2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

2022年7月1日10:05:23新人阅读2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球已关闭评论480字数 10601阅读35分20秒阅读模式
 June 30, 2022 2022年6月30日

2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

The last day of June and we’re seeing a flood of truth and reconciliation via the Supreme Court in USA.


The demonic Democrats are still at it; trying to get Trump in a place he can’t come back from to be a needle in their butt. The problem is, they have nothing but are relentless in their fabrications and no one believes them any more. The patriots with or without guns have shot the deep state life raft full of holes and the criminals are sinking fast.


The “surprise” hearing they held with a “star witness” White House intern and aide to Mark Meadows lied through her teeth—but who coerced her? Looks like Liz Cheney spearheaded that one. The performances were dramatic, albeit weak. Such theatre.

他们与一位“明星证人”白宫实习生、马克•梅多斯(Mark Meadows)的助手举行的“意外”听证会,明显是在撒谎ーー但是谁强迫了她?看起来是 Liz Cheney 带头的。虽然表演很弱,但是很戏剧化。这么戏剧化。

And now, the surprise is on them.


After that we learned that Cipollone wasn’t even at the White House that day so it was impossible for him to have had that conversation with Hutchinson.

后来我们才知道,那天 Cipolone 根本不在白宫,所以他不可能和 Hutchinson 进行那次谈话。

After I prepared the above… in fact… it appears the “plant” may have been Hutchinson. Ha! Feast your eyes on this Q drop.

在我准备了上面的东西之后... 事实上... 看起来“内应”可能是 Hutchinson。哈!大饱眼福吧。


Jun 29, 2022 3:23:20 AM EDT
Jun 29,20223:23:20 AM EDT 2022年6月29日美国东部时间上午3:23:20
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 422ccc No. 16552853 
What is at stake? 这关系到什么?
Who has control? 谁有控制权?
Who was surprised? 谁感到惊讶?
Who will be surprised? 谁会惊讶呢?
Use your logic. 用你的逻辑
Can emotions be used to influence decisions? 情绪可以用来影响决策吗?
How do you control emotion? 你如何控制情绪?
Define ‘Plant’. 定义「内应」
How do you insert a plant? 如何插入内应?
Can emotions be used to insert a plant? 情感可以用来插入内应吗?
Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Cassidy Hutchinson 是谁?
Trust the plan. 相信计划

But wait—before you trust that bit of intel, David Nino Rodriguez says Juan O Savin told him not to trust the new “Q”. The White Hats want the network of patriots and their intel and disinformation to be obscure and confusing. Go with your gut.

但是等等ーー在你相信那一点点情报之前,大卫 · 尼诺 · 罗德里格斯说胡安 · 奥 · 萨文告诉他不要相信新的“ Q”。白帽组织希望爱国者网络以及他们的情报和虚假信息是模糊和混乱的。跟着感觉走。

Of course the good men of the Secret Service are going to testify in support of President Trump to set the record straight. Did they think they wouldn’t? Hatred seems to have vapourized their brain cells. Of course we know it’s all part of the “movie”.


Even some of the media are speaking truthfully about it. Here’s an NBC guy.

甚至一些媒体都在如实报道,这是一个 NBC 的人。

The east coast rags, however, are ignoring the reality in favour of more palatable headlines.


Just how desperate are these thugs on a scale of 1 – 10? About a 20. Ron Watkins for Congress tells his experience.

从1到10打分,这些暴徒到底有多绝望?大概20。国会议员罗恩 · 沃特金斯讲述了他的经历。

2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Code Monkey wasn’t even there.
The January 6th committee is desperate and stupid.
Clearly they want to ascertain the identity of Q.
Panic. In. DC.

显然他们想确定 Q 的身份。

Are you enjoying the show? It’s been magnified to astonishing proportions so that people can’t miss it but the number of people resisting the obvious is still great.


I regret to inform you all that we have lost Dr. Vladimir [Zev] Zelenko. I suppose we can always hope that some miracle manifests later and that he is perhaps under protection for his safety as he has been threatened for some time for speaking out and providing remedies to cure the “plague”.

我很遗憾地通知你们,我们失去了弗拉基米尔 · 泽兰科博士。我想我们总是可以希望一些奇迹出现以后,他也许是在保护他的安全,因为他已经被威胁了一段时间,说出来,并提供补救措施,以治愈“瘟疫”。

2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Dr. Vladimir ‘Zev’ Zelenko passes awayVladimir

‘ Zev’Zelenko 医生去世了

SCOTUS is about to exit stage left for a break, but before they do they have a few loose ends to tie up.

SCOTUS 即将离开舞台休息一下,但在此之前他们还有一些事情要处理。

The sudden retirement of Associate Justice Stephen Breyer has led to the addition of Ketanji Brown Jackson. Isn’t she the one who talked around in circles for half an hour about what a “woman” is? That may have been a red herring. It seems the traps and plants the Earth Alliance seeded are having a very high yield. At this point the bases are loaded and the White Hats are on a winning streak.

助理大法官斯蒂芬 · 布雷耶(Stephen Breyer)的突然退休导致了基坦吉 · 布朗 · 杰克逊(Ketanji Brown Jackson)的加入。她不就是那个绕着圈子说了半个小时“女人”是什么的人吗?那可能是转移注意力。看来地球联盟种下的陷阱和内应产量非常高。在这一点上,基地装载和白帽子是在一个连胜。

This is important as a precedent, if nothing else as to decisions on the powers of other agencies in the future. Rogue alphabet agencies will soon be a thing of the past. What I want to know is, how will they get rid of the current SES? [sorry—Senior Executive Service] Who in their right mind creates a fleet of people who cannot be fired???!!! Criminals—that’s who.

这是一个重要的先例,如果没有其他关于未来其他机构的权力的决定。流氓字母代理机构将很快成为历史。我想知道的是,他们将如何摆脱目前的 SES?[对不起ーー高级行政人员]是谁在他们的正常头脑中创造了一支不能被解雇的人员队伍? ? ! ! !罪犯,就是他们。

Supreme Court Strikes Down Overreaching Power of Biden’s Bureaucrats


2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

BREAKING: SCOTUS rules states can prosecute crimes on Native American lands

重大新闻: 美国最高法院规定各州可以起诉在美洲原住民土地上犯下的罪行

The ruling says that states can prosecute crimes against Native Americans, committed on Native American reservations if the defendant is non-native.


As well…


This is all very interesting, but we hear SCOTUS is going to extend their calendar by a day so… I wonder what they will rule on that will be revealed tomorrow…??? It would have to be bigger than all the above, wouldn’t it? You know how the movie is going.

这一切都很有趣,但我们听说最高法院要延长他们的日程一天,所以... 我想知道他们会对明天将要公布的... ? ? ?它应该比以上所有的都要大,不是吗?你知道电影进展如何。

BREAKING: Supreme Court sides with the Biden administration allowing them to end the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. Ruling 5-4 with Roberts and Kavanaugh siding with Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan

重大新闻: 最高法院支持拜登政府,允许他们结束“留在墨西哥”的政策。罗伯茨和卡瓦诺支持布雷耶,索托马约尔和卡根的裁决为5-4


@ 麦金纳尼将军

Kevin Annett tells us that Dominion Day or Canada Day is now the Republic of Kanata Day. Brand new upload today; 13 min.

凯文 · 安内特告诉我们,自治领日或加拿大日现在是共和国的卡纳塔日。今天全新上传,13分钟。

Kanata Rising: A New Voice of Liberty in “Canada”

Kanata 崛起: “加拿大”自由的新声音

2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Just in time for Kanata Day July 1st… The Great White Gulag just can’t get tyrannical enough or outrageous enough to wake up a substantial chunk of people. They’re not getting through. It’s a seemingly hopeless hypnosis. A summer surge of the Wu Flu to warrant indoor masks—are you kidding me? We’ll see how the Canucks respond this time around.

正好赶上七月一日的卡纳塔纪念日... ... 伟大的白色古拉格集中营就是不能够变得足够暴虐或令人发指,以至于唤醒大量的人。他们打不通。这似乎是一个无望的催眠。一场夏季的“五四”风暴让人们需要戴上室内口罩——你在开玩笑吗?我们来看看加人队这次会有什么反应。

The cesspool we call Canada is up to its eyeballs in cabal criminality as revealed by Agent A1 on Telegram.

我们称之为加拿大的粪坑正如 A1特工在电报中所揭露的阴谋犯罪。




CBC (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/sask-vaccine-manufacturing-facility-first-of-kind-in-canada-1.6503798?cmp=rss)
Sask. vaccine manufacturing facility the first of its kind in Canada | CBC News

加拿大第一家 https://www.CBC.ca/News/Canada/saskatchewan/Sask-vaccine-manufacturing-facility-first-of-kind-in-Canada-1.6503798?cmp=rss 疫苗制造厂

The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) at the University of Saskatchewan gave CBC Saskatchewan an exclusive advance behind the scenes tour of its now complete vaccine manufacturing centre in Saskatoon.


Saskatoon vaccine manufacturing facility the first of its kind in Canada


Take it away, Norm.


A lot of dialogue still appears in social media about the Ghislaine Maxwell disappointing sentence. Link to Telegram.

社交媒体上仍然出现许多关于吉斯莱恩 · 麦克斯韦令人失望的判决的对话。

[ Photo ]
Maxwell ate the kids and only got 20 years.


2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Gene Decode/CoSensei did another terrific interview with Patriot Underground and he rounded up a lot of powerful information in documents and video clips that’s important to know. You will be much better informed about what is really happening after this update. Gene’s audio is very low so you will need to adjust your volume as you go. 2hr. 12 min.

Gene Decode/CoSensei对爱国者地下组织做了另一次了不起的采访,他在文件和视频剪辑中收集了许多重要的信息。在这次更新之后,你将更清楚地了解真正发生的事情。吉恩的音频非常低,所以你需要边听边调整你的音量。2小时12分钟。

Gene Decode Interview #8 

吉恩访谈 # 8

It’s going to be a very different world going forward.


This is interesting… and decades overdue, like so much technology. Flying cars… or… flying saucers for the masses. Who directs traffic? It would be a bit much for air traffic control. Are these the sentient kind… linked to the mind of the pilot? These are allegedly advertisements from 1958. Link to Telegram.

这很有趣,而且已经过了几十年了,就像很多科技一样。飞行汽车... 或者... 大众飞碟。谁来指挥交通?这对空中交通管制来说有点过了。这些是有知觉的... ... 连接到飞行员大脑的东西吗?这些据说是1958年的广告。链接到电报。

2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Bo Polny has an update and always connects some very interesting dots for us. Learn more at the link below.


Bo Polny CONFIRMED: The First of 3 Dominoes Has Fallen, Here’s What Comes Next…

波波尼证实: 三个多米诺骨牌中的第一个已经倒下,接下来是..。

2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Simon Parkes did his regular Connecting Consciousness Show last weekend and as always, he and Becky provide good advice and a little perspective to help in our analyses of what is happening and why. 1 hr. 22 min.

西蒙 · 帕克斯上周末做了他的定期连接意识节目,和往常一样,他和贝基提供了很好的建议和一些观点,以帮助我们分析发生了什么和为什么。1小时。22分钟。

2022 06 25 Connecting Consciousness 20220625连接意识

You’ve probably ‘met’ our new Arizona Governor, and she’s hard at work before she is officially on the job. Kari Lake leads by example and is confident and professional. The patriots love watching her in action. Sometimes it seems a little scripted to me, but that’s okay as long as it is waking up the snoozers.

你可能已经“见过”了我们的新任亚利桑那州州长,在她正式上任之前,她正在努力工作。Kari Lake 以身作则,自信而专业。爱国者喜欢看她的行动。有时候对我来说有点像剧本,但是只要能把打瞌睡的人吵醒就行了。

Hope everyone north of the 49th has a great, patriotic, mask-less celebration and long weekend. We also hope Americans will have a safe and happy July 4th Independence Day celebration.


I hear “they” are telling people not to have any fireworks because of the “climate”—like safety precautions are lacking. I have never heard of a big wildfire starting from celebratory fireworks but if it happened, it was extremely rare. The dark starts more fires than anyone and they do it intentionally. They just want to remove any fun and enjoyment they can and make people feel obligated to giving up their holiday festivities. Live your life and don’t comply with their BS.


2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

Yesterday Hubby and I stopped for a bite on the way back from the airport as he hadn’t eaten all day and suddenly there were EAS alerts going off . Our ATT service was first, and all over the restaurant for the next five minutes or so other patrons’ phones were going off. It was for a big dust storm—and there definitely was one. Huge winds came out of nowhere, the temperature dipped, a brown curtain extended across the southern valley and the mountains disappeared. Some places had a little rain but we didn’t see any. It’s the beginning of monsoon season and anything can happen, and now we know our phones are set up, ready and waiting for more important EAS/EBS alerts which the majority of the awakened are begging for.

昨天我和老公在从机场回来的路上停下来吃了点东西,因为他一整天都没有吃东西,突然间 EAS 警报响了。我们的 ATT 服务是第一个,在接下来的五分钟左右,整个餐厅其他顾客的手机都响了。那是为了一场大沙尘暴ーー而且确实有一场沙尘暴。突如其来的大风,温度下降,一道棕色的帷幕延伸到南部山谷,山脉消失了。有些地方下了点雨,但我们没有看到。现在是雨季的开始,任何事情都有可能发生,现在我们知道我们的手机已经设置好,准备好等待更重要的 EAS/EBS 警报,这是大多数觉醒者所祈求的。

Ciao for now, folks. See you in July.  ~ BP


2022年6月30日: 卑鄙的民主党人仍然试图在流亡中推翻合法当选的总统|星际飞船地球

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