 pm EST X22报道于美国东部时间12月14日下午6:30


The [DS] have been trying to get Trump since the very beginning, they tried and tried and it all failed. Now they are interfering in the election and this is failing, Trump polls are growing larger by the day. This is not just an election this is the greatest political movement in history. The people are seeing it all playout in realtime. The people must make the final decision, do we take it all back or do we continue the way it has been. I believe the people are ready to take it all back, and as we get closer to the election the majority will only grow larger. 




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