
2020年3月7日13:19:11其他揭露“黑色行动101-中情局的黑暗真相”—奥斯汀•斯坦巴特已关闭评论85411字数 7392阅读24分38秒阅读模式


Several of you have pointed this out to me.Thanks to Kiko for the accompanying article,which I place below the video.Excellent history synopsis and a lot of unveiling going on here.Don't know who this"Austin"guy is,but I like what he's done here.

你们中的一些人向我指出了这一点。感谢 Kiko 的相关文章,我把它放在视频的下方。出色的历史概要和许多揭幕正在这里进行。不知道这个叫奥斯汀的家伙是谁,但是我喜欢他在这里所做的一切。

Note 1:recommend"Staying Light and Staying IN the Light"when viewing this.

Note 2:hang in until the end,as the last 2-3 minutes have a very positive message!






This piece by Arizona-based YouTuber,Austin Steinbart is about how the CIA uses terrorists and criminals as assassins,how they fund Black Ops almost exclusively with heroin and human trafficking,how John McCain was the secret kingpin,how the corrupt newsmedia has always turned a blind eye and how CIA Black Ops enabled"a bunch of worthless European royals to conquer the United States."

这篇文章由亚利桑那州的 youtube 用户 Austin Steinbart 撰写,讲述了中央情报局如何利用恐怖分子和罪犯作为刺客,他们如何几乎完全用海洛因和人口贩卖资助黑色行动,约翰·麦凯恩如何成为秘密首脑,腐败的新闻媒体如何总是睁一只眼闭一只眼,以及中央情报局如何让"一群毫无价值的欧洲皇室成员征服美国"

Although the production is low budget,the pacing and the information are excellent.As the piece progresses,your hair will be standing on end,with all the gory details of the drug-,human-and weapons trafficking out of Arizona's Yuma corridor via John McCain's partnership with the Clinton Crime family.


He begins with a revisionist history of how British pirates from the colonial era became the blueprint for MI6 and how the British Empire conquered the world with money from the opium and slave trades,then circled back to win their ultimate prize:the United States.


Steinbart claims that Franklin Delano Roosevelt,whose family made their fortune selling opium to the Chinese brought MI6 to the US to build the precursor to the CIA,the Office of Strategic Service(OSS)from the ground up,to teach the Americans"all the gangsterific spy agency tactics they had developed over the centuries."


He says,"From that point on,British and American intel ops became deeply intertwined,especially when it came to controlling organized crime and using it to finance covert operations."


"What ended up happening was the United States getting corrupted from within and dragged into endless foreign wars…Ever find it weird it is that Afghanistan is growing three times as much heroin as when we invaded in 2001?


"…Human trafficking is another ancient industry controlled by intelligence services and it is even more sadistic than the heroin game."It's used not only to raise money but to run compromise operations.


Jeffrey Epstein was set up to create what Steinbart calls a"Mega honeypot."This is why Robert Mueller got Epstein off from the major sex trafficking case that Alexander Acosta tried to prosecute him for in Florida.


Steinbart says he personally observed several instances of sex trafficking while working IT for many of the top hotel chains in America.He discovered how the CIA was using gangs like MS-13 to do their hits.He also discusses the CIA's paramilitary branch,that he calls"D6".

斯坦巴特说,他在为美国许多顶级连锁酒店做 IT 工作时,亲眼目睹了几起性交易案例。他发现了中情局是如何利用 MS-13这样的帮派来实施暗杀的。他还讨论了中情局的准军事部门,他称之为"D6"

He claims that John McCain was the commander of D6,a position he inherited upon the death of his father,Admiral John D McCain Jr.He describes McCain's father as"insanely corrupt"and"one of the first naïve buffoons who bought into the idea of a'New World Order'."

他声称约翰·麦凯恩是 D6的指挥官,他的父亲小约翰·d·麦凯恩海军上将去世后,他继承了这一职位。他形容麦凯恩的父亲是"疯狂的腐败",是"最早接受'新世界秩序'理念的天真小丑之一"

Steinbart describes McCain the son as"a vicious war criminal,as well as a opiate-addicted pedophile,who saw himself as more of a European king than an American serviceman.That's why he constantly bragged about his royal ancestry and always used his power to enact the imperial agenda of those worthless European royals,instead of using it to protect the interests of the American people."


Steinbart retells McCain's completely outrageous and criminal biography,many details of which I'd never heard before.He says that being in Congress gave McCain the access and the cover he needed to run D6 efficiently,"ushering in an unprecedented worldwide era of wanton corruption and sadistic violence.From El Salvador,to Libya,to Syria to Ukraine to Kyrgyzstan,John McCain sowed chaos,degeneracy and violence everywhere he went…

斯坦巴特重新讲述了麦凯恩完全令人愤慨的犯罪传记,其中许多细节我以前从未听说过。他说,身处国会为麦凯恩提供了有效管理 D6所需的机会和掩护,"开启了一个前所未有的世界性腐败和暴虐暴力时代。从萨尔瓦多到利比亚,从叙利亚到乌克兰到吉尔吉斯斯坦,约翰·麦凯恩无论走到哪里都散播着混乱、堕落和暴力。

"A huge amount of the drug and human trafficking happening in the United States today is facilitated by the Hensleys[McCain's widow's family]…and their cartel partners,El Mayo,El Chapo and Los Salazar family,who runs Sonora[the cartel]…

"今天在美国发生的大量毒品和人口贩卖,是由亨斯利家族(麦凯恩的遗孀家族)以及他们的卡特尔伙伴埃尔梅奥(El Mayo)El Chapo 和经营索诺拉卡特尔的洛萨拉查(Los Salazar)家族推波助澜的.....

"Super annoying,how our government lets vicious gangs brutalize us in our own country to raise money for their foreign rackets.But equally annoying,how our news media enables them.Because the corrupt stooges who run our government wouldn't survive long if'journalists'would ever report the truth.But they won't.They never have and they never will.


"People like to think that Fake News is a recent development.But the reality is that the news has always been fake.The term'Yellow Journalism'was coined to describe a media climate[in the 1890s]very similar to the one we have today,where 95%of all media is owned by five bloodthirsty corporations;corporations who have no commitment to the truth and no loyalty to the United States.Just endless greed and corruption.


"Now,many silly Boomers will push back on that,'cause they like to romanticize about how there was a time back in their day,when at least the media tried to be objective.But that is hilariously false.The media in their day watched our President get trotted out in the open by his own security team,have his head blown off in broad daylight and never pushed back a single time,when it was explained away with a bunch of nakedly preposterous lies.


"Then,they saw no issue in allowing some of the co-conspirators in that murderous coup run the official investigation of it.Then,they let not just one but two of those co-conspirators become the President!


"Because the news has always been fake!Everything about the news industry in America is fake.Their esteemed heroes,Woodward and Bernstein are the opposite of real journalists.They're actually Mockingbird stooges who were served up their'Bombshell'stories on a silver platter by the crooked FBI,as part of a highly-coordinated CIA coup[against Nixon],similar to the Russiagate coup that the CIA coordinated against Donald Trump."


Steinbart explains that the media might have survived with its reputation intact if QAnon hadn't been done the way that it has.

斯坦巴特解释说,如果 QAnon 没有像现在这样做的话,媒体的声誉可能会完好无损地存活下来。



  • 本文由 发表于 2020年3月7日13:19:11
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