November 20, 2021 2021年11月20日
We’ve watched the drama queen Democrats resort to dirty tactics and timing in the past, slip outrageous sections into bills up for approval at the last minute and take advantage of holiday schedules and shutdowns but I never expected to see them outmaneuvered by the Republicans in a show like this.
Kevin McCarthy rebutted their spending bill for 8.5 hours until 5 am next morning. That brazen grandstanding prevented the dimms from finalizing the bill before they scurried away like the cockroaches they are to enjoy their Thanksgiving holiday—sans masks, social distancing, or clot shots. They got the horse paste, instead. [Ivermectin]
Did they earn a holiday? From what? What have they accomplished for the People this session or this year? How did they earn their paycheques? They have no notches in their belts. Nothing other than their own agendas. Aside from that, they succeeded in sealing their own fate and the dimms are in their last days.
What McCarthy talked about is irrelevant to me; to be able to make this epic delivery is a feat that will go down in history. I’ve no doubt it was a tactical move on the part of the White Hats; with some calling it “Trumpy”. That’s a compliment, by the way.
麦卡锡所说的与我无关; 能够做出这样史诗般的演讲是一个将被载入史册的壮举。我毫不怀疑这是白帽子的一个战术举动,有些人称之为“特朗皮”。顺便说一句,这是一种赞美。
GOP leader’s marathon speech forces House Democrats to push vote
Why did Kevin McCarthy speak for eight hours on the House floor?
为什么凯文 · 麦卡锡在众议院地板上讲了八个小时?
Q told us there would be many resignations and the list is hundreds of people worldwide now; CEOs, CFOs, banksters, politicians, media presenters, and now doctors are having to live with their decisions to participate in the population reduction scheme and we’re seeing the fallout of the scamdemic betrayal. We know of a number of suicides, although they are often presented as a Covid death or some other disease to enable they and their families to save face. We understand Colin Powell killed himself, Gavin Newsom may have as well, and now this. Thanks to the crew for the share.
告诉我们会有很多人辞职,现在全世界有数百人辞职; ceo,cfo,银行家,政客,媒体主持人,现在医生不得不接受他们参与人口减少计划的决定,我们看到了骗子和流氓背叛的后果。我们知道一些自杀事件,尽管这些自杀常常被描述为腹膜炎死亡或其他疾病,以使他们及其家人能够挽回面子。我们知道科林 · 鲍威尔自杀了,加文 · 纽森也可能自杀了,现在又是这个。感谢船员们的分享。
In Germany, the Head of the Chemnitz Clinic, Dr Thomas Jendges, committed suicide saying he no longer wants to be part of the Genocide happening vis the COVID-19 Vaccine. #genocide #pandemic #covid19 #covidvaccine
在德国,Chemnitz 诊所的负责人 Thomas Jendges 医生自杀身亡,他说他不想再参与正在发生的灭绝种族的2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗。# 种族灭绝 # 流行病 # Covid19 # Covid疫苗
Germany | Dr Thomas Jendges Head of Clinic, Commits Suicide “COVID-19 Vaccine Is a Genocide”
德国 | Thomas Jendges 医生,自杀“2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗是种族灭绝”
A whole new world is coming. This suggests what it might entail. Link to Telegram.
一个全新的世界正在到来。这暗示了它可能带来的后果。链接到 Telegram。
I’ve no idea what this is supposed to mean, but I like it.
SiriusB on Twitter: "// initiating phase shift sequencing / Twitter"
initiating phase shift sequencing
Getting back to our favourite topic [not!]…
回到我们最喜欢的话题(不是!) ..。
Bangladesh records zero daily COVID-19 death for 1st time in 19 months
??Slayerjayman?? on Twitter: "And just like that we now have a "symptomless variant" This will be a hypochondriacs nightmare ? / Twitter"
And just like that we now have a "symptomless variant" This will be a hypochondriacs nightmare ?
Actually, it was India who began handing out wellness packs to residents with Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, etc. What a concept It’s not rocket science, it’s a rare protocol these days known as “prevention”.
实际上,是印度开始向居民发放羟氯喹、锌等健康包。这是什么概念? 这不是火箭科学,这是一个罕见的协议,这些天称为“预防”。
Despite global scepticism, India distributed over 100 million HCQ tablets for Covid-19
尽管全球对此持怀疑态度,印度还是在2010年2019冠状病毒疾病分发了超过1亿片 HCQ 药片
Lest we get complacent, the news keeps amping up the drama.
耶西 · 沃特斯的报告证实了卡马拉的谣言,惊慌失措的国会工作人员正在准备高调的听证会(视频)
Is this just theatre, or will the new boss make big changes for the better?
WATCH: CNN Talent Put ‘On Notice’ As ‘New Boss’ Sends Blistering Message
It’s holiday time so my posts will be shorter as I have less time to peruse the news. I’ll close with Jetson White’s latest involving numbers, and the premise that there are far too many coincidences for the events at this time to be happenstance. This is in line with the Bo Polny interpretations as well as the modern prophets he referenced in the video we shared yesterday.
现在是假期,所以我的文章会比较短,因为我没有太多的时间去阅读新闻。我将以杰特森 · 怀特最新的涉及数字的文章结束,前提是此时发生的事件有太多的巧合,不可能是偶然。这与我们昨天分享的视频中他提到的 Bo Polny 的解释以及现代先知是一致的。
Short & Sweet GOD Comms from Mark
Until next time… ~ BP
直到下一次... ~ BP