
2023年7月18日18:15:06其他揭露贩卖儿童邪教组织的资金来源及其经营者已关闭评论142字数 5524阅读18分24秒阅读模式




CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican


By Judy Byington CIA Funds Child Sex Trafficking Cult Run Out of the Vatican | Politics | Before It’s News (beforeitsnews.com)

美国中央情报局资助儿童性贩卖邪教 pestwave 梵蒂冈政治 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )

The recent Box Office mega hit “Sounds of Freedom” only touched the surface of a deeply buried international Child Sex Trafficking Ring used to blackmail politicians and other influential Elites. The Satan worshipping sex, torture and Child Sacrifice Ring was said to be funded by the CIA and run out of the Vatican.


It was well known in Washington that pictures, videos and recordings of Political Elite pedophile parties were used to blackmail politicians. Even in the Watergate Days children supplied for sexual abuse at political gatherings were believed obtained by the mafia of an internationally organized child trafficking ring overseen by a CIA (US tax payer funded) Vatican organization known among the Elite as the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.

在华盛顿,众所周知,政治精英恋童癖党派的照片、录像和录音被用来敲诈政客。甚至在“水门事件日”(Watergate Days) ,在政治集会上被提供用于性虐待的儿童被认为是被一个由中央情报局(CIA)(美国纳税人资助)梵蒂冈组织监管的国际贩卖儿童团伙的黑手党所获得,该组织在精英阶层中被称为“第九圈撒旦儿童祭祀邪教”。

Back in 1972, NYPD Detective James Rothstein arrested one of the five Watergate burglars, CIA operative Frank Sturgis. During a two-hour interrogation he discovered that the burglars weren’t trying to obtain election strategies as the mainstream media proposed, but were looking for a book which listed Democrat and Republican politicians who accessed child “prostitutes,” their sexual proclivities and the amounts they paid to rape kids. Rothstein maintained that “The Watergate break-in was strictly based on one thing – the pedophile records that were being kept at the Democratic National Headquarters.”

1972年,纽约警局的詹姆斯 · 罗斯坦警探逮捕了水门事件五名窃贼之一,中情局特工弗兰克 · 斯特吉斯。在长达两个小时的审讯中,他发现窃贼并不像主流媒体提议的那样试图获得选举策略,而是在寻找一本书,书中列出了民主党和共和党政客接触儿童“妓女”、他们的性倾向以及他们为强奸儿童支付的金额。罗斯坦坚持认为,“水门事件的发生完全基于一件事——保存在民主党全国总部的恋童癖记录。”

The Vatican’s Ninth Circle Cult members were said to be global leaders heavily involved in pedophilia and based in countries worldwide. “The Ninth Circle began at least three centuries ago in the Vatican,” Kevin Annett of an investigative arm of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels (ITCCS www.itccs.org) stated, “but has expanded to embrace local Satanic child sacrifice cults across Europe and the Americas. Thanks to Catholic pressure, the Ninth Circle affiliated strongly with Nazi cultic groups that had close ties with the Waffen S.S. during the 1930′s and ’40′s.”

梵蒂冈的第九圈邪教成员据说是全球领导人大量参与恋童癖和总部设在世界各国。布鲁塞尔国际普通法法院(ITCCS www.ITCCS.org)调查部门的凯文 · 安尼特(Kevin Annett)说: “第九圈起源于至少三个世纪以前的梵蒂冈,但已经扩展到包括欧洲和美洲当地的撒旦儿童祭祀邪教。由于天主教的压力,第九圈与1930年代和1940年代与 Waffen S.S. 有着密切联系的纳粹邪教组织有着强烈的联系。”

In 1953 the CIA imported Nazi mind control experts from Hitler’s Germany for the purpose of developing “assassins and super spies.” This MKULTRA program of illegal human experimentation was often portrayed in the Media as happening to adult victims, yet in reality was centered on torturing the developing brain of a child and severing their thinking patterns into Multiple Personalities.

1953年,中央情报局从希特勒的德国引进了纳粹精神控制专家,目的是培养“刺客和超级间谍”这个 MKULTRA 的非法人体实验项目经常被媒体描述为发生在成年受害者身上,但实际上是以折磨儿童发育中的大脑和将他们的思维模式切割成多重人格为中心。

To secure lifetime control over the victim, the severe abuse often began in the womb, though at least by age six, and then continued throughout the victim’s lifetime.


The CIA MKULTRA program utilized 149 subprojects and 33 related programs that were set up after World War II in 80 US and Canadian institutions, including 44 colleges and universities – all paid for out of US taxpayer monies from a prolific CIA Black Budget. It was believed to continue to today as seen in Vatican Jesuit Priests at Joseph’s Abbey in Massachusetts.

中央情报局 MKULTRA 项目利用了149个子项目和33个相关项目,这些项目是二战后在80个美国和加拿大机构建立的,其中包括44个学院和大学——所有这些项目都是用美国纳税人的钱从多产的中央情报局黑色预算中支付的。据信,这种情况一直持续到今天,就像在马萨诸塞州约瑟夫修道院的梵蒂冈耶稣会教士所看到的那样。

In 1964 after Congressional investigations, CIA Director Richard Helms claimed that he shut down the MKULTRA Mind Control program (but not before destroying all records).

1964年,在国会调查之后,中情局局长理查德 · 赫尔姆斯声称他关闭了 MKULTRA 精神控制计划(但在此之前他已经销毁了所有记录)。

Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor respondents to the 2007 Extreme Abuse Survey (extreme-abuse-survey.org) appeared to have disagreed with the so-called 1964 shutdown of the torture of children program. There were 257 victims who said secret government sponsored mind control experiments were performed on them as children, many of whom were born after 1964.

撒旦仪式虐待幸存者2007年极端虐待调查( Extreme-Abuse-Survey.org )的受访者似乎不同意所谓的1964年停止虐待儿童计划。有257名受害者表示,政府秘密资助的精神控制实验是在他们小时候进行的,其中许多人出生于1964年以后。

Even though in 1964 and again in 1977, Congress held hearings on the CIA MKULTRA program, results of the Congressional inquiries were never acted upon, let alone released to the public in the so-called “interest of national security.”

即使在1964年和1977年,国会就中央情报局 MKULTRA 计划举行了听证会,国会的调查结果从未得到采取行动,更不用说为了所谓的“国家安全利益”而向公众公布

Survivors of the tortuous child abuse were often bred by their Satanic perpetrator parents for the program. A few of these Survivors bravely testified before Congress exposing their horrific abuse throughout childhood, yet the government took no action. Not only did Congress not act on their findings, but videos of the hearings have been erased from the Internet. Though, further information can be obtained by reading witness Cathy Obrien’s testimony in her book, “Transformation of America.”

受虐儿童的幸存者往往是由他们的撒旦肇事者父母为该项目培育的。这些幸存者中的一些人勇敢地在国会面前作证,揭露了他们童年时期遭受的可怕虐待,然而政府却没有采取任何行动。国会不仅没有对他们的调查结果采取行动,而且听证会的视频也从互联网上删除了。尽管如此,更多的信息可以通过阅读目击者 Cathy Obrien 在她的书《美国的转变》中的证词来获得


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